Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Charlie" Charles Joseph Leslie BREWER

Born 1890 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [32]
Son of Charles BREWER and Martha Adeline SMITH [9: 20-Apr-1923] [32]
In 1905 was living with his parents at Bonnie Vale near Coolgardie where his father ran the Royal Exchange Hotel [6]
Possibly with his parents in 1914 at the Maylands Hotel in Guildford Road, Maylands which was also run by his father [6]
Married Florence Emily CLEAVER on 4 July 1916 at Saint James' Anglican Church in Moora [10: 11-Jul-1916]
Proprietor with his father of the Commercial Hotel in Moora 1916-1921 [9: 6-May-1921, 20-Apr-1923]
     In May 1921 the license and business of the hotel was transferred into his name by his father, who was leaving Moora [9: 6-May-1921]
     Sole Proprietor and Licensee of the Commercial Hotel in Moora 1921-1923 [9: 6-May-1921, 20-Apr-1923]
     Conducted the Publican's Booth at the Moora Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Moora on Friday 6 October 1922 [9: 15-Sep-1922]
     In April 1923 donated £1 to the Fund in aid of recently widowed Mrs HOLMES and her five children of Barberton [10: 13-Apr-1923]
     Upon the termination of his lease in April 1923 the Commercial Hotel was taken over by Alexander B. GLOSTER [9: 20-Apr-1923]
Proprietor of the Kulin Hotel in Kulin 1925-1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928, 16-Jul-1932] [6]
Purchased "Hotel Carnamah" at 22 Macpherson Street in Carnamah for £20,000 in December 1927 [39: 27-Dec-1927, 14 & 21-Jan-1928]
     Purchased the hotel from the Carnamah Hotel Company which consisted of the DAVIES and MCNAMARA families [81: 15-Jan-1928]
     At the time the sale price was record-breaking for a country hotel, although Carnamah was "a very prosperous district" [81: 15-Jan-1928]
     The price was reputedly justified as "shred financiers" saw "hotels in wheat centres as very sound investments" [81: 15-Jan-1928]
     An application to transfer the hotel license from George H. DAVIES to his own name was made on 20 January 1928 [39: 21-Jan-1928]
     At the time of the application his address was 5 Loma Street in the Perth suburb of Cottesloe [39: 21-Jan-1928]
     Shifted to Carnamah in February 1928 [4: 16-Jul-1932]
Proprietor, Licensee and Freehold Owner of the Carnamah Hotel at 22 Macpherson Street, Carnamah 1928-1932 [4: 31-Mar-1928] [6] [61]
     The hotel specialised in good cold beer and provided catering and up-to-date accommodation in 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
     He was said to have been "the fastest bloke behind a bar"[P7]
     In March 1928 replaced the Hotel's Delco Lighting Plant with a 180 amp electric lighting plant driven by a lister engine [4: 31-Mar-1928]
     Advertised in The Irwin Index newspaper to sell the old Delco Lighting Plant for £80 [4: 19-May-1928]
     In October 1928 purchased the hotel's first refrigerator, a Kelvinator, to keep food and such items cool [4: 20-Oct-1928]
     Had one of his busiest days at the hotel since he'd been in Carnamah on Saturday 27 October 1928 [4: 3-Nov-1928]
          Couldn't account for a reason why the hotel had so much business that day; at one time 26 cars were outside the hotel [4: 3-Nov-1928]
     Most of the hotel's visitors were agents and travellers who stayed a night passing through Carnamah on their way to Geraldton [43]
          A lot of farmers, especially those living further out, would also often stay a night or two of the weekend at the hotel [43: OH2261/35]
In 1928 was the owner of a "splendid specimen of a motor car" in his three year old luxuriously appointed Hupmobile eight [4: 2-Jun-1928]
He was one of the local shareholders of the Carnamah Brickworks Company in 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
     The company had produced about 17,000 bricks of excellent quality from local clay by September 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Conducted a refreshment booth at the Carnamah Race Club's Annual Race Meeting in March 1929 [4: 6-Apr-1929]
Gave evidence against a hotel license for Coorow when the Licensing Board met in Coorow on 3 May 1929 [10: 29-May-1929]
     He claimed his hotel had ample accommodation for travellers and planned additions to his premises included single rooms [10]
In 1929 his hotel included a hairdressing and billiard saloon [4: 21-Dec-1929]
Began making plans to add a second story to the Carnamah Hotel in February 1929 [4: 9-Feb-1929]
     Tenders for the extensive alterations closed on Wednesday 16 October 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
     Between late 1929 and 1931 modified and added a second story to the hotel at a cost of £6000 [4: 14-Dec-1929, 19-Dec-1931]
     The extensive improvements and additions to the hotel were effected by builder Eric J. CLARKE of Guildford [4: 2-Nov-1929]
     A special water supply was also installed, and a barber employed for the hotel's hairdressing and billiard saloon [4: 19-Oct-1929]
     In October 1929 began advertising his Hotel's "Hairdressing and Billiard Saloon" with "ladies hairdressing a specialty" [4: 19-Oct-1929]
An ice plant, to make ice for his hotel, was erected for him in Carnamah during March 1930 [39: 20-Mar-1930]
By December 1931 the hotel boasted 12 single rooms upstairs, another 18 beds downstairs as well as verandah space [4: 19-Dec-1931]
     Attractions of the hotel also included hot and cold water, a garage for motor vehicles and electric lighting [4: 19-Dec-1931]
     By 1932 the hotel also boasted a lady's lounge and a smoke room; in 1932 it cost 10/- per day to stay at the hotel [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Resided with his wife and children in their own quarters which were situated on a portion of the hotel's second story [43: OH2261/35]
     Their quarters consisted of a his and his wife's double bedroom, a sleep-out and their own sitting room, bathroom and toilet [43]
During his ownership the hotel was telephone number Carnamah-3 [4: 7-May-1932] [60]
Many years later his eldest daughter described him as being of slender build and around 5 feet 11 inches tall [43: OH2261/35]
     She also remarked that he always smoked a pipe and regularly played billiards, which he was very good at [43: OH2261/35]
Competed in billiard tournaments held at the premises of Frank BADRICK in Carnamah during February 1928 [31: 24-Feb-1928]
Member of a committee formed to obtain a hospital for Carnamah in 1928 [9: 23-Mar-1928]
Committee Member in 1928 and Vice President in 1930 of the Carnamah Race Club [4: 31-Mar-1928 & 21-Dec-1929]
Attended the wedding dance for Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Patron of the Carnamah Football Club 1928-1931 [4: 21-Apr-1928, 15-Mar-1930, 18-Apr-1931]
     Made a donation to the Carnamah Football Club to aid them in raising funds to send a team to Geraldton in 1928 [4: 22-Sep-1928]
     In 1929 generously made his truck available to the Carnamah Football Club for the transporting of players to matches [4: 15-Mar-1930]
In 1928-29 donated the Premiership Cup to the Coorow and Districts Cricket Association, which was won by Carnamah [4: 27-Apr-1929]
From 1928 to 1932 had an account with Carnamah blacksmith, wheelwright and motor mechanics Henry Parkin & Son [53]
Donated the large sum of £20 to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1928 [124]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Opening Season Ball held at the Carnamah Town Hall on 18 May 1929 [4: 25-May-1929]
Attended the Carnamah Anglican Church's Freak Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 3 October 1929 [4: 12-Oct-1929]
Attended the Ball in Carnamah in aid of the local Roman Catholic Church's building fund on Thursday 24 May 1930 [4: 31-May-1930]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Smoke Social held in the lounge of the Carnamah Hotel on 9 September 1930 [4: 13-Sep-1930]
     At the Smoke Social he filled the Premiership Cup with champagne amidst prolonged cheers and passed it round to those present [4]
Won 1st prize for Duck Eggs exhibited in the Dairy Produce section of the Carnamah Show on 18 September 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Vice President of the Carnamah Cricket Club 1930-1932 [4: 4-Oct-1930 & 13-Feb-1932]
Patron of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1931 [4: 25-Apr-1931]
Member on the Carnamah School Board in 1932 [4: 9-Jul-1932]
In 1932 donated a trophy to the Carnamah Rifle Club, known as the "Brewer Trophy" [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Advertised the Carnamah Hotel in the first edition of The Carnamah-Three Springs Times & Arrino Advertiser newspaper [5: 8-Jul-1932]
Foundation Vice President of the Coorow-Waddy Forest District Agricultural Society in 1932 [4: 9-Apr-1932]
Father of Billee, George, Phyllis, Joy and Lesley [14]
Died Friday 8 July 1932 in Carnamah; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row B, Plot 3) [1]
An inquest was held into his death which found "that death was caused through natural causes, namely myocarditis" [4: 13-Aug-1932]
His wife Florence ran the Carnamah Hotel from his death until 1936 [P9] [P22] [4: 15-Feb-1936]

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times And Arrino Advertiser newspaper, Friday 15 July 1932:
Mr. C. J. L. Brewer - Sudden Death at Home
On Friday last the residents of Carnamah were shocked to learn that Mr. C. Brewer, the popular and highly respected licensee of the Carnamah Hotel had died suddenly. Mr. Brewer was a member of a hotel-keeping family well known throughout the State. He was at one time the licensee of the Commercial Hotel, Moora."

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times And Arrino Advertiser newspaper, Friday 15 July 1932:
A Joint Funeral
"The burial of Mr. Robertson and Mr. Brewer took place in conjunction on Saturday, July 9th, and it is estimated that no less than one hundred cars formed the impressive cortege. A Church service was conducted at Carnamah by the Rev. A. W. Curtis, Anglican Rector and Paster Barnes of the Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. The funeral then proceeded to Winchester, arriving there at 3:45 p.m. The concluding portion of the service for Mr. Robertson was then taken by Mr. Barnes. ...At the conclusion of Mr. Robertson's funeral, the Rev. A. W. Curtis, conducted the closing portion of the service for Mr. Brewer. The Chief Mourners were Mrs. C. J. L. Brewer, Widow, Miss B. Brewer, daughter: Mr. and Mrs. N. McKenzie, Sister and Brother-in-law; Miss Joan McKenzie, Niece and Master Fred McKenzie, Nephew. The Pall Bearers were Dr. Rosenthal, Messrs Sheridan, McKenzie, Street, Harmer, Gloster, Brown and Drage."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 16 July 1932:
Carnamah in Mourning - Passing of Two Prominent Citizens
Memorable Double Funeral on Saturday Last - District's Wonderful Tribute of Respect
    "Hushed into a spirit of deep gloom with the news of the sudden death of Mr. R. Robertson, chairman of the Carnamah Road Board and a prominent public character in other respects, who was killed at his home as the result of a shooting accident on Thursday afternoon of last week, residents of Carnamah and the surrounding districts were stunned and horrified on the following day when it became known that Mr. Charles J. Brewer, licensee of the Carnamah Hotel, had been found dead in his bedroom, to which he had apparently retired during the afternoon for a brief rest. The remains of both the deceased gentlemen were laid to rest in the local cemetery on Saturday last, being followed to the graveside by a large cortege of people numbering approximately three hundred, who were conveyed in a long procession of over eighty motor vehicles.
     The Late Mr. Brewer - Tragic Death of a Young Man - The late Mr. Brewer was a comparatively young man, being only 42 years of age when he met his death under somewhat tragic and sudden circumstances. He was a native of Sydney (N.S.W.), and arrived in Carnamah during February of 1928, since which time he has held the licence of the Carnamah Hotel. He is survived by a widow, four daughters and one son, who have been the recipients of expressions of sympathy from residents throughout the whole of the district. A sad feature of the passing of the late Mr. Brewer was that immediately prior to his death he appeared to be in his usual state of health and quite cheerful. He retired to his room on Friday afternoon of last week and some little time later was found dead on his bed. A post mortem examination was conducted by Dr. Rosenthal, of Carnamah, the result of which is not yet known. A coroner's inquest was opened and adjourned until a report has been received from the Government Analyst. The late Mr. Brewer was a sterling supporting of local sporting activities, whilst he also contributed largely and materially assisted in the Soldiers' Memorial now standing adjacent to the railway station.
     A Memorable Funeral - Impressive Services At Carnamah Hall - Early on Saturday afternoon motor cars began to take up a stand in the main thoroughfare of the town, and punctually at 3 o'clock a large crowd quietly filed into the Carnamah Hall, where a combined service was conducted by the Rev. J. Barnes (Presbyterian Church) and the Rev. A. W. Curtis (Anglican Church), the former gentleman officiating in conjunction with the burial of the late Mr. Robertson. Covered with beautiful floral tributes, the two caskets flanked on either side a table at which the clergymen took up positions and conducted a most impressive service. With Mr. G. K. Ryder as accompanist, the large congregation joined in the signing  of "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me," both hymns being rendered with feeling emphasis. The long cortege then commenced the journey to the cemetery situated about eight miles from Carnamah. On arrival the cars were parked on each side of the road to form an approach to the burial ground, and the people they had conveyed wending their way to the graveisde formed a memorable and touching sight, and proved a striking illustration of the respect and esteem in which the deceased gentlemen were held in the district. The casket containing the remains of the late Mr. Robertson having been committed to the grave by the Rev. J. Barnes, mourners remained quietly around the open grave whilst the bearers conveyed the other casket to its last resting place. The crowd then moved to the second grave, where the Rev. Curtis conducted the burial rites of the Anglican Church over the body of the late Mr. Brewer. Everything was admirably orderly, there being no hitch or haste in any instance, a beautiful and touching solemnity befitting the occasion being preserved throughout. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the mourners quietly and reverently dispersed, leaving the earthly remains of the relative, friend or fellow citizen to rest in peace, free from pain and free from care, but leaving by such freedom vacant places and lonely hearts behind them. The pall-bearers for Mr. Robertson's funeral were Messrs. A. C. Bierman, A. A. McGilp, J. K. Forrester, J. S. Rooke, J. Bowman, J. Lang, sen., C. W. Turner, A. W. Hollingsworth and G. K. Ryder, the gentlemen officiating in a similar capacity for the burial of the late Mr. Brewer being Messrs. G. F. Brown, J. Harmer, W. Sheridan, A. B. Gloster, R. C. Drage, H. Street, N. McKenzie and Dr. C. P. Rosenthal. The pall-bearers included representatives of the Carnamah Road Board, the Carnamah Agricultural Society, the Carnamah Masonic Lodge, the Carnamah Race Club, the Carnamah Rifle Club, the Carnamah Football Club, and other organisations. The chief mourners for the late Mr. Robertson were his son and daughter-in-law (Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robertson), the late Mr. Brewer being mourned at the graveside by Mrs. Brewer (widow), Miss Adeline Brewer (daughter), Mrs. McKenzie (sister), and N. McKenzie (brother-in-law). As a mark of respect to the deceased gentlemen all the business houses of Carnamah were closed for a period of three hours during the afternoon of the funeral."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 13 August 1932:
The Late Mr. C. J. Brewer
"The inquest in connection with the sudden death of Mr. Charles Joseph Leslie Brewer, of Carnamah, was finalised on Saturday last, August 6th, before Mr. John Bowman, J.P., Acting Coroner, who was assisted by Constable Street, of Three Springs. Evidence was given by Mrs. Brewer, Miss A. Brewer, Sister Lawton, Mr. H. Blakeley and Doctor Rosenthal. The Coroner's finding was in accordance with the certificate given by Doctor Rosenthal, viz:- That death was due to natural causes, namely myocarditis."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Joseph Leslie Brewer' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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