Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Annie Margaret JAQUES / BASFORD

Born 1868 in Saint George in the East, London, England [20] [21]
Daughter of John James JAQUES and Harriett Theresa BUNCE [20] [21]
Her father worked as a Coal Merchant and later as a Bookseller & Newsagent [20]
She was the eldest of five children with younger siblings James, William, Charles and Emma [20]
Resided with her father at 22 Millais Road in Enfield, London, England 1923-1925 [377]
     Her father, said to have been the oldest "newsboy" in England, passed away in December 1925 at the age of 88 years [9: 11-Jun-1926]
She departed London, England on the steamship Orvieto and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 1 June 1926 [338]
     At the wharf in Fremantle she met her cousin for the first time - railway stationmaster William F. H. JAQUES of Moora [9: 11-Jun-1926]
     She returned with her cousin to Moora, where she stayed with him, his wife and their children at the local railway station [9]
     It was reported locally that she spoke "very interesting on matters generally in England, especially during the war period" [9]
     The following year she was described in one of Moora's local newspapers as "most intellectual and charming" [9: 30-Jul-1926]
Married vet "Harry" Henry Francis BASFORD at Saint James' Church in Moora on Wednesday morning 4 August 1926 [9: 30-Jul-1926]
     Her three bridesmaids were her cousin's daughters Topsy and Babe JAQUES and her husband's daughter Myrtle BASFORD [9]
     After an enjoyable honeymoon in Perth they spent a week in Moora and then proceeded to their home in Carnamah [9: 27-Aug-1926]
     She and her husband resided in Carnamah until about February 1927 when they moved to Capelcarra in Moora [9: 4 & 11-Feb-1927]
They resided in Moora in 1927 and 1928, on Basfordale Farm in Mogumber 1929-1942 [6] [44] and in Mingenew 1942-1945 [3]
     In 1927-28 she owned a Chevrolet car and Chevrolet truck registered with the Moora Road Board with plates M-69 and M-227 [325]
     She advertised in January 1927 that she was a cash buyer of any number of pigs as well as poultry [9: 27-Jan-1928]
Four days before her death she prepared her will, witnessed by staff of the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs [585]
     Signed her will with an X, certified by her doctor, as she was unable to sign her name due to physical disability [585]
     She bequethed half of her estate to her brother Jim JAQUES of England and the other half to her step-daughter Myrtle [585]
Died 8 October 1945 in Three Springs; buried at Mingenew Cemetery in Mingenew, Western Australia (Anglican, Plot 40A) [176]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Annie Margaret Jaques / Basford' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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