Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Daphne" Alberta Daphne STEPHENS / ROOKE

Born 9 August 1908 in Northam, Western Australia [P142]
Daughter of Albert Edward STEPHENS and Rose Clarice PIMM; stepdaughter of "Ray" Raymond Robert WYLIE [P142]
Following her father's death shortly before she was born her mother purchased and ran a boarding house in Kellerberrin [P142]
Resided in Kellerberrin with her brother and mother, who in 1912 married Agricultural Bank inspector Raymond Robert WYLIE [P142]
Resided with her mother and stepfather on farmland at Emu Hill, in Perth, on farmland Goomalling and then in Carnamah [P142]
Received her early education by correspondence and then at the North Kumminin and South Kumminin State Schools [P142]
Shifted to Carnamah with her mother, stepfather and siblings in 1924 [P135]
About a year later her mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis, after which she took over the running of the house [P142]
She looked after the house and her younger siblings for seven years leading to her mother's death in 1931 [P142]
Attended the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on 6 August 1925 dressed as "Clever Mary"  [9: 21-Aug-1925]
Competitor in the Miss Carnamah Competition in 1926, which was run to raise funds for the Carnamah Rifle Club [39: 3-Aug-1926]
One of the four organisers of the Masquerade Ball held in Carnamah on Saturday 14 May 1927 [4: 21-May-1927]
Attended the wedding dance for Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Member of the Carnamah Girls Club in 1929 [4: 20-Jul-1929]
Attended the Anglican Church's Freak Ball in on 3 October 1929 wearing alice blue crepe de chine with tiered skirt [4: 12-Oct-1929]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1930 [4: 8-Nov-1930]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Ball at the Carnamah Hall on 18 May 1929 in a dress of shell pink crepe de chine [4: 25-May-1929]
On Thursday 8 August 1929 attended in wine georgette the Plain and Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall  [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Attended the Grand Ball following the Carnamah Show and opening of Centenary Park on 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Attended the Roman Catholic Church's Building Fund Ball in Carnamah on 24 May 1930 in a dress of black velvet [4: 31-May-1930]
Attended the Ball after the Carnamah Races on Thursday 2 October 1930 in a dress of dark red georgette with cream lace [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Won 1st prize for Cream Puffs and 2nd prize for the Best Worked White Table Centre at the Carnamah Show in 1932 [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Attended the Show Ball following the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 15 September 1932 in a gown of pink celenese [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Won 2nd prizes for a Table Centre and the Best Worked Doyleys at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932]
Member in 1932-33 and a Committee Member in 1933-34 of the Carnamah Tennis Club[5: 21-Oct-1932, 13-Oct-1933]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club in 1933, 1935, 1936 and 1937 [5: 30-Jun-1933, 5-Apr-1935, 9-Oct-1936, 7-May-1937]
Helped run the Produce stall at the Carnamah Anglican Church Bazaar held in Carnamah on Saturday 12 August 1933 [5: 18-Aug-1933]
Played Mary in "The Boy Comes Home" at the Carnamah Repertory Club's Inaugural Concert on 21 August 1933 [5: 25-Aug-1933] [72]
Attended the Card Party at John and Louisa ROOKE's home on Kilburn Farm in Carnamah on Thursday 8 June 1933 [5: 16-Jun-1933]
Won 2nd prizes for Embroidered Supper Cloth and Knitted Woollen Article at the Coorow Agricultural Show in 1933 [5: 15-Sep-1933]
Steward of the Flower section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Shows in 1933 and 1934 [5: 3-Aug-1934] [13]
Won 2nd prize for the "Best Exhibit of an Entirely Useless Article Made Useful" at the Three Springs Show in 1933 [5: 29-Sep-1933]
Herself and Miss Marjorie E. BARNES spent a weekend in Tardun in November 1933 visiting her brother George [5: 10-Nov-1933]
She was the recipient of a Miscellaneous Tea held in Carnamah on Thursday 4 January 1934 [5: 5-Jan-1934]
The Miscellaneous Tea was held in recognition of her upcoming marriage and was attended by about 150 of her friends [5]
Travelled from Carnamah to Perth on Wednesday 17 January 1934 in preparation for her upcoming wedding [5: 19-Jan-1934]
Married "Frank" Francis ROOKE at 5 p.m. on Saturday 27 January 1934 at Saint Paul's Church in West Perth [5: 2-Feb-1934]
     Wore a graceful gown of ankle length white georgette, with white lace yoke, and elbow puff sleaves including pin tucks [5]
     She was given away by her uncle J. OWENS and her bridesmaids were his sisters Miss Gladys WYLIE and Miss Joy WYLIE [5]
     A large crowd attended their wedding, including a number people from Carnamah who travelled to Perth for the event [5]
     Their wedding reception was at the home of Mr and Mrs J. OWENS in Leederville and hosted by her aunt Mrs MITCHELL [5]
     The next day proceeded by car to Bunbury and the South West before returning to Carnamah on 6 February 1934 [5: 9-Feb-1934]
Resided with her husband on Kilburn Farm in Carnamah 1934-1945 [P142]
On the evening of Thursday 15 March 1934 attended the Carnamah Race Club's Annual Dance at the Carnamah Hall [5: 16-Mar-1934]
Attended the Farewell Social to Miss Doris MCLEAN at BERRIGAN's home in Carnamah on Wednesday 11 April 1934 [5: 13-Apr-1934]
Attended Emily H. TURNER's 21st Birthday at Karragee Farm in Carnamah on Tuesday 8 May 1934 [5: 11-May-1934]
Attended the Roman Catholic Church's Ball in Carnamah on 26 May 1934 in a dress of ivory silk lace and georgette [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Attended the Repertory Social, of plays, community singing and dancing, held in Carnamah on 15 August 1934 [5: 17-Aug-1934]
Attended the Dance in aid of the Institute for the Blind held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday evening 18 August 1934 [5: 24-Aug-1934]
Sent a wreath for the grave of Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Attended the Super & Social held after the Carnamah Repertory Club's Fifth Concert on Thursday 25 July 1935 [5: 2-Aug-1935]
Attended May ROCCHI's birthday at her brother's farm in Carnamah on Thursday evening 15 August 1935 [5: 23-Aug-1935]
Exhibited in the Farm Produce, Vegetable and Fancy Work sections of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 12 September 1935 [5]
     Received four 1st prizes for White Hen Eggs, Peas, Maid's Dress and Article Made From Fleece [5]
     Attended the Show Ball held during the evening at the Carnamah Hall, wearing an outfit of salmon pink oatmeal satin [5: 20-Sep-1935]
Won 2nd prize for Brown Hen Eggs at the Three Springs Agricultural Show held on Thursday 19 September 1935 [5: 27-Sep-1935]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
After an absence she was again a member of the Carnamah Tennis Club from 1935-36 to 1937-38 [5: 18-Oct-1935, 16-Oct-1936, 13-Aug-1937]
Attended the Wedding Social & Dance for Stuart and May FORD at Koolabba Farm in Carnamah on 25 January 1936 [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Attended the Show Ball after the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 10 September 1936 dressed in almond crepe de chine [5: 18-Sep-1936]
Exhibited in the Photography section of the Three Springs Agricultural Show in Three Springs on Thursday 17 September 1936 [5]
     Awarded three 2nd prizes - for District Farm Life, Scenery and Any Other Subject [5: 25-Sep-1936]
Played Ann the maid in the play "The Golf Widow" at the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social on Friday 2 October 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
     Played one of the servants in the play "No Servants" at the Carnamah Repertory Club's Concert on 9 December 1936 [5: 11-Dec-1936]
Herself, her husband and their infant son returned to Carnamah on 4 February 1937 after spending ten days in Geraldton [5: 12-Feb-1937]
Attended the largely attended Carnamah Tennis Dance at the Carnamah Hall on 17 April 1937 in eau de nil crepe de chine [5: 23-Apr-1937]
Attended the Coronation Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Wednesday evening 12 May 1937 in "almond delustred crepe" [5: 14-May-1937]
     The ball and its festivities celebrated the coronation of King George VI of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth [5]
Played Alice Waybury in the play "Evening Dress Indispensable" at the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social on 25 June 1937 [5: 2-Jul-1937]
     Played one of the passengers in the Harold Brighthouse play "The Stoker" at the Club's Concert on 20 August 1937 [5: 27-Aug-1937]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Country Women's Association - was President in 1939 and Secretary in 1940 [0: images 03031, 03915]
Foundation Committee Member of Carnamah's branch of the Red Cross Society in 1939 [0: image 03834]
Along with her husband and children was bided farewell at a valedictory evening in the Carnamah Hall on 3 May 1945 [0: image 04321]
Left Carnamah in May 1945 [0: image 04321]
Resided in Hensman Street in South Perth for 15 years, and then at 281 Canning Highway in the Perth suburb of Como [P142]
Mother of Gilbert and Janice [P142]
Died 12 March 1970; ashes interred Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Crematorium Rose Gardens, 16, 278) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alberta Daphne Stephens / Rooke' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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