Born 18 August 1915 in Beverley, Western Australia [16]
Son of "Don" Donnell Edgar FOWLER and Ethel Blanche DRAPER [P120]
Resided with his parents in Beverley 1915-1924 and attended the Balkuling State School east of Beverley [P120]
Resided with his parents on farmland in Waddy Forest from 1924 and attended the Waddy Forest State School [P120]
Received further education at the South Perth Primary School in South Perth and at the Junior Technical College in North Perth [P120]
Following the conclusion of his studies he farmed Glen Waddi Farm in Waddy Forest with his father until 1938 [P120]
Member of the Waddy Forest Tennis Club from 1933-34 to 1936-37 [5: 15-Dec-1933, 19-Apr-1935, 23-Oct-1936]
Member of the Coorow Rifle Club from 1934 – won their first Century Cup and received a 50 Year Certificate [P120]
Won the President H. W. BOTHE's Trophy in 1935, which he received at the Club's Grand Ball on 26 October 1935 [5: 1-Nov-1935]
In 1937 won the Club's Century and a Spoon Competitions, which he received at the Presentation Ball on 10 July 1937 [5: 16-Jul-1937]
Committee Member in 1937-38, Captain in 1949 and Secretary in 1953 [5: 30-Jul-1937] [39: 10-Aug-1949] [81: 27-Sep-1953]
He was part of the Coorow team who competed in the Lester Shield Competition in Geraldton in 1936 [86: 6-Aug-1936]
Competed at the Official Opening of the new Coorow Rifle Range on 6 August 1949 with a score of 65.9 (31, 30, 4.9) [5: 18-Aug-1949]
Attended the Dance conducted by the Carnamah Toc H at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 24 February 1934 [5: 2-Mar-1934]
Travelled to Perth by car with Mrs Grace READ, Tom READ and Joan READ on Tuesday 13 March 1934 [5: 16-Mar-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Roman Catholic Church's Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 26 May 1934 [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Premiership Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 20 October 1934 [5: 26-Oct-1934]
Returned to Waddy Forest on Saturday 9 February 1935 after purchasing a single seater Ford car in Perth [5: 15-Feb-1935]
Member of the Coorow Golf Club in 1935 [5: 9-Aug-1935]
He and Dorcas L. COLE won the Spot Waltz at the Coorow Rifle Club's Grand Ball on Saturday 26 October 1935 [5: 1-Nov-1935]
Winner of the Car Driving Test at the Coorow-Waddy Sports & Dance in Coorow on Saturday 9 November 1935 [5: 15-Nov-1935]
Played for the combined Winchester-Waddy-Coorow tennis team against Carnamah-Parkinson on Sunday 5 April 1936 [5: 3-Apr-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Repertory Club's Social Evening & Play Presentation at the Carnamah Hall on 17 June 1936 [5: 19-Jun-1936]
Competed at the Official Opening of the Three Springs Rifle Club's rifle range in Three Springs on Thursday 23 July 1936 [5: 31-Jul-1936]
Holidayed in Perth in January 1937 after his father and some of his siblings returned to Waddy from their holiday [5: 22 & 29-Jan-1937]
Along with one of his sisters motored to Perth on 16 May 1937 expecting to return shortly thereafter with their parents [5: 21-May-1937]
Married Dorcas Lilian COLE on 23 February 1940 at Wesley Church in Perth [5: 8-Mar-1940] [P120]
His best man was Frank E. BRADLEY while his groomsmen were Thomas I. READ and Dorcas's brother Frederick R. S. COLE [5]
He and his wife resided in the house on Lot M1300 of Glen Waddi Farm in Waddy Forest 1940-1972 [P120]
Attended the funeral of Waddy Forest farmer Stanley L. FOLLAND at the Moora Cemetery on Monday 25 August 1941 [4: 30-Aug-1941]
During the Second World War he was manpowered and had to stay on the farm while his brothers were in the Army [P120]
Lieutenant W72114 in Coorow's local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
Farmer in Waddy Forest / Coorow in partnership with his brothers Leslie and Vivian as "Fowler Bros" 1946-1952 [P120]
He and his two brothers bought their father out of the farm in 1948 and owned the farm jointly until 1952 [P120]
In 1952 they dissolved partnership with he and Vivian continuing, and a farm was purchased for Leslie in Marchagee [P120]
Farmer in Waddy Forest in partnership with his brother Vivian as "Fowler Bros" from 1952 [P120]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of Mrs Mary GRONOW of Waddy Forest at the Winchester Cemetery on 11 August 1945 [5: 24-Aug-1945]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Primary Producers' Association of WA in 1945 and 1946 [5: 30-Mar-1945, 18-Apr-1946]
In 1946 he was a Committee Member and promised a £10 donation to the Wheat Fighting Fund [5: 17-May-1946, 30-Aug-1946]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society 1945-1949 [5: 20-Apr-1945, 5-Apr-1946, 9-Apr-1948, 31-Mar-1949]
Sent a floral tribute for the grave of Waddy Forest farmer Price W. HUNT at the Winchester Cemetery in 1946 [5: 20-Sep-1946]
Inaugural member of Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Farmers' Union of Western Australia in December 1946 [5: 20-Dec-1946]
In 1949 he was Vice President and he and his brothers donated £10 to Farmers' Union Appeal Fund [5: 21-Apr-1949, 1-Sep-1949]
His Lemons won 2nd prize in the Vegetable section of the 10th annual Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1947 [5: 12-Sep-1947]
He, his brother-in-law Tom READ, John READ and Gordon LAMBERT went on a fishing trip to the coast in March 1948 [5: 5-Mar-1948]
Member of the Coorow-Marchagee Bush Fire Brigade - was one of its Lieutenant in 1948 and 1951 [5: 2-Apr-1948] [4: 8-Sep-1951]
Later farmed in partnership with his sons as "E. W. Fowler & Sons" [P120]
He and his sons purchased part of the Marchagee Estate in 1965 and Harry C. GREENWOOD's Lot M1302 in the 1980s [P120]
Had a house built on the corner of North Street and Poynton Parade in the Coorow townsite and lived there from 1972 [P120]
Resided in Coorow until moving to Dalwallinu, where he passed away [45]
Father of Barry, Lindsay and Kevin [P120]
Died 12 September 2009; cremated at the Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park in the Perth suburb of Padbury [2]
From The West Australian newspaper, Wednesday 10 August 1949:
New Rifle Rang Opened
"On Saturday afternoon the new Coorow-Waddy Forest rifle range was officially opened by Mr D. Brand, M.L.A., before a large gathering of members and visitors, After having fired the traditional first shot from 600 yards range and scoring a "bull", Mr Brand congratulated the captain (Mr E. Fowler) and the secretary (Mr J. Read) on the club's enterprise and enthusiasm in having the new range constructed. Mr Brand stressed the value of rifle clubs in connection with the training of youth of today in the use of small arms for defence purposes, Messrs C. H. Simpson M.L.C. and H. Daffen, M.L.C. were present."
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edgar William Fowler' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 27 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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