Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Arthur PARRY

Member of the Carnamah Rifle Club in 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Attended the Carnamah Cricket Club's Ball held at the Carnamah Town Hall on 20 April 1929 [4: 27-Apr-1929]
On 18 May 1929 attended the Carnamah Football Club's Opening Season Ball held at the Carnamah Town Hall [4: 25-May-1929]
Attended the Grand Ball following the Carnamah Show and opening of Centenary Park on Thursday 19 September 1929 [4: 28-Sep-1929]
Saw in the new year of 1930 with the singing of Auld Lang Syne at the Church of England's Dance at the Carnamah Hall [86: 4-Jan-1930]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League in 1930 [4: 12-Jul-1930]
Attended the Ball in Carnamah in aid of the local Roman Catholic Church's building fund on Thursday 24 May 1930 [4: 31-May-1930]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club - was Trainer and Social Committee Member in 1930 [86: 15-Mar-1930]
Attended the Fancy Dress Ball held in Carnamah dressed as a "Clown" on Thursday 28 August 1930 [4: 6-Sep-1930]
Carpenter in Carnamah in 1931 [4: 28-Mar-1931]
He lived with Ernest C. and Eileen E. ANDREWS in a house a short distance west of the Carnamah townsite [4: 28-Mar-1931]
     On 24 March 1931, while Mr and Mrs ANDREWS were away, the house and all within it was destroyed by fire [4]
     He was sleeping at the time of the fire and only just escaped the fire after waking from people yelling outside the house [4]
     Lost all of his possessions and all of his carpenters tools in the fire [4: 28-Mar-1931]
Seller of Fresh Fish, Fish Suppers, Oysters, Crayfish and Dressed Poultry in Carnamah in 1932 and 1933 [5: 8-Jul-1932, 17-Feb-1933]
     He commenced his fish shop in June 1932 [12: 16-Jun-1932]
     Ran his fish shop from the Old Post Office building at 23 Macpherson Street, Carnamah (opposite the Carnamah Hotel) [5]
     Orders for his fresh fish could be delivered with the mail [5: 15-Jul-1932, 7-Oct-1932]
     Advertised his business in The Carnamah-Three Springs Times & Arrino Advertiser newspaper [5: 8-Jul-1932]
     The newspaper revealed on 22 July 1932 that the suppers served as his new fish shop were very popular [5: 22-Jul-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows Friendly Society in 1932 [5: 14-Oct-1932]
On 22 July 1932 advertised that he had an office to let in his premises opposite the Carnamah Hotel [5: 22-Jul-1932]
During the time he had his fish shop he resided at the back of the shop [P7]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Arthur Parry' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 27 March 2025 from [reference list]

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