Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1864 in Newry, Down, Northern Ireland [30]
Married "Dave" Edgar DAVIESON [15]
Resided with her husband and children in the Perth suburbs of Fremantle and Maylands before shifting to Carnamah [30: item 1507349]
On 14 February 1914 she and her daughter Winifred purchased a block in the then recently surveyed Carnamah townsite [27]
     The block was 2 Macpherson Street (Lot 8 of Victoria Location 1936) on the south east corner of Yarra & Macpherson Streets [27]
     The vacant block was purchased from the Midland Railway Company, was 2½ acres in size and came at a cost of £29 [27]
     Herself and her daughter had a tin and weatherboard shop constructed on the block [51] which was about 10 by 10 feet in size[P300]
General Storekeeper in Carnamah 1914-1920 [6] [7: page 153] [9: 16-Jul-1920] [10: 26-Feb-1915] [51]
     Ran the store in partnership with her daughter Winifred, trading as "A. & W. Davieson" [6]
     Their store sold all sorts of goods and supplies and was also an Agency for the Bank of Australasia [7: page 153]
     They also sold copies of The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, which was published weekly at Moora [9: 25-Oct-1918, 26-Dec-1919]
     In March 1915 she made substantial additions to their store in Carnamah [9: 2-Apr-1915]
She and her daughter Winifred purchased the vacant townsite block next to their General Store on 29 September 1915 [27]
     The block was 4 Macpherson Street (Lot 9 of Victoria Location 1936) on the south side of Macpherson Street [27]
     They purchased the vacant block from the Midland Railway Company for £20, payable by instalments over two years [27]
She held the registered horse and cattle firebrand of U0D for her and her daughter's two townsite blocks in Carnamah [486]
In late 1915 she and her son-in-law William J. FARRELL approached the Midland Railway Coy wanting to buy farmland [34]
     She, her son-in-law William and William's brother were desirous of purchasing farms M938, M954 and M955 in Carnamah [34]
     The Midland Railway Company refused to sell the farms to them as they were unable to finance the proposition [34]
Purchased the vacant block at 1 Yarra Street, Carnamah (Lot 1 of Victoria Location 1836) on 1 March 1916 [27]
     The block was purchased from the Midland Railway Company for £20, payable by instalments over two years [27]
     Her son had originally purchased the block on 20 February 1914, however that sale had been rescinded on 4 November 1915 [27]
     1 Yarra Street remained in her name for the remainder of her life, and for almost ten years after her death [3] [4: 2-Aug-1952]
     In 1952 the Carnamah District Road Board sold the block by auction to Mrs Catherine M. SMITH to recover £4/15/- in rates [3] [4]
Helped cater for the supper at the evening dance of the Carnamah Races held on Easter Monday 9 April 1917 [9: 27-Apr-1917]
Donated £1 to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1919 [124]
Member of the Carnamah Hall Committee in 1919 [10: 29-Aug-1919]
Attended May BERRIGAN's 21st Birthday at the Three Springs Agricultural Hall on 12 September 1919 [9: 19-Sep-1919]
Hosted a Euchre Party & Dance at her home in aid of the Carnamah Hall Fund on Saturday 8 November 1919 [10: 14-Nov-1919]
     The evening was reported to have been an entertaining and financial success, and raised £17 for the Carnamah Hall Fund [10]
     John LANG spoke in thanks for her family's public spiritedness, which was met with acclamation from those present [10]
Donated salads to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on 17 March 1920 [124]
Managed the General Store at 2 Macpherson Street, Carnamah with her daughter Winifred until 1920 [9: 16-Jul-1920]
In July 1920 she and her daughter sold their storekeeping business in Carnamah to her son Theodore T. DAVIESON [9: 16-Jul-1920]
Resided in Carnamah until C.1924 [30], and by mid 1924 was living in Perenjori [44]
In 1930 was still living in Perenjori and was the owner of three blocks in the Perenjori townsite [61]
Resided in Wubin for at least the years 1935-1942 [2] [19]
Mother of Juanita, Theodore and Winifred [15]
Died 25 October 1942; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Roman Catholic, DA, 62) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Annie McMahon / Davieson' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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