Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Blanche Amelia BROAD / BOTHE

Born 27 April 1893 in Round Hill, Western Australia [193]
Daughter of Richard BROAD and "Millie" Amelia Ann BARRETT [193]
As a child resided with her parents on farmland at Round Hill in the Moora district [193]
Her father had previously been married to May CAMPBELL, who died in 1882 [15] after being struck by lightning [120: 19-Dec-1929]
Began her schooling at the Sisters of Mercy Convent in the Perth suburb of Guildford [193]
While attending the Convent she boarded in Guildford with her half-sister Isabella and brother-in-law Henry SEYMOUR [193]
Later attended the Beaconsfield State School and then the Indarrie Sate School before it was renamed Bindi Bindi State School [193]
Shifted with her parents to Moora on their retirement when she was 18 years old[193]
Shop Assistant at Padbury's Stores in Moora [193]
Managed the drapery, millinery and boot departments of the store when it became the Central Midlands Co-operative Company [193]
In 1922 she successfully applied for a position at Coyne's Store in Yalgoo, however after three months returned to Moora [193]
Dressmaker in Moora 1917-1922 [50]
Operated as a Seamstress in Moora, creating numerous types of garments including elaborate wedding outfits [193]
At a dance she attended in Coorow she met local farmer Baxter BOTHE, and in 1923 they decided to get married [193]
Married Baxter Diederich BOTHE on 28 July 1923 at Saint George's Cathedral in Perth [10: 16-Aug-1923]
     Entered the cathedral on the arm of her half brother "Harry" Henry D. BROAD [10]
     She wore a graceful gown of ivory brocaded crepe de chine with draping of rich silk and silver lace [10]
     Her bridesmaid was her sister Miss "Pearl" Pearly Agnes BROAD, who wore a dress of mauve georgette and satin [10]
     They held their wedding reception at the Piccadilly Reception Rooms in Perth and spent their honeymoon in Kalamunda [10]
Resided with her husband and children on Inglewood Farm in Coorow [19]
She was one of 98 people from the Coorow district who signed a petition in 1929 for a local hotel license to be granted [39: 6-Feb-1929]
In August 1930 her garden was described as "exceptionally attractive" in The Irwin Index newspaper [4: 23-Aug-1930]
Won 2nd prizes for Butter and Cream Puffs at the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 18 September 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Exhibited in the Vegetable and Confectionary sections of the inaugural Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 8 September 1932 [5]
     Won 1st prize for Parsnips and 2nd prizes for Carrots, Peas and for the Best Collection of Vegetables [5]
     Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Sponge Sandwich and also 2nd prize for Marmalade in the Confectionary section [5: 16-Sep-1932]
     The next week won 1st prize for Sponge Sandwich and 2nd for a Collection of Pickles at the Carnamah Show [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Along with her husband and sons spent a holiday in Rockingham in January 1933 [5: 27-Jan-1933]
Attended the Official Opening of the Carnamah Golf Course at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 23 July 1933 [5: 28-Jul-1933]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society 1933-1948 [5: 23-Dec-1932, 3-May-1935] [150]
Very successfully exhibited in six sections of the second annual Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 7 September 1933 [5: 15-Sep-1933]
     Won 1st for Swedes, Onions, Potatoes, Radishes and for the Best Collection of Vegetables and 2nd for Turnips and Onions; [5]
     In the Flower section won 1st prizes for a Collection of Roses and Three Cut Roses and 2nd prize for Gent's Buttonhole [5]
     Won 1st prizes for Home Cured Bacon and Middle of Bacon and 2nd prize for Dressed Fowl in the Dairy Produce section [5]
     Won 1st for Sponge Sandwich, Collection of Jams and Pickles; 2nd for Fancy Scones, Plain Scones, Fruit Cake, Cream Puffs [5]
     Received both 1st and 2nd prize for Shortbread; and in the Photography section won 2nd prize for Half Dozen Snaps [5]
Received 1st prize for Plain Cake and 2nd prizes for Pickles and Middle of Bacon at the Carnamah Show in 1933 [5: 22-Sep-1933]
During April 1934 a Miss SEYMOUR of Miling spent a holiday staying with her in Coorow [5: 4-May-1934]
Exhibited in the Vegetable, Farm Produce, Flower and Photography sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1934 [5]
     Awarded 2nd prize for Beetroot and both 1st and 2nd prizes for Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips and Home Made Soap [5: 7-Sep-1934]
     1st for Collection of Roses, Three Cut Roses, Gent's Buttonhole, Middle of Bacon; 2nd for Ham and Best Half Dozen Snaps [5]
Sent a wreath for the grave of Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Attended the Official Opening of the Coorow Golf Club's golf course in Coorow on Sunday 23 June 1935 [5: 28-Jun-1935]
Exhibited in the Vegetable, Farm Produce, Flower and Photography sections at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1935 [5]
     In the Vegetable section won 1st prizes for Cauliflower and Peas, and 2nd prizes for Parsnips and Collection of Vegetables [5]
     Received four 1st prizes in the Farm Produce section - for Dressed Fowl, Bacon, Pickled Pork, and Home Made Soap [5]
     Won 1st prizes for Roses and Cut Roses, and 2nd prizes for Stocks and Gent's Buttonhole in the Flower section [5]
     Wrapped up her winnings with 2nd prize for "Best Half Dozen Snaps" in the Photography section [5: 13-Sep-1935]
Awarded The North Midland Times Trophy at the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 12 September 1935 [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     Received 1st prizes for Midland of Bacon and Ham, and both 1st and 2nd for Home Made Soap in the Farm Produce section [5]
     Won 1st prize for Radish in the Vegetable section; 1st for Pickles and 2nd for Sponge Sandwich in the Confectionary section [5]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Attended the 21st birthday of her niece Olive W. KAU at Meadow Dale Farm in Coorow on Saturday 18 January 1936 [5: 24-Jan-1936]
Attended the Coorow Golf Club's Opening Day for the 1936 season in Coorow on Sunday 17 May 1936 [5: 22-May-1936]
     She "beautifully decorated" the afternoon tea tables with prize rose blooms which received much admiration by those present [5]
Member of the Coorow Golf Club in 1936 [5: 24-Jul-1936]
She was a "prominent winner" in the Confectionary section of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 3 September 1936 [5]
     Won 1st prizes for Fancy Scones, Jams and Marmalade, 1st and 2nd for Pickles, and 2nd for Plain Scones and Fruit Cake [5]
     In the Farm Produce section won 1st prize for Home Made Soap and 2nd prizes for Middle Bacon and Pickled Pork [5]
     Won 1st prize for Parsnips in the Vegetable section and attended the Show Ball dressed in block and floral georgette [5: 4 & 11-Sep-1936]
Winner of The North Midland Times Trophy for the Farm Produce section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1936 [5: 18-Sep-1936]
     In Farm Produce she won 1st and 2nd prizes for Butter and Home Made Soap, and 2nd for Middle of Bacon and Ham [5]
     Won 1st prize for Fancy Scones and 2nd prizes for Sponge Sandwich, Marmalade and Pickles in the Confectionary section [5]
     In the Flower section won 1st for Iceland Poppies and Stocks, 1st and 2nd for Roses, and 2nd for Snapdragons and Carnations [5]
Advertised in November 1936 that she was looking for a girl for domestic work in her "good home with all conveniences" [5: 6-Nov-1936]
Attended Roy M. PATTON's birthday at the dam on Longforest Farm in Waddy Forest on Sunday 8 November 1936 [5: 13-Nov-1936]
Along with her husband and sons travelled to Perth during the third weekend of January 1937 for a three week holiday [5: 22-Jan-1937]
Attended the surprise 75th birthday for her father-in-law Heinrich W. BOTHE in Coorow on Tuesday 13 April 1937 [5: 16-Apr-1937]
At the 1937 Carnamah Show won the trophy for both the Confectionary and Farm Produce sections [0: image 03690]
Donated the trophy for the Farm Produce section of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society's Show in 1937 [150]
     Exhibited in the Confectionary, Farm Produce, Vegetable, Preserves and Flower sections of the Show and won three trophies [5]
     Received the Mrs W. J. Melvin Trophy for the Preserves section and the Stewart Dawson Trophy for the Confectionary section [5]
     Awarded both 1st and 2nd prizes for Fancy Scones, Candied Peel and Home Made Soap [5]
     Also received 1st prizes for Fruit Cake, Madeira Cake, Wheatmeal Brad, Preserved Fruits and Pickles [5]
     Received 2nd prizes for Peas, Parsnips, Cream Puffs, Shortbread, Pot Plant, Bulbous Flowers and Stocks [5: 10-Sep-1937]
In 1937 she and her husband purchased a "smart black and cream" Vauxhall 25 sedan car [81: 3-Oct-1937]
Sent a wreath for the funeral of Coorow stationmaster William C. Cox at the Karrakatta Cemetery on 4 November 1937 [5: 12-Nov-1937]
She, her husband, brother-in-law Charlie and Charlie's wife Maggie stayed at the Rose Hotel in Bunbury in early 1938 [435: 29-Jan-1938]
At the 1938 Carnamah Show was the outstanding exhibitor in the Farm Produce, Vegetable and Flower sections [0: image 03730]
Attended the funeral of Waddy Forest farmer Stanley L. FOLLAND at the Moora Cemetery on Monday 25 August 1941 [4: 30-Aug-1941]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Red Cross Society in 1942 [0: image 04107]
     She Mrs Margaret BOTHE supplied afternoon tea at the monthly Red Cross shop windows in Coorow in 1944 [5: 20-Jul-1945]
     Donated a trophy for the waltzing competition at the Coorow Red Cross Dance held on 20 October 1945 [5: 26-Oct-1945]
She and her husband hosted a Coming-of-Age Party for their son Dick at the Coorow Hall on 9 June 1945 [5: 22-Jun-1945]
    She did practically all of the cooking for the repast (meal) that the party commenced with [5]
    They presented Dick with a wooden key which was later autographed by all present [5]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Agricultural Society and Patriotic Funds Committee in 1945 [0: image 04319]
Exhibited at Coorow-Waddy Forest Red Cross Flower & Vegetable Show held in Coorow on 8 September 1945 [5]
    She was awarded 1st prize for Three Cut Roses and 2nd prize for Three Single Geraniums [5: 21-Sep-1945]
Received 1st prize for Roses exhibited in the Flower section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 12 September 1946 [5: 20-Sep-1946]
Won 1st for Marmalade and Three Cut Roses and 2nd for Collection of Roses at the Coorow Agricultural Show in 1946 [5: 11-Oct-1946]
Judged the Cookery section at the Carnamah Agricultural Shows from 1946 to 1949 [5: 20-Sep-1946, 19-Sep-1947, 16-Sep-1948,15-Sep-1949]
One of the speakers at the ladies' farewell afternoon for Mrs Phoebe E. HUNT at the Coorow Hall on 26 March 1947 [5: 4-Apr-1947]
She and her husband hosted the 21st birthday party for their son Lloyd at the Coorow Hall on 10 May 1947 [5: 23-May-1947]
Won 1st prizes for Parsnips, Gentleman's Buttonhole and Pot Plant Foilage at the Coorow Agricultural Show in 1947 [5: 12-Sep-1947]
Received prizes in the Pickles & Preserves and Flowers & Plants sections of the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1947 [5: 3-Oct-1947]
     Awarded 1st prize for hher Marmalade and 2nd prizes for Collection of Preserved Fruits and Pot Plant Not in Bloom [5]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Country Women's Association - was Treasurer in 1947 and 1948 [5: 7-Apr-1948] [173]
    Represented the Coorow branch at the Carnamah C.W.A.'s 17th Birthday afternoon tea on 17 November 1948 [5: 25-Nov-1948]
    Due to ill-health she did not seek re-election as Treasurer at the annual general meeting on 6 April 1949 [5: 21-Apr-1949]
Travelled south with her husband on 28 February 1948 to spend two weeks at the Criterion Hotel in Perth [5: 5-Mar-1948]
Won 2nd prize for Roses exhibited at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in Three Springs on 18 September 1948 [5: 30-Sep-1948]
Following her husband's death in 1950 she left Coorow and shifted to Perth [193]
In 1958 she was living at 48A Robert Street in the Perth suburb of Como [338]
Departed London, England on the steamship Strathmore and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 2 October 1958 [338]
Resided for a number of years at Flat 1, 330 Canning Highway in the Perth suburb of Como [50]
Resided of late at 112 Todd Avenue in the Perth suburb of Como [1]
Mother of Richard and Lloyd [14]
Died 13 September 1982; buried at the Winchester Cemetery in Carnamah, Western Australia (Row M, Plot 1) [1]

From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 19 December 1929:
Country Towns and Districts - Moora and Gingin - Historic Midland Districts - Prominent Personalities
"An interesting personality is Mr Richard Broad, the oldest resident in Moora today. He arrived from Dover, England in 1852 with his parents in the sailing ship Will Watch when eight years of age. In 1868 he drove a flock of 3,000 sheep from Geraldton to Roebourne. He eventually settled at Round Hill, 18 miles from Moora, where today there is a thriving settlement. Soon after his arrival at Round Hill he returned on night to find his two children pulling at the lifeless form of their mother, who had been struck by lightning. The nearest neighbour at that time was James Clinch, of Berkshire Valley. Mr Broad has a numerous family and his work at Round Hill is being carried on by Mr H. D. Broad, who takes a prominent part in the activities of the district."

From The West Australian newspaper, Saturday 25 March 1950:
Bereavement Notice
"The wife and sons, Richard and Lloyd, daughter-in-law Pauline, of the late BAXTER DEIDRICH BOTHE of Inglewood Coorow, W.A., desire to sincerely thank all kind relatives and friends for letters, cards, telegrams, beautiful floral tributes (that were so numerous that some addresses are unknown), also personal expressions of sympathy in the sudden sad loss of their very dearly beloved husband and father; especially do they wish to thank Mrs Pearce Taplin, of Coorow, Rev. F.W. Gunning, of Scarborough and all kind relatives and friends who travelled hundreds of miles to be at the graveside. Will all please accept this as a personal expression of their deep gratitude."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Blanche Amelia Broad / Bothe' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list]

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