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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 6 July 1872 in Clare, South Australia [55]
Daughter of Benjamin HUTCHINS and Elizabeth ROSCROW [55]
Married George John Thomas BATTERSBY on 9 September 1889 in Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia [P335]
In Victoria gave birth to a daughter Olive Jane at Omeo on 21 June 1891, who died on 4 April 1892 in Cassilis [P335]
They shifted to Western Australia and lived in Boulder, Mount Magnet and Cue where he husband worked as a Miner [P335]
Resided with her husband and children on Wattle Vale Farm in Coorow, Western Australia 1908-1925 [P335]
Despite having no children of school age she led the local campaign to have the closed Coorow State School reopened in 1919 [215]
     After five months of written correspondence with the Education Department the school reopened on 19 August 1919 [215]
     She was one of four locals who signed a guarantee to supplement the teacher's wage if the enrolment fell below eight students [215]
     In 1919 and 1920 several children from Latham boarded with her in Coorow so they could attend the Coorow State School [215]
     Wrote to the Education Department numerous times to ensure the school stayed opened and to get an official school building [215]
     The school's teachers Mercia C. BARLOW in 1921 and Vera HARRY 1921-1924 boarded at her home on Wattle Vale Farm [215]
     After unfulfilled promises of an official school building she wrote to and recruited the help of Charles C. MALEY, M.L.A. [215]
     Her persistence paid off with the Education Department moving a school building from Golden Ridge to Coorow in May 1922 [215]
     The school had previously been at two rooms of the uninhabited Coorow House and then in a makeshift hessian and iron room[215]
Sometime after her son George's marriage in 1925 she shifted into the Coorow townsite where she ran a boarding house [P335]
     The boarding house was created in 1929 in what had been Fred BINGHAM's shop on the western side of Coorow [4: 24-Aug-1929]
     In 1930 her boarding house in Coorow was known as the "Coorow Hostel" and was telephone number Coorow-14 [4: 22-Nov-1930]
     Her hostel provided home-like accommodation for boarders and boasted every modern convenience [4: 22-Nov-1930]
Requested in March 1936 for the Carnamah District Road Board to remove the trees in front of her hostel in Coorow [5: 20-Mar-1936]
     At their monthly meeting on Wednesday 22 April 1936 the Carnamah District Road Board decided to remove the trees [5: 17-Apr-1936]
After vacating her boarding house its first class furniture and effects were sold at a clearing sale on Saturday 20 March 1937 [5]
     The sale had been organised by her son George and was conducted by auctioneer Alexander R. G. BARR of Three Springs [5]
     Everything from the boarding house was sold without reserve and included three single wooden bedsteads; six iron bedsteads; [5]
     two double wooden bedsteads and matrasses; 14 matrasses, pillows, quilts and blankets; two dressing tables with mirrors; [5]
     two wardrobes with mirrors; linos for eight rooms, four 6x20 linos; three cane chairs; three cane armchairs; 14 bentwood chairs; [5]
     three small tables; two Aladdin hanging lambs and fittings; curtains and fitting from all rooms; two armchairs; 18 oak chairs; [5]
     three 5x3 oak tables; three kitchen tables; one leather lounge; six glass bread crocks; one oak sideboard; four table lamps; [5]
     six hurricane lanterns; seven pairs of white blankets; eight pairs of grey blankets; large boiler; large safe; large mirror and stand; [5]
     cement bath; six verandah blinds and fittings; 40 fowls; and a large quantity of crockery, cut glass, kitchen utensils, glassware, [5]
     cutlery, towels, sheets, pillow slips, cushions, table cloths, table centres, tools, books and a host of sundries [5: 12-Mar-1937]
Left Coorow during the 1930s [P335]
Later resided at 27 Sussex Street in the Perth suburb of Victoria Park [39: 15-Jan-1940]
Mother of Edwin, Olive Jane, George, and Thomas [P335]
Died 13 January 1940; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Wesleyan, GA, 333) [2]
In her will she bequethed her son Edwin £25 in recognition of services he had rendered her in the past [545]
She directed that the balance of her estate be split between Harold GOLDSWORTHY of Moora and her son Thomas [545]

From The West Australian newspaper, Monday 15 January 1940:
"BATTERSBY. – On January 13, 1940, at Perth hospital, called Home, Annie Mary, the dearly beloved wife of the late George John Thomas Battersby, late of 27 Sussex Street, Victoria Park; fond and loving mother of Edward, Olive (deceased), George and Thomas; mother-in-law of Lucy, Vera and Daisy; grandmother of 15 grandchildren; aged 67 years."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Annie Mary Hutchins / Battersby' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 9 March 2025 from [reference list]

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