Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Lester" Alester Edward M. O. SHAW

Born 26 August 1892 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [16]
Farmer in Ucarty via Dowerin, Western Australia in 1916 [30]
Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in Perth on 3 May 1916 [30: item 8081315]
     On enlistment he was noted as 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 123 lbs. with grey eyes, brown hair and a ruddy complexion [30]
     Gave his next of kin as his mother, Mrs Florence Winifred SHAW, whose address was 1235 Varden Street, Kalgoorlie [30]
     Had previously served two years with the School Cadets and one and a half years with the Mounted Cadets, both in Northam [30]
     After training at Blackboy Hill he was appointed on 28 September 1916 to the 4th Reinforcements of the 44th Battalion [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the H.M.A.T. Port Macquarie on 13 October 1916 [30]
     Disembarked in Plymouth, England on 12 December 1916 and after further training proceeded to France on 4 February 1917 [30]
     Private 2411 in the Australian Imperial Force's 44th Battalion in France during the First World War [30]
     Embarked London, England on the H. T. Barambah on 9 September 1919 and disembarked in Fremantle on 17 October 1919 [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 2 December 1919; received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
Farmer in Arrino, Western Australia 1921-1930 [6] [19]
     His farm was 982 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 2802, 2987 and 7157 [44]
     Victoria Locations 2802 and 2987 had previously belonged to Samuel J. PHILLIPS of The Grange in Irwin [44]
     Member of the Arrino Cricket Club in 1922-23 [9: 2-Mar-1923]
     Married Lois Emma SERLS in 1923 [66]
     In 1927-28 financial year he owned a Dodge car or truck registered with the Mingenew Road Board with license plate MI-66 [325]
     He completed building a house for Frank F. WEAVER on Woopenatty Station in Arrino in April 1928 [144]
Having sold his farm in Arrino he held a clearing sale to sell stock, plant and machinery at 2 p.m. on Thursday 13 March 1930 [4]
     Stock sold at the sale consisted of 280 mixed sheep, five cows with calves at foot, 11 good farm horses and one steer [4: 8-Mar-1930]
     Plant and machinery included an 8-foot McKay harvester, 6-foot Massey binder, 16/13 McKay combine, 15-disc drill, [4: 8-Mar-1930]
     4-F.M.B. plough, 10-disc Shearer plough, chaffcutter and engine, 4-leaf harrows, Robinson dry pickler, wagon, dray, sulky, [4]
     three 1000-gallon tanks, one 2000-gallon tank, one 200-gallon tank and one 100-gallon tank, harnesses, and 30 tons of hay [4]
Prior to leaving the district he was tendered a Valedictory Social in Arrino on Tuesday 18 March 1930 [4: 15-Mar-1930]
Victoria Locations 2802, 2987 and 7157, which comprised his farm in Arrino, were later owned by Benjamin J. ACKLEY [61]
Famer at Southern Brook in the Northam district in 1936 [50]
Resided in the Perth suburb of Cannington prior to enlisting in the Australian Army on 11 October 1940 [16]
     Private W27436 in the Australian Army during the Second World War, and afterwards until his discharge on 14 August 1952 [16]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Bentley [2]
Died 26 May 1978; buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (General, Lawn 1, 162) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alester Edward M. O. Shaw' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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