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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Alf" Alfred Edward TURNER

Son of William Hamilton TURNER and Ellen Eliza LANGLEY [P96]
Station-hand on Mt Wittenoon Station at Yalgoo in the Murchison until 1925 [50]
Farmhand and Shearer in Carnamah for a lengthy period [P96]
During some of his time in the district he resided on his brother Charles' Karragee Farm in Carnamah [P96]
Purchased 2,296 acres of virgin land in Carnamah in partnership with his brother Sydney Langley TURNER on 15 June 1925 [27]
The 2,296 acres was purchased from the Midland Railway Company and cost £1339/5/-, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
The acreage consisted of Lots M1024, M1025 and M1026 of Victoria Location 1935 - respectively 10/6, 14/6 and 10/- per acre [27]
Farmer in Carnamah in 1925-1928 [6] [19] [27]
Committee Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1927 [9: 21-Oct-1927]
Presumed to have sold out his share of the farm as on 4 February 1928 it was transferred solely into his brother Sydney's name [27]
Shifted to Perth where he worked on at the East Perth Power Station [P96]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alfred Edward Turner' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 23 December 2024 from [reference list]

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