Born 1 July 1901 in Balaklava, South Australia [16]
Son of Alfred Ernest Cockerill SMITH and Mary Ann UNDERWOOD [55]
He and his brother Colin shifted to and began share-farming in Arrino, Western Australia in 1927 [4: 28-May-1927]
"Smith Bros" of Arrino purchased a Case tractor through Westralian Farmers Ltd in April 1927 [4: 23-Apr-1927]
Sharefarmer and later Farmer in Arrino [P2] 1927-1942 [6] [9]
He and his brother Colin were share-farming at Bellaranganear Dudawa, East Arrino in 1929 [4: 17-Nov-1928]
In 1929 they obtained "a remarkable heavy yield" for the Ford variety of wheat grown on light sandplain country [4]
Married "Elvie" Elvera Grace CONNOLLY on Tuesday 11 July 1933 at the Anglican Church in Three Springs [5: 14-Jul-1933]
At their wedding his best man was Arrino farmer Leonard R. BYGRAVE while the bridesmaid was Elvie's sister Alma [5]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show and Show Ball on Thursday 20 September 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Member of the Dudawa Tennis Club in 1928-29 [4: 20-Apr-1929]
Attended the Beach Committee's Dance held at the Dongara Hall in Dongara on Monday evening 28 February 1929 [4: 2-Feb-1929]
Attended the Anglican Church's Fancy Dress Ball in Three Springs on Thursday 27 June 1929 as a "Dudawa Cowboy" [4: 6-Jul-1929]
Member of the Arrino Tennis Club 1930-1935, and a Committee Member in 1935-36 and 1936-37 [4: 8-Nov-1930] [5: 20-Sep-1935, 2-Oct-1936]
Lieutenant in the Three Springs Road Board District Bush Fire Brigade in 1933-34 and 1934-35 [5: 10-Nov-1933, 9-Nov-1934]
After a visit to Perth he returned to Arrino by train on Saturday 24 March 1934[5: 30-Mar-1934]
Won the euchre competition at the Euchre Party and Dance held at the Arrino Hall on Tuesday 15 May 1934 [5: 18-May-1934]
Umpire for the North Midlands Football Association in 1934 [5: 22-Jun-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Premiership Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 20 October 1934 [5: 26-Oct-1934]
Represented Dudawa in a cricket match against the Arrino Cricket Club in Arrino on Saturday 16 February 1935 [5: 22-Feb-1935]
Won 1st prizes for Wheaten Hay and Green Wheat for Hay at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1935 [5: 27-Sep-1935]
In mid November 1935 sold 71 wethers through Elder Smith & Co Ltd - 59 for 13/7 per head and 12 for 11/10 per head [5: 15-Nov-1935]
Member of the Arrino Cricket Club in 1935-36 and 1936-37 [5: 21-Feb-1936, 22-Jan-1937]
Leased a property known as Williams Bros in Dudawa, East Arrino until his lease expired in early 1936 [5: 7 & 14-Feb-1936, 6-Mar-1936]
The property was situated 14 miles east of Arrino and 20 miles west of Morawa on the Morawa-Three Springs Road [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Following the expiration of his lease he held a clearing sale on the property on Thursday 27 February 1936 [5]
Livestock sold included 500 sheep (150 mated Merino ewes, 100 Merino weaners, 250 Merino wethers), 14 horses and 10 pigs [5]
Plant, machinery and sundries sold, including some prices in brackets, were 16-disc McKay drill (£27), 3-ton lorry (£15), [5]
10-foot McKay header (£15), 8-foot McKay header (£10), 16-run McKay combine and drill harrows (£35), [5]
14-disc McKay sundercut (£9), 10-disc McKay sundercut (£11/10/-), 6-foot binder with forecarriage, spring tip dray (£14), [5]
Hannaford pickler and grader (£24/10/-), 3-knife McKay chaffcutter and elevator (£15), set of equalisers for ten horses, [5]
eight sets of swings and chains, wool table, tractor parts for 2-ton Holt, quantity of scrap iron, and 25 bags of Burts-Early oats [5]
The sale was reported to have been very successful, with everything being sold to buyers from the Midland and Wongan lines [5]
Despite his lease expiring and holding a clearing sale he continued farming in Arrino until 1942 [6]
In February 1936 applied for the Three Springs Road Board to clear and form a road to his block, Lot M1726 [5: 28-Feb-1936]
The Three Springs Road Board decided they couldn't, as his farm block was actually within the Mingenew Road Board [5]
Five months later the Mingenew Road Board wrote to the Three Springs Board requesting the cost of the road be split [5: 10-Jul-1936]
The Three Springs Board decided to ascertain how long the road would be (on this occasion his block was noted as Lot M1623) [5]
In October 1936 the prospect was raised to transfer his property from the Mingenew to the Three Springs Road Board [5: 23-Oct-1936]
The Three Springs Road Board estimated in January 1937 that the road would cost £150, which they couldn't afford [5: 22-Jan-1937]
He again wrote to the Three Springs Road Board in February 1937 on the matter of him having no outlet from his property [5]
He wanted to know what the Three Springs Road Board's intentions were, and explained that he only required a cleared track [5]
The Three Springs Road Board responded requesting a written statement of the work required for the road [5: 5-Mar-1937]
In March 1937 the Three Springs Road Board advised the Mingenew Road Board they intended clearing a 16 foot wide road [5]
The road, which was on the board boundaries, was made at a shared cost between Three Springs and Mingenew [5: 23-Apr-1937]
In May 1937 correspondence was still going about with the Mingenew Road Board intending to clear the road at a shared cost [5]
They intended clearing a road from his farm boundary to and along Durack's Road to link up with the road to Arrino [5: 21-May-1937]
His farmhouse was built from cement bricks that Herbert B. FAWCETT and Cyril H. CONNOLLY had made at Blue Water [144]
Purchased a new 16.33 rigid tyne combine from Westralian Farmers Ltd in April 1936 [5: 10-Apr-1936]
Committee Member of the Three Springs Agricultural Society in 1936 [5: 1-May-1936]
Umpired the football match between Carnamah and Arrino on 5 July 1936, giving a "fair interpretation of the rules" [5: 10-Jul-1936]
He was also the Association appointed umpire for the challenge match for the finals of the 1936 season [5: 21-Aug-1936, 11-Sep-1936]
Umpired the Grand Final of the North Midlands Football Association between Carnamah and Arrino on 6 September 1936 [5]
Gave evidence at a meeting of the North Midlands Football Association's Disputes Board on Monday 21 September 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
The Board ruled Arrino forfeited the Grand Final to Carnamah by playing a disqualified player and refusing to finish the match [5]
Sold ten pigs through Elder Smith & Co Ltd at the Midland Market in Perth on Wednesday 15 September 1937 [5: 17-Sep-1937]
The ten pigs consisted of 3 baconers at 73/6, 4 porkers at 60/6, 2 porkers at 59/6 and 1 porker at 55/6 [5]
Attended the Farewell Social & Dance held for Vincent & May TIPPETT in Three Springs on Monday 28 July 1941 [4: 2-Aug-1941]
Private W71880 in Arrino's local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
During the 1940s he and his wife left Arrino and shifted to Dongara where they had purchased a small farm [P121]
Pallbearer at the funeral of ex-Arrino farmer Henry Charles STACEY at the Dongara Cemetery on 28 April 1945 [4: 6-Jan-1945]
Resided of late in the coastal town of Port Denison near Dongara [132]
Died 16 September 1982 at the Geraldton Regional Hospital, Geraldton; buried Dongara Cemetery, Dongara (Anglican, Plot 99) [132]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Arthur Albert Victor Cockerill Smith' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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