Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Ben" Benjamin Edward CROFT

Born 6 April 1931 in Carnamah, Western Australia [166]
Son of Augustus Frederick Leopold CROFT and Alma Caroline THOMAS nee HOLDEN [P328]
Resided with his parents in Coorow, where his father worked as a Builder [19]
The "Croft Children" won 2nd prize for Collection of Wildflowers at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1935 [5: 13-Sep-1935]
Student at the Coorow State School [166]
Won a 2nd prize for Writing in the Educational section of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 2 September 1937 [5: 10-Sep-1937]
Student at the Watheroo State School in Watheroo for the brief period from 27 September 1943 to 8 November 1943 [166]
Married Margaret Jeanette HUNTER [P328]
Builder's Labourer in Coorow 1953-1964 and a Plumber in Coorow 1965-1970 [19]
Employed the services of local builder E. Clive HUNTER to build him a house in Coorow [P320]
Served as a member on the Coorow Shire Council 1987-1990 [45]
On leaving Coorow shifted to the coastal town of Green Head [45]
Member of the Leeman Country Club [45]
Foundation Member of the Green Head Golf Club [45]
Member of the Leeman Bowling Club [45]
Father of Larry and Audi [45]
Died 3 November 2006; cremated at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Perth WA [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Benjamin Edward Croft' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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