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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Anselmo MONACO

Born 17 February 1912 in Italy [22] [30]
Arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on the Oronsay on 23 June 1930[30]
Farmhand for Louis P. PARKER on Vaughanleoalaric Farm in Winchester C.1930 [P5]
During harvest he could sew and pack tight 100 bags of wheat a day [P5]
Said to have spoken a very unique style of English due to being an Italian and having spent time in Canada and Australia [P5]
Farmhand in Winchester in 1937 [22]
In 1939 he was working as a Wood Cutter in Bibra Lake via Fremantle [30]
During the Second World War registered under National Security Regulations in Fremantle on 21 October 1939 [30]
In 1948 was self employed as a Wood Merchant and was living in Russell Road in South Coogee [30]
Applied for naturalisation on 30 January 1948 and on 4 March 1948 in Perth became a naturalised Australian citizen [30: item 3090771]
When he applied for naturalisation he was 5 foot 6 inches tall of sturdy build and had black hair and grey eyes [30]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Hilton [2]
Husband of Calogera [30]
Father of Gugliemo, Maria and Josephine [30]
Died 21 May 1996; buried Fremantle Cemetery, Perth suburb of Palmyra (General Lawn, Lawn P, 385) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Anselmo Monaco' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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