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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Septimus" Cuthbert Septimus PIZEY

Born 1883 in East Adelaide, South Australia [30]
Son of Septimus Verinder PIZEY and Lucy Harriet CARRUTHERS [332]
Storekeeper in Three Springs, Western Australia in 1910 and 1911 [6]
     In 1910 he was in business in Three Springs in partnership with Joseph J. M. GROFFIER as "Groffier & Pizey" [6] [9: 9-Sep-1910]
     They advertised their store in The Midlands Advertiser newspaper as The Enterprise Store, Three Springs [9: 20-May-1910]
They were agents for the Commercial Union Assurance Co Ltd, Elder Shenton & Co Ltd, Nicholson's Ltd, [9]
     Armstrong Cycle & Motor Agency, Sutton's seeds, and Henry Wills & Co; and had on stock supplies of Cooper's sheep dip, [9]
     machinery oil, petrol, wool packs, fencing wires, and super; and were buyers of dairy products, skins and hides [9: 20-May-1910]
Owing to increased business they extended their general store during May 1910[9: 27-May-1910]
     Included in the additions to their extended premises was an acetylene gas plant he had built himself [9]
     In June 1911 their premises were "undergoing reconstruction"[31: 30-Jun-1911]
Fined £2/10/- + £1/-/11 costs for riding on the footboard of a railway carriage in Three Springs while the train was moving [9: 22-Jul-1910]
     The judgement was given by the Mingenew Police Court in July 1910 - he didn't attend but sent a letter admitting to the offence [9]
Broke his collar bone after his horse moved when he was about to get into the seat of his cart on Friday 2 September 1910 [9: 9-Sep-1910]
Married Helene Isabelle GROFFIER on 31 December 1910 [332]
Inaugural Auditor for the Three Springs Race Club in 1910 and 1911 [9: 23-Dec-1910]
Later in 1911 he and his wife left Three Springs and were living in Dudawa, East Arrino [19]
Farmhand in Dudawa, East Arrino 1911-1914 [19] [50]
He gave a donation at the Coorow Football Club's Annual Sports Day held in Coorow on 30 September 1913 [9: 10-Oct-1913]
Accountant and Store Manager in Geraldton in 1915 [30]
Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 25 September 1915 at Blackboy Hill[30: item 8019061]
     On enlistment he was recorded as 5 feet 6½ inches tall, weighing 128 lbs., with blue eyes, brown hair and a fresh complexion [30]
     Embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia for active service abroad on the H.M.A.T. A19 Afric on 5 January 1915 [18]
     Gunner 10880 in the Heavy Trench Mortar Battery / 2nd Field Artillery Brigade in France during the First World War [30]
     Promoted to Sergeant on 26 April 1916, to Corporal on 1 July 1916  and later to Battery Sergeant Major [30]
     Admitted to a hospital in England suffering from mild debility on 3 August 1918, and was subsequently returned to Australia [30]
     After three years and 199 days of service, three years and 56 days of which were spent abroad, he was discharged [30]
     Discharged from the A.I.F. on 11 April 1919; received the Military Medal, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
Died 29 October 1939 [30]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Cuthbert Septimus Pizey' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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