Born 13 August 1910 in Moonta, South Australia [55]
Son of Ernest MARTYN and Mary Ellen PERRY [55]
Left Paskeville, South Australia in company with Wilfred and Feronia BARTON and his uncle and aunt Tom and Ruby PERRY [P242]
He travelled overland by car with Wilfred and Feronia BARTON and their son and helped doing shifts of the driving [P242]
They left Paskeville, South Australia on 26 March 1930 and arrived in Carnamah, Western Australia at 8 p.m. on 3 April 1930 [P20]
Labourer in Carnamah 1930-1938 [P233] [6]
For a period he worked as a labourer for the Carnamah District Road Board [P233]
Vermin Inspector for the Carnamah District Road Board in 1936 and 1937 [5: 20-Dec-1935, 24-Dec-1936]
Married Cora Jean FERGUSON in 1935 [66]
In February 1941 he leased a farm in Carnamah from Norman R. WATSON [5: 14-Feb-1941]
He appears to have leased and farmed Carl OLSON's farm in Carnamah from 1944 to 1948 [0: images 04562 & 04444] [60]
The farm leased from Carl OLSON was the 835 acre Lot M1085 of Victoria Location 1938 [3]
While leasing the farm his telephone number was Carnamah-12U [60]
In late 1948 he appears to have farming the 1,421 acre Piyowola Farm in Carnamah, leased from Mrs Kathleen F. CATTO [5: 9-Dec-1948]
Later an employee of Bruce G. GREEN on Bushy Park Farm in Carnamah [P233]
Farmer of Cooleran Farm in Carnamah 1951-1960 [P75] [P233]
He'd purchased the farm from Andrew S. CUMMING on 21 May 1951 [P75]
The farm was 1,433 acres in size and consisted of Lots 14 and 15 of the Inering Estate in Carnamah [3] [P75] [P233]
Had the telephone connected to the house on his farm - was telephone number Carnamah-59 [60]
Member of the Gimlets Cricket Club in 1930-31 [4: 22-Nov-1930]
Member of the Gimlet Hill Tennis Club in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932]
Attended the "Gimlets" Annual Picnic on Sunday 18 September 1932 at Richard BATTY's farm in Carnamah [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Along with Ida BENTLEY won the Siamese Race and came second in the Thread the Needle Race at the Gimlets Picnic [5: 23-Sep-1932]
Attended the Surprise 21st Birthday for George AUNGER in Carnamah on Sunday 2 October 1932 [5: 7-Oct-1932]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1933 [5: 30-Jun-1933]
Member of the Carnamah Badminton Club in 1933 and 1934 [5: 6-Oct-1933, 24-Aug-1934]
Member of Carnamah's Parkinson Tennis Club from 1933-34 to 1936-37 - Vice Captain in 1933-34 and 1934-35 [5: 22-Sep-1933] [56]
Attended the Carnamah Tennis Club's Dance held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 9 December 1933 [5: 15-Dec-1933]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club 1933-1958 [4: 29-Aug-1936, 11-Jul-1958] [5: 8-Sep-1933]
Attended the Carnamah Church of England's New Year Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 December 1933 [5: 5-Jan-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Tennis Club's Flannel Dance held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 3 February 1934 [5: 9-Feb-1934]
On Sunday 11 February 1934 he badly strained his side during tennis necessitating treatment at the Three Springs Hospital [5: 16-Feb-1934]
Attended the Dance conducted by the Carnamah Toc H at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 24 February 1934 [5: 2-Mar-1934]
Attended the Parkinson Tennis Club's Dance held on Saturday 14 April 1934 at the Carnamah Hall [5: 20-Apr-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's Opening Season Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 21 April 1934 [5: 27-Apr-1934]
On Saturday 12 May 1934 attended the Carnamah Football Club's Grand Opening Ball at the Carnamah Hall [5: 18-May-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Roman Catholic Church's Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 26 May 1934 [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Attended the Dance held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 June 1934 to raise funds for Church organ repairs [5: 6-Jul-1934]
Entrant in the Parkinson Tennis Club's Popular Man Competition which was launched in September 1934 [5: 31-Aug-1934]
He won the Popular Man Competition and was presented with a trophy for winning on Sunday 2 December 1934 [5: 7-Dec-1934]
Received the trophy for Mixed Doubles at the Parkinson Tennis Club's Presentation Evening in Carnamah on 3 July 1935 [5: 5-Jul-1935]
Runner-up in the Parkinson Tennis Club's Tennis Tournament held in Carnamah on New Years Day 1 January 1936 [5: 3-Jan-1936]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Florence PRICE of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on Tuesday 1 September 1936 [5: 4-Sep-1936]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club from 1935-36 to 1937-38 [4: 11-Jan-1936] [5: 29-Jan-1937, 24-Dec-1937]
Played for the Carnamah Reds in 1935-36, Carnamah B in 1936-37 and for the Carnamah Blues in 1937-38 [4] [5]
Attended the funeral of Carnamah agent William B. SHERIDAN at the Winchester Cemetery on 27 January 1936 [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Played for victorious Carnamah in their cricket match against "The Rest" in Coorow on Sunday 22 March 1936 [5: 27-Mar-1936]
Played for the combined Carnamah-Parkinson tennis team against Winchester-Waddy-Coorow on Sunday 5 April 1936 [5: 3-Apr-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's 1936 season Opening Day at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 26 April 1936 [5: 1-May-1936]
Himself and Carnamah contractor Lionel O. FERGUSON won the Men's Foursomes conducted during the Opening Day [5]
Attended the Parkinson Tennis Club's Annual Social Evening at the Church Hall, Carnamah on Thursday 14 May 1936 [5]
Himself and Miss Mavis A. ROWLAND received their trophies for winning the Club's Handicap Mixed Doubles [5: 22-May-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social Evening & Play Presentation at the Carnamah Hall on 17 June 1936 [5: 19-Jun-1936]
Member of the Carnamah Social Club in 1936 [5: 7-Aug-1936]
Played for the defeated Carnamah Social Club in badminton against the Carnamah Badminton Club on 5 August 1936 [5: 7-Aug-1936]
Attended the Reunion of South Australians in the North Midlands at Centenary Park in Carnamah on 26 September 1936 [5: 2-Oct-1936]
Wrote to the Carnamah District Road Board in October 1936 in thanks for the interest in his work and for raising his wage [5: 6-Nov-1936]
Member of the Carnamah Athletic Club - was elected Secretary in November 1936[5: 20-Nov-1936]
Helped build the enclosure for the Carnamah Tennis Club's four new courts at Centenary Park in Carnamah in 1936-37 [5: 5-Feb-1937]
Competitor in the Parkinson Tennis Club's Tennis Tournament held in Carnamah on New Year's Day 1 January 1937 [5: 8-Jan-1937]
Himself and Thomas F. PATERSON of Carnamah spent a two week holiday at Cottesloe in February 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
They returned to Carnamah by car with Ivan JOHNSON on Sunday afternoon 14 February 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
Member of the Carnamah Parents & Citizens Association in 1937 [5: 19-Feb-1937]
He was admitted to the Carnamah Private Hospital at 14 Robertson Street, Carnamah in later February 1937 [5: 26-Feb-1937]
Submitted his report on the annual inspection of vermin to the Carnamah District Road Board on 17 March 1937 [5: 19-Mar-1937]
Himself and Peter ROBRTERS tied to win the Men's Foursomes at the Coorow Golf Club's Season Opening in 1937 [5: 21-May-1937]
Attended the Official Opening of the new golf links in Three Springs on Sunday 23 May 1937 [5: 28-May-1937]
He and his wife were among the 80 who attended the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social Evening on 25 June 1937 [5: 2-Jul-1937]
He was a patient of the Carnamah Private Hospital suffering from Double Pneumonia in July 1937 [5: 9-Jul-1937]
In August 1937 Sent the Carnamah District Road Board a letter of appreciation for their assistance during his illness [5: 20-Aug-1937]
At a local cricket match in October 1938 he was struck in the mouth by the ball and later had to have a tooth removed [0: image 03765]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club in 1939 [489]
One of the chief mourners at the funeral of his cousin Thomas Gordon PERRY on 28 January 1941 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
In June 1941 received a letter from Horrie MORRISON who was serving abroad with the Australian Army [0: image 04023]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society 1941-1958 [13]
Member of the Billeroo Cricket Club in 1944 [0: image 04569]
Was equal winner with Tom PERRY of the poultry section at the 1945 Carnamah Agricultural Show [0: image 04367]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1945 [0: image 04379]
Committee Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1945-1959 [58]
Financial Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society in 1946 [150]
Steward of the Poultry section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1947 [13]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1950 and 1951 - played for Carnamah Country [0: images 04552 & 04628]
Vice Patron of the Carnamah Football Club in 1951 [4: 7-Apr-1951]
Committee Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1951 and 1957 [0: image 04616] [4: 5-Apr-1957]
Won the trophies for gaining the most points in the Wool and Merino Sheep sections of the 1954 Carnamah Show [0: image 04748-9]
Casket bearer at the funeral of Mrs Ada Rose HAIG on 27 September 1955 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Judge of the poultry section at the 1956 Carnamah Show and at the 1958 Mingenew Show [4: 14-Sep-1956, 26-Sep-1958]
At the 1956 Carnamah Show won a very impressive 12 first prizes and 9 second prizes in the sheep section [4: 14-Sep-1956]
Vice Patron of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society 1963-1967 [58]
Member of the Carnamah Bowling Club [P233]
Along his wife left Carnamah in 1960 and shifted to the southern coastal Perth suburb of Safety Bay [P233]
He transferred his farm, Lots 14 and 15 of the Inering Estate, to his son Barry C. MARTYN on 22 March 1968 [P75]
His son sold Lots 14 and 15 of the Inering Estate to the neighbouring BOWMAN family on 2 February 1973 [P75]
He resided in the Perth suburb of Safety Bay from 1960 until his death in 1972 [P233] [2]
Father of Colin, Barry and Cliff [P75]
Died 16 April 1972; ashes interred at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (GC Section, Ground Niche, 40) [2]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Cyril James Thomas Martyn' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 18 January 2025 from [reference list] |
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