Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 5 December 1889 in Coulsdon, Surrey, England [P328]
Daughter of Frederick Charles HOLDEN and Dolly BEADLE [P328]
She was in the house of her groomsman uncle Edward H. BEADLE in Croydon, Surrey at the time of the 1891 British Census [20]
In 1901 was living with her maternal grandmother Emma BEADLE at Wattenden Cottages in Coulsdon, Surrey, England [20]
Departed London, England on the Otranto and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 21 February 1911 [70]
Following her arrival she proceeded to Mornington Mills where she worked as an upstairs maid servant [P328]
Married (1) James Herbert THOMAS in 1912 [66]
After breaking up with her husband he took their daughter Dolly and she took their daughter "Violet" Alma Violet THOMAS [P328]
Met (2) "Augie" Augustus Frederick Leopold CROFT in the Perth suburb of Subiaco in 1916 [P328]
Although she and Augie didn't marry, she and her daughter Vi used the surname of CROFT [19] [66]
Resided with Augie on Osnabruck Farm in Moora 1919-1922 [50]
Later resided with her partner Augustus and later also their children on Wattle Dell Farm in Moora [P328]
In 1930 they left Moora and shifted to the Coorow townsite [P328]
They initially resided in a makeshift house called The Haven on land in Coorow belonging to the Midland Railway Company [P328]
On 20 September 1935 she purchased two quarter acre blocks in the Coorow townsite (Lots 12 and 33 of Victoria Location 2023) [27]
She purchased the two blocks from the Midland Railway Company for £30, payable by instalments over 12 months [27]
Her partner constructed a house which they named Mornington on her Lot 12, which was on Poynton Parade in Coorow [P328]
Resided at Mornington on Poynton Parade in the Coorow townsite 1936-1941[P328]
Then resided with her partner and their children in a humpy on farmland at Lake Eganu west of Coorow 1941-1945 [3] [P328]
During their time at Lake Eganu she taught her three younger children by correspondence schooling [P328]
On leaving the farm they returned to their home Mornington in the Coorow townsite [P328]
In the mid 1950s they left Coorow and shifted to Latham, and in the later 1950s shifted to Mingenew [P328]
Resided in the Mingenew townsite for at least the years 1958-1970 [P328]
She and her partner Augie later resided with their daughter Dolly at 77 Carson Terrace in Geraldton [P328]
Following Augustus' death in 1974 she continued living with her daughter Dolly until her own death in 1981 [P328]
Mother of Frederick, Leo, Lloyd, Dolly, Joyce, Olga, Rodney, Max, Benjamin and April CROFT [P328]
Died 13 May 1981; buried at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton, Western Australia [26]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Alma Caroline Holden / Thomas / Croft' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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