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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Clarence Ethelbert PELL

Born 1887 in Irwin, Western Australia [15]
Son of George PELL and "Lizzie" Elizabeth BROWN [15] [332]
He was baptised by William TAIT, the Church of England rector in Dongara, on 23 January 1888 [332]
Labourer in Dongara in 1910 [50]
Teamster in Moora 1912-1915 [50]
During the First World War his brother Robert PELL was killed in France and his brother-in-law Silas J. ROWLAND in Belgium [30]
Teamster for Leslie KEAMY on Cardo Farm in Watheroo 1922-1925 [50]
Labourer in Watheroo in 1931 [50]
Farmhand in Three Springs 1936-1939 [5: 6-Nov-1936] [50]
Fined £2/10/- at the Three Springs Police Court on 4 November 1936 for creating a disturbance at the local Commercial Hotel [5]
In 1937 he was working on Poondarra Farm in Three Springs [50]
Farmhand for a period for Albert F. BOWTELL in Arrino [P2]
Resided in Three Springs until his death in 1945 [24]
Died 15 July 1945 in Three Springs; buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery in Three Springs (Anglican, Plot 62) [24]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Clarence Ethelbert Pell' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 7 March 2025 from [reference list]

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