Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Nolan" Edward Lauchlan Nolan WALLACE

Born 29 November 1911 in Three Springs, Western Australia [16]
Son of "Ike" Isaac WALLACE and Catherine FERRIS [P2]
Resided in Three Springs 1911-1943 [19]
Won 1st prize for Child's Pony exhibited at the Three Springs Day in Three Springs on Thursday 28 September 1922 [9: 20-Oct-1922]
Student at the Dominican Convent School in Three Springs until leaving at Standard VI in December 1924 [98]
In 1925 he was a Boarding Student at Scotch College in the Perth suburb of Claremont [98]
Share-farmer with his father in Three Springs [P2]
Member of the Three Springs Football Club 1927-1937 [4: 7-May-1927] [5: 15-Jun-1934, 26-Jun-1936, 11-Jun-1937]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show and Show Ball on Thursday 20 September 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Among those who travelled from Three Springs to the coast for a day in a truck and two cars on Saturday 23 March 1929 [4: 6-Apr-1929]
Presented the Three Springs Anglican Church with fruit and veg at its Harvest Thanksgiving service on 23 March 1930 [4: 29-Mar-1930]
Member of the Three Springs branch of the Wheatgrowers Union in 1934 [5: 20-Apr-1934]
Member of the Three Springs Cricket Club from 1934-35 to 1936-37 [5: 23-Nov-1934, 15-Nov-1935, 6-Nov-1936]
Played for "The Rest" who lost at cricket to a team of local R.S.L. men in Three Springs on Sunday 2 December 1934 [5: 7-Dec-1934]
Competed in the Three Springs verses Carnamah billiard contest held in Three Springs on Thursday 14 February 1935 [5: 15-Feb-1935]
In early March 1935 he and his father Isaac travelled from Three Springs to the goldfields at Yandanooka [5: 8-Mar-1935]
Best man at the wedding of his sister "Rae" Rachel and "Dick" Richard E. H. JAMES in Three Springs on 6 January 1937 [P111]
Represented the North Midlands at Country Week Cricket in Perth during the second week of February 1937 [5: 12-Feb-1937]
In early April 1937 he was erecting fencing on his father's farm eight miles west of Carnamah [5: 16-Apr-1937]
While fencing he pursued a large wild dog by truck and was successful in destroying it with a shotgun [5: 16-Apr-1937]
Social Committee Member of the Three Springs Football Club in 1937 [5: 16-Apr-1937]
Resided in the Perth suburb of Subiaco prior to enlisting in the Royal Australian Air Force on 3 June 1944 [16]
Leading Aircraftman 84889 in the Royal Australian Air Force's 7 Communications Unit during the Second World War [16]
After being discharged from the R.A.A.F. on 20 May 1946 [16] he was allocated a war service farm near Jerramungup [P2]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Lathlain [2]
Died 22 March 1984; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Lawn, G, 269) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edward Lauchlan Nolan Wallace' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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