Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Charles Stanley TOWNSEND

Born 29 May 1896 in Ashburton, Devon, England [16]
Son of coal merchant's carter William TOWNSEND and Amy LEYMAN [20]
Resided with his parents and grandfather George LEYMAN, who worked as a Farmhand[20]
In 1901 was living with his grandfather, parents and siblings Bessie, Alfred and Harriet on North Street in Ashburton, Devon, England [20]
Served with the 1st Welsh Field Artillery during the First World War [5: 31-Jan-1936] [86: 29-Oct-192]
Departed London, England on the steamship Osterley and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 23 March 1922 [70]
Farmhand on Pembroke Farm in Wyalkatchem, Western Australia in 1925 [50]
Married Lola Eunice TRAVERS in 1927 [66]
Truck Driver for the Shell Oil Company in Carnamah, Western Australia 1932-1940 [0: image 02850] [6] [19]
In July 1932 while cranking the truck in his charge received painful injuries [4: 30-Jul-1932]
Sought medical attention at the Carnamah Private Hospital where Dr C. P. ROSENTHAL discovered he had a broken arm [4: 30-Jul-1932]
He was one of 77 ex-servicemen who attended the Sailors & Soldiers Reunion Dinner in Carnamah on 22 October 1932 [86: 29-Oct-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1932-33 [5: 21-Oct-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Lodge of the Manchester Unity Oddfellows Friendly Society 1932-1936 [5: 14-Oct-1932, 27-Oct-1933, 23-Oct-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's Opening Season Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 21 April 1934 [5: 27-Apr-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Member of Carnamah's Parkinson Tennis Club in 1934-35, and a Committee Member in 1935-36 and 1936-37 [5: 8-Mar-1935] [56]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club 1934-1937 [4: 7-Jul-1934, 29-Aug-1936] [5: 14-May-1937]
Attended the funeral of Carnamah agent William B. SHERIDAN at the Winchester Cemetery on 27 January 1936 [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Played for the combined Carnamah-Parkinson tennis team against Winchester-Waddy-Coorow on Sunday 5 April 1936 [5: 3-Apr-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's 1936 season Opening Day at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 26 April 1936 [5: 1-May-1936]
Attended the Coorow Golf Club's Opening Day for the 1936 season in Coorow on Sunday 17 May 1936 [5: 22-May-1936]
Member of the Carnamah Ratepayers & Citizens Association in 1936 [5: 12-Jun-1936]
In 1936 he received a certificate from the National Safety Council of Australia for having no blameworthy accidents in 12 months [5]
The National Safety Council of Australia had been founded in Victoria to encourage safe driving to reduce human suffering [5: 4-Dec-1936]
After spending his annual leave in Perth he returned to Carnamah on Saturday 23 January 1937 [5: 15 & 29-Jan-1937]
Member of the Carnamah Parents & Citizens Association in 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
Played for "The Rest" of non-cricketers who defeated the Carnamah Cricket Club's B team on Sunday 14 February 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
With T. Reginald SIZER won the Men's Foursome Handicap at the Carnamah Golf Club's Season Opening in 1937 [5: 7-May-1937]
Steward of the Farm Produce section of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Shows in 1937, 1938 and 1939 [5: 28-May-1937] [13]
Member of the Carnamah Athletic Club in 1939 [0: image 03790]
For a number of years after Carnamah he worked as a Lorry Driver and lived at 5 Swan Street in the Perth suburb of Mosman Park [50]
Resided in the Perth suburb of Mosman Park prior to enlisting in the Australian Army on 6 January 1942 [16]
Private W36273 in the Australian Army's Bulk Issue Petrol and Oil Depot during the Second World War [16]
He later worked as a Garage Attendant and resided for many years at 62 Duke Street in the Perth suburb of Scarborough [50]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Como [2]
Father of Joy [0: image 03325]
Died 3 September 1979; buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, Lawn 8, 550) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Charles Stanley Townsend' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 18 January 2025 from [reference list]

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