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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Maurice Ethelbert COOK and one or two of his brothers [--]
Entered into partnership in March 1922 [9: 3-Mar-1922, 10-Mar-1922]
General Commission Agents in Carnamah in 1922 and 1923 [9: 10-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
Conducted the business previously run by Maurice Ethelbert COOK [9: 3-Mar-1922, 10-Mar-1922]
In 1922 were agents based in Carnamah, but for all districts between Marchagee and Yandanooka [9: 10-Mar-1922]
In March 1922 were agents from Marchagee to Yandanooka for Massey-Harris Co Ltd (agricultural machinery), [9: 10-Mar-1922]
     Dalgety & Co (stock, jute goods, wool, grain, produce etc) and Fred Metters Ltd (windmills, stoves etc) [9: 10-Mar-1922]
By September 1922 they were still agents for Dalgety & Co and Massey-Harris Co Ltd but were no longer agents for Fred Metters [9]
They had extended their agencies by September 1922 to also include Phoenix Insurance Co (insurance for fire, hail etc), [9]
     Patterson & Co (farmer's requirements) and Malloch Bros (windmills, lister engines etc) [9: 15-Sep-1922]
Advertised their business in The Midlands Advertiser newspaper in 1922 and 1923 [9: 10-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
While returning to Carnamah from Three Springs on Sunday evening 4 February 1923 the spokes collapsed in a wheel of their car [9]
     With the collapse of the spokes their car swerved and then overturned, throwing some of them out of the car but without injury [9]
     On attempting to turn the car over its petrol tank caught on fire which quickly spread and destroyed their car [9: 9-Feb-1923]
They gave a subscription of £5 towards the proposed construction of a road between Watheroo and Winchester in 1923 [9: 16-Mar-1923]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Cook Bros' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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