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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Charles BONNER

Aboriginal of Carnamah in 1913 [39: 14 & 15-Aug-1913]
In mid 1913 he was a Bush Worker and was camping five miles north of Carnamah alongside the Midland Railway [39]
His dog died after eating some of a bitter sandwich that local railway fettler Henry McCLYMANS had spat out on 9 July 1913 [39]
The next day he reported the death of the dog to Donald MACPHERSON and spoke to a police constable by telephone [39]
As instructed by the police he showed the railway ganger his dead dog about 50 yards from where the gang had lunched [39]
The railway ganger, Frederick CODLWELL, put the dog in a bag and had fettler John SIMPTON take it to Carnamah [39]
It was later discovered that the sandwich contained strychnine and his dog had consumed enough to kill a man [39]
He gave evidence at the hearing into poisoning by Mrs Mary J. McCLYMANS at the Police Court in Moora on 13 August 1913 [39]
He could be the Charlie BONNER of Moora who died aged 86 on 17 July 1922 and was buried at the Moora Public Cemetery [116]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Bonner' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 18 January 2025 from [reference list]

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