Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Hal" Albert Patterson HUNT

Born 26 April 1917 in Konnongorring, Western Australia [16]
Son of "Ted" Edward HUNT and Emily Isabel PATTERSON [114: page 225]
Resided with his parents on William PADBURY's Ellisford Farm in Wannamal 1923-1925 [114]
Student at the Wannamal State School in Wannamal 1923-1925 [114]
Along with his parents shifted from Wannamal to Three Springs in April 1925 [114]
Resided with parents on William PADBURY's Fairfield Farm in Three Springs 1925 onwards [114]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Three Springs on 28 November 1930 as "Robinson Crusoe" [4: 6-Dec-1930]
Attended the Farewell Evening tendered to local pioneer Mrs Blanche M. KOCH in Three Springs on 3 December 1932 [4: 10-Dec-1932]
Member of the Three Springs Football Club 1934-1937 [5: 15-Jun-1935, 12-Jul-1935, 14-Aug-1936, 14-May-1937]
Attended the Three Springs C.W.A. Ball at the Three Springs Hall on the evening of Thursday 22 November 1934 [5: 23-Nov-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Premiership Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on  Saturday 20 October 1934 [5: 26-Oct-1934]
Member of the Three Springs Tennis Club in 1935-36 [5: 17-Jan-1936]
Member of the Three Springs Cricket Club in 1935-36 and 1936-37 [5: 15-Nov-1935, 6-Nov-1936]
Attended the Valedictory Social for Miss Rachel M. A. WALLACE in Three Springs on Tuesday 15 December 1936 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
Attended the Surprise Party for Miss Joyce E. BASTIAN at The Oaks Farm in Three Springs on 12 February 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
Member of the No. 2 Troop of the "C" Squadron of the motorised 25th Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment in 1939 [P15]
      The No. 2 Troop was a local militia unit made of people from the North Midlands and trained in Carnamah once a fortnight [P15]
Farmer with his father of Fairfield Farm in Three Springs 1939-1941 [19]
Resided in Three Springs until enlisting in the Royal Australian Air Force on 14 July 1941 [16]
     Corporal 45214 in the Royal Australian Air Force's 1 Communications Unit during the Second World War [16]
     Discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 6 December 1945 [16]
Farmer with his father of Fairfield Farm in Three Springs in 1946 [19]
Farmer of Kendrick Farm in Bowgada 1946-1949 [19] [39: 6-Jul-1946, 7-Aug-1946]
Farmer of Yorkdale Farm in Marchagee via Coorow from 1949 until at least 1980 [5: 31-Mar-1949] [19]
     Purchased the farm's 8,098 acres consisting of Victoria Locations 8298 and 8382 from Frank R. BRYANT in March 1949 [3]
     The property was two miles east of the Marchagee townsite and the same included all stock and plant [5: 31-Mar-1949]
Member of the Coorow-Marchagee Fire Brigade - was Second Lieutenant in 1951 [4: 8-Sep-1951]
By 1986 he was living at 15 Main Street in the Coorow townsite (Lot 13 of Victoria Location 2023) [2]
Foundation Member of the Coorow Masonic Lodge [45]
Member and later Life Member of the  Coorow Bowling Club [45]
Member of the Coorow Golf Club - was later Patron and a Life Member [45]
Member of the Three Springs-Arrino Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League[45]
Patron of the Coorow-Latham Football Club [45]
Became an Associate Member of the Carnamah Masonic Lodge on 1 November 2002 [96]
Patron of the North Midlands Football League [45]
Father of Joy and Ian [45]
Died 30 November 2006 in Coorow; cremated at the Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Perth WA [2] [45]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Albert Patterson Hunt' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 13 March 2025 from [reference list]

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