Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Dukie" Dudley HUNT

Born 17 June 1923 in Moora, Western Australia [16]
Son of "Ted" Edward HUNT and Emily Isabel PATTERSON [114: page 225]
Resided with his parents on William PADBURY's Ellisford Farm in Wannamal 1923-1925 [114]
Along with his parents shifted from Wannamal to Three Springs in April 1925 [114]
Resided with parents on William PADBURY's Fairfield Farm in Three Springs 1925 onwards [114]
Student at the Three Springs State School [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Three Springs on Friday 6 December 1929 as a "Butterfly" [4: 14-Dec-1929]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Three Springs on 28 November 1930 as a "Chinaman" [4: 6-Dec-1930]
Came 3rd in the 13 Years Boys Running Race at the Three Springs District Schools Athletic Championships in 1936 [5: 9-Oct-1936]
Resided in Three Springs until enlisting in the Royal Australian Air Force on 6 February 1943 [16]
Leading Aircraftman 82871 in the Royal Australian Air Force's 40 Operational Base Unit during the Second World War [16]
Discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 9 April 1946 [16] and returned to Three Springs [19]
Married Rita Joan BATEMAN in Three Springs 9 September 1947 [P119]
Farmer of Byancanna Farm in Three Springs from 1947 until at least 1975[19]
Later had a farm in East Three Springs, Canna and a 10,000 acre block in Eneabba[P115]
Member of the Three Springs-Arrino Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League[45]
Served as a Member and as President of the Three Springs Shire Council [45]
Member of the Three Springs Bowling Club - served as President and was later a Life Member [45]
Member of the Three Springs Lions Club for 33 years [45]
Described as "good mate" and "a true blue Aussie, a man of well balanced thoughts and common sense" [45]
He was an esteemed member of the Three Springs district and his life was well lived in service to his community [45]
Father of Lindsay and Rhonda [P119]
Died 16 March 2007 at the North Midlands Health Service in Three Springs; cremated at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton [45]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Dudley Hunt' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 30 March 2025 from [reference list]

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