Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Aubrey Hubert BACK

Born 1891 in Perth, Western Australia [15]
Son of Thomas Henry BACK and Jane Elizabeth LUND [15]
Farmer in Boyanup 1909-1916 [6]
Applied to enlist in the Australian Imperial Force on Bunbury on 22 January 1916, and was passed as fit for Active Service [30]
     Officially enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force at the Blackboy Hill military training camp on 29 March 1916 [30: item 3043209]
     Upon enlistment he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighed 144 lbs., and had brown hair, blue eyes and a dark complexion [30]
     After training at Claremont on 4 July 1916 appointed to the Australian Imperial Force's 4th Reinforcements of 51st Battalion [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the H.M.AT. A28 Miltiades on 9 August 1916 [18]
     Disembarked in Plymouth, England and after training proceeded to France on the Princess Victoria on 16 January 1917 [30]
     Private 2141 in the Australian Imperial Force's 51st Battalion in France during the First World War [30: item 3043209]
     Wounded in Action in France on 9 April 1917 - received a gunshot wound to his head and abrasions to his ribs [30]
     Evacuated to England on 2 May 1917 for treatment at a military hospital for severe contusions after being buried by a shell [30]
     Returned to Australia on the D13 Matutua for discharge due to a back injury, disembarking on 8 August 1918 [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 4 December 1918; received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
Farmer in Boyanup 1918-1932 [6]
Married Edith Louisa WEST in Fremantle in 1920 [66]
He and Herman Eakins COPE purchased in partnership 773 acres of virgin land in Carnamah on 15 October 1921 [27]
     The 733 acres was Lot M1079 of Victoria Location 1935, situated on the south side of what is now Waters Road [27] [62]
     The land was purchased from the Midland Railway Company for £638, payable by instalments over 15 years [27]
     Absentee Farmer and Grazier in Carnamah in partnership with Herman E. COPE as "Back & Cope" in 1921 and 1922 [27] [44]
     Remained in Boyanup, his interest in the property being assigned to and presumably farmed by Herman E. COPE [6] [27] [44]
     The sale on their farm in Carnamah was cancelled on 24 November 1922, with £606 of instalments still owing [27]
     The Midland Railway Company subsequently re-sold what had been their farm to "James" John WOODHOUSE in 1923 [27]
Farmed in Boyanup until 1932, and then from 1934 to 1939 resided at Bull Creek Road in the Perth suburb of Palmyra [6]
From 1940 until at least 1949 resided at High Road in the Perth suburb of Palmyra [6]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of East Fremantle [2]
Father of Leonard, Reginald, Walter, Bettina and Colin [P501]
Died 4 October 1968; ashes interred at Fremantle Cemetery in the Perth suburb of Palmyra [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Aubrey Hubert Back' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 27 March 2025 from [reference list]

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