Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Annie Skirving ROSS

Born 26 November 1877 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland [28]
Daughter of farmer and contractor David ROSS and Frances HENDERSON [20] [28]
     She was born at 7:43 at night on Townsend Place in Kirkcaldy [28]
     She was one of at least six children with elder siblings John, Elizabeth and David, and younger brothers Charles and Laurence [20]
     In 1891 she was living with her parents and siblings at 52 Townsend Place in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland [20]
     Her mother passed away at the age of 52 in 1897 and in about 1903 her father married Wilhelmina [20]
     In 1911 she was living with her father, stepmother and brother Laurence at 11 Townsend Crescent in Kirkcaldy, FIfe [20]
Departed from London, England on the steamship Orama on 10 November 1911 bound for Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [203]
     She travelled on the Orama with her brother Laurence Hally ROSS and sister-in-law Mrs Hannah Chisholm ROSS [203]
     Resided with her brother Laurence and sister-in-law Hannah on farmland at Redbank near Stratford in the Gippsland of Victoria [50]
     Departed Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on the steamship Orsova and arrived in London, England on 12 September 1914 [204]
     Her intended country of future permanent residence was Scotland and her address following her arrival was Kirkcaldy, Fife [204]
Later resided at Upper Tooting, London, England before once again immigrating to Australia [203]
     Departed London, England on the steamship Omar on 22 September 1922 bound for Sydney, New South Wales, Ausyralia [203]
     In 1925 she was living with her brother Laurence and sister-in-law on Kelvin Grove Farm in Maddington, Western Australia [50]
Shop Assistant at the General Store at 7 Macpherson Street in Carnamah, Western Australia [P5]
     Attended the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held in the Carnamah Hall on 6 August 1925 dressed as "Night" [9: 21-Aug-1925]
     Participated in the annual Carnamah kangaroo hunt of September 1925, riding a horse named Hup [9: 18-Sep-1925]
     Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club - was a Committee Member and Treasurer in 1927-28 [39: 25-Oct-1927]
     Played the organ at the wedding of Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred LANG in Carnamah on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
     Foundation Treasurer of the Carnamah Presbyterian Ladies Guild in 1929 [105]
     Attended the Grand Ball following the Carnamah Show and opening of Centenary Park on 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
She was a passenger in Carnamah farmer John BOWMAN's truck on Sunday afternoon 6 January 1929 [4: 12-Jan-1929]
     The truck was returning to BOWMAN's homestead after a visit to some of the back blocks of the farm [4]
     At about 4:15 p.m. something went wrong with the steering gear and the truck turned aside and struck a tree with great force [4]
     She was severely cut on her face and arm and was taken to the hospital in Three Springs for medical treatment [4]
     John BOWMAN, who was driving, suffered bruising while "Belle" Isabella M. EASTON received slight cuts [4]
     Thomas J. BUCKINGHAM threw himself back in the seat the moment he saw a smash was inevitable and escaped injury [4]
Left Carnamah during July 1930 to spend a few days in Perth before leaving Australia [225: 14-Jul-1930]
     Departed from Fremantle, Western Australia on the steamship Barrabool and arrived in London, England on 15 August 1930 [204]
     She listed her intended country of future permanent residence as Scotland [204]
     Her address following her arrival was Townsend Crescent in her home town of Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland [204]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Annie Skirving Ross' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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