Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Wesley" Edwin Wesley LUTZE

Born 8 July 1912 in Wagin, Western Australia [16]
Son of "Edwin" Ernest Rudolph Edwin LUTZE and Eva ROGERS [P216]
Farmer with his father in Wagin and Perenjori before shifting to Winchester in the Carnamah district [P216]
Farmer of Maitland Farm in Winchester 1936-1952 [3] [80: 13-Mar-1964] [P216]
In 1936 and 1937 he farmed 5,113 acres of farmland in Winchester, which he leased from the Midland Railway Company [34]
The 5,113 acres consisted of Lots M1077, M1215 and M1792 of Victoria Locations 1937 and 2023 [34]
In Winchester he used the horse and cattle firebrand of 2DQ and the horse, cattle and sheep earmark 116D, 112E [80: 13-Mar-1964]
Advertised under "Wanted" in April 1936 for a sharefarmer with own plant, presumably to crop part of his leasehold [5: 17 & 24-Apr-1936]
Sold 45 sheep through Dalgety & Co Ltd in two consignments to the Midland Market in September and November 1936 [5]
    The 45 sheep comprised 22 suckers at 17/1, 12 suckers at 9/4, 4 ewes at 7/10 and 7 lambs at 7/7 per head [5: 18-Sep-1936, 6-Nov-1936]
Advertised in March 1937 in The North Midland Times newspaper that he wanted a sharefarmer in Winchester [5: 12-Mar-1937]
Offered a reward in July 1937 for a Dorset Horn ram wearing a yoke which had strayed from his farm in Winchester [5: 2-Jul-1937]
From 1938 to 1945 he farmed 1,751 acres of farmland in Winchester leased from the Midland Railway (Lots M1077 and M1215) [34]
Leased the 1,751 acres until purchasing them from the Midland Railway Company for £2,189/7/8 (25/- per acre) on 17 April 1945 [27]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1937 and 1948 [13]
Private in the local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
Resided and farmed in Winchester until 1952 when he and his parents left the district and shifted to Geraldton [P216]
Retained his farmland in Winchester which was listed in rate books as 1,751 acres until 1958 but then as 1,738 acres from 1959 [3]
During the 1976-77 financial year sold his 1,738 acres in Winchester to Russell J., Marjorie D. and Danny R. BENTLEY [3]
Died 4 June 1979; buried at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton, Western Australia [26]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Edwin Wesley Lutze' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 29 March 2025 from [reference list]

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