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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Edmund" / "Edmond" Edward Patrick BRODERICK

Born 1871 in New South Wales, Australia [32]
Son of William BRODERICK and "Mary" Maria TULLY [15] [32]
Teamster in Cue in 1903, which was then known as Cue's Patch [50]
Farmer in Dudawa, East Arrino 1910-1914 [19] [44] [50]
He farmed in partnership with his brother Patrick, who owned 738 acres of farmland in Dudawa [39: 11-Jan-1912] [44] [81: 26-Jul-1936]
Following his brother Patrick's death in 1912 he inherited all of his property, including the farm in Dudawa [585]
The 738 acres of farmland was Lots 31 and 32 of the Dudawa Estate [44]
Farmer in Dudawa, East Arrino in partnership with William D. S. SMITH as "Broderick & Smith" in 1913 and 1914 [6] [9: 27-Jun-1913]
They grew 200 acres of crop in 1913 [9: 27-Jun-1913]
He and William D. S. SMITH dissolved their partnership in Dudawa from 23 March 1914 [39: 31-Mar-1914]
Having retired from farming, he took over license for the Queen's Hotel in Geraldton in August 1914 [31: 5-Aug-1914]
Publican of the Queen's Hotel in Geraldton in 1914 and 1915 [31: 5-Aug-1914, 30-Aug-1915]
He ran the hotel in partnership with Mrs Mary Mill O'DEA [334: 4-May-1915]
Declared himself bankrupt under The Bankruptcy Act 1892 in August 1915 [31: 30-Aug-1915]
Married Hannah Mary BRADLEY in Perth in 1920 [15]
Timber Worker in Nannup 1931-1958 [50]
Died 1958 in Nannup, Western Australia [15]
His first name was recorded variously as Edward, Edmund and Edmond [15] [50]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edward Patrick Broderick' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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