Born 13 May 1923 in Fremantle, Western Australia [16]
Son of "JK" James King FORRESTER and "Chris" Christina Brown Dunsire IZATT [P1]
Resided with his parents on Dunester Farm in Carnamah [P300]
Educated at the Carnamah State School in Carnamah and then as a boarder at Scotch College in the Perth suburb of Claremont [P9]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Carnamah in 1929, dressed as a "Dutchman" [4: 13-Jul-1929]
Won a 2nd prize for Boys Handwork in the Educational section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Came 2nd in the Boys Sack Race at the Sports Day and Picnic held at Centenary Park, Carnamah on 9 October 1930 [4: 18-Oct-1930]
At the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on Thursday 7 September 1933 won two 1st prizes for Handwork [5: 15-Sep-1933]
Won 1st prize for Cane/Raffia Work and 2nd for Wood/Fretwork at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1933 [5: 22-Sep-1933]
At the Carnamah Agricultural Show at Centenary Park, Carnamah on 6 September 1934 he won a 1st prize for Writing [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Girls Club's Children's Fancy Dress Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 2 November 1935 [5]
Himself and Robin METTAM attended the 1935 Fancy Dress Ball together dressed as "Barrow Pusher and Passenger" [5: 8-Nov-1935]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club from 1935-36 to 1939-40 [5: 8 & 15-Nov-1935, 5-Feb-1937] [4: 9-Mar-1940]
Played for Carnamah Blues in 1935-36, for the non-association Carnamah B in 1936-37, and for Carnamah Blues in 1939-40 [4] [5]
Winner of the Boys Bike Race at the Carnamah R.S.L. Easter Sports Meeting in Carnamah on Monday 13 April 1936 [5: 17-Apr-1936]
Won a 1st prize for Handwork and the Special Prize for Best Model in Fretwork at the 1936 Carnamah Agricultural Show [5: 18-Sep-1936]
Came 2nd in the Under 14 Years Bike Race at the Carnamah Football Club's Scratch Match in Carnamah on 28 June 1936 [5: 3-Jul-1936]
Runner-Up for Best Girl or Boy Rider in the Ring Events at the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 10 September 1936 [5: 18-Sep-1936]
Competed in the Junior Bike Races conducted in Carnamah by the Carnamah Athletic Club in 1936 [5: 23-Oct-1936]
Came 13 in the 13 Years & Over Boys Running Race at the Inter-School Sports in Carnamah on Friday 2 October 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 14 November 1936 as an "American Negro" [5: 20-Nov-1936]
Member of John BOWMAN's XI who played against the Carnamah Cricket Club for the opening of the 1936-37 season [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Spent the May 1937 school holidays with his father and stepmother in Carnamah[5: 14-May-1937]
After concluding his schooling at Scotch College in 1938 he returned to Carnamah and farmed with his father [P300]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1939 [0: image 02837]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club in 1939 [489]
Steward of the Wool section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Shows in 1939, 1940 and 1941 [13]
Member of the Carnamah Junior Farmers' Club - was Vice President in 1940 [0: image 03062]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1940 [0: image 03961]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1941 [0: image 02933]
Travelled to Perth on his 18th birthday and successfully applied to join the Royal Australian Air Force [P300]
He went to the Pearce Air Base at the end of the year, and officially enlisted in the R.A.A.F. on 9 November 1941 [16] [P300]
After his first tour of duty of 35 operational flights over Europe he spent leave with relatives in Scotland [0: image 04270]
In August 1944 he was promoted from Pilot Officer to Flying Officer and also awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross [0: image 04270]
Received a congratulatory telegram from the Carnamah District Road Board on 16 August 1944 re his prestigious award [7: page 99]
Flying Officer 415517 in the 35th Squadron until the end of 1944, and then as part of the Aircrew Holding Unit [16] [P301]
Served in 60 missions over Europe, and was discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 16 January 1946 [16] [P301]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club 1945-1950 [0: images 04374 & 04558]
Became a member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge No.150 WAC on 19 July 1946 - was Worshipful Master in 1956 [96] [153]
Financial Member 1946-1971 and Committee Member 1954-1957 of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society [13] [58]
In 1947 became the freehold owner of 1525 acres of farmland in Carnamah previously in his father's name [3]
The 1525 acres consisted of Victoria Location 7187 and Lot M1498 of Victoria Location 1936 [3]
Farmer of Bowhill Farm in Carnamah 1947-1973 [7: page 105] [3] [60]
Assistant Steward of the Sheep section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Shows in 1947 and 1949 [13]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Football Club 1947-1949 [0: image 04466] [7: page 197]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club in 1947 [0: image 04483]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League in 1949 [0: image 04467]
In 1950 obtained the telephone at his home - was telephone number Carnamah-13[60]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1951 and 1952 [0: images 04625 & 04634]
Received electricity at his home from local firm Henry Parkin & Son; in 1952 paid a flat monthly rate of £1.17.6 for electricity [53]
Won the trophy for gaining the most points in the Grain and Fodder section at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1954 [0: image 04749]
Casket bearer at the funeral of Mrs Margaret S. BOWMAN on 8 December 1954 at the Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah [4: 11-Dec-1954]
Member of the Winchester Cricket Club 1954-1957 [0: image 04767] [4: 5-Apr-1957]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Ada R. HAIG on 27 September 1955 at the Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah [4: 1-Oct-1955]
In 1956 was the owner of a motor wagon with licence plate CA-28 [22]
Pallbearer at the funeral of farmer Charles W. J. TURNER on 10 July 1956 at the Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah [4: 13-Jul-1956]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Farmers' Union of WA - was Treasurer and a Committee Member in 1957 [4: 5-Apr-1957]
Member of the Carnamah Pasture Improvement Group [P46]
Foundation Member of the Carnamah Bowling Club [45]
In 1958 discovered a new subterranean variety of clover which was subsequently named Carnamah [4: 3-Oct-1958]
The discovered clover plants were carefully nurtured so the Institute of Agriculture could gather its seeds [4: 3-Oct-1958]
By 1960 he had been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the local Magisterial District [22]
As a Justice of the Peace he presided as Magistrate at criminal and traffic cases that went before the Carnamah Police Court [22]
The Carnamah Police Court dealt with cases involving Carnamah, Winchester, Waddy Forest, Coorow, Marchagee and Gunyidi [22]
Presided over his first case on 28 January 1960; between 1960 and 1963 presided and made rulings at 57 cases [22]
Served on the Carnamah Shire Council representing the Town Ward from 1960 to 1964 [7: page 112]
Farewelled from Carnamah at a farewell dinner put on by the Carnamah Shire Council on 4 May 1973 [7: page 105]
After selling their farm himself and his wife Joy retired to the Perth suburb of Wembley Downs [P300]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of City Beach [2]
Married (1) Mirium COUPE [84]
Married (2) "Joy" Joyce Dorina PITMAN [84] [P300]
Father of Ann, Margaret and Jill [45]
Died 28 March 2003; ashes interred Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Perth WA (Ground Niche, J, 18L) [2]
From The West Australian newspaper, Friday 18 May 1923:
"FORRESTER - On May 13, at Nurse Sheedy's Private Hospital, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. James K. Forrester, of Dunester, Carnamah - a son (Alan Robert Clark)"
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alan Robert Clark Forrester' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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