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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Eileen Elizabeth PALMER / WITHNELL

Born 1899 in Guildford, Western Australia [15]
Daughter of Walter PALMER and Elizabeth JONES [15]
Married Noel Ernest WITHNELL in Perth in 1936 [66]
Resided with her husband in the Perth suburb of Midland Junction prior to shifting with him to Winchester [5: 7-Jan-1938]
Resided in Winchester with her husband for approximately seven weeks ending on 4 January 1938 [5: 7-Jan-1938]
Passed away suddenly at Dr Cecil P. ROSENTHAL's Carnamah Private Hospital at 14 Robertson Street, Carnamah [22]
Died 4 January 1938 in Carnamah; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row C, Plot 2) [1]
Rev. Alfred J. TOOMEY of Three Springs officiated at her funeral, which was undertaken by Henry Parkin & Son of Carnamah [1]
An inquest into her cause of death was held in Carnamah on 6 January 1938 [22]
The findings of the coroner and the inquest found that she died of embolus of coronary artery [22]
The inquest also found that all precautions had been made by doctors Cecil P. ROSENTHAL and Mario A. MAYRHOFER [22]

From Occurrence Book 4 of the Carnamah Police Station, 4 January 1938:
"11:20 p.m. Telephone message received from Sister Lawton of the Carnamah Private Hospital stating that the Police were required urgently. Const Plunkett attended and found that a patient named Mrs Eileen Elizabeth Withnell 38 years Married had died on the operating table at about 10 p.m. It appears that Mrs Withnell required a minor operation. Dr Mario Mayrhofer of Three Springs assisted Dr C. P. Rosenthal at the theatre by giving the anaesthetic. However before the anaesthetic was complete the patient died. Artificial respiration was tried without success. Sergt Moloney informed by telephone and he issued the usual instruction to notify the Coroner. Mr Dougall RM Coroner informed by telephone. RM instructs body to be removed to morgue. Post Mortem to be held by Dr C. P. Rosenthal, Mr John Bowman JP to be appointed Deputy Coroner  and to inform Mr Dougall as to the rest of the Post Mortem examination. Constable Plunkett reports having had the body of deceased Eileen Elizabeth Withnell removed to the store room at Carnamah Hotel usually used as a morgue."

From Occurrence Book 4 of the Carnamah Police Station, 5 January 1938:
"Constable Plunkett reports having attended the Morgue at 10:30 a.m. with Drs Rosenthal and Mayrhofer where a Post Mortem was conducted on the body of deceased Eileen Elizabeth Withnell by Dr C. P. Rosenthal. Constable Plunkett reports having had the above remains identified at the Morgue by Mr Noel Ernest Withnell, husband of the deceased at 2:15 p.m. The Acting Coroner Mr J. Bowman JP gave a certificate of Burial after the above report had been received."

From Occurrence Book 4 of the Carnamah Police Station, 6 January 1938:
"Inquest held at Carnamah by the Acting Coroner Mr John Bowman JP concerning the death of Eileen Elizabeth Withnell. After the evidence of Drs C. P. Rosenthal and M. Mayrhofer, Noel Ernest Withnell and Const Plunkett was heard the following verdict was brought in 'That Eileen Elizabeth Withnell came to her death on the 4th day of January 1938 at the Carnamah Private Hospital as the result of Embolus of the Coronary Artery.' The Acting Coroner also added rider to the effect that in his opinion Drs Mayrhofer and Rosenthal had taken every precaution."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 7 January 1938:
Obituary - The Late Mrs. Eileen Elizabeth Withnell
"The death occurred at the Carnamah Private Hospital on Tuesday night when Mrs. Eileen Elizabeth Withnell, 38, of Winchester, (late Midland Junction), passed away suddenly. The deceased who had not enjoyed good health for several weeks, came to reside at Winchester with her husband approximately seven weeks ago when he relieved one of the Midland Railway employees. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon when the remains were interred in the Winchester cemetery. Prior to the cortege leaving Carnamah the Rev. A. J. Toomey, who performed the  last rites, conducted a service in St. George's Hall. The chief mourners were Noel Ernest Withnell (husband), W. Palmer (father) and O. Palmer (brother). The pall-bearers were Messrs J. K. Forrester, J. Lang, A. Cowderoy, J. J. House, L. O. Ferguson, R. Niven and R. A. F. Solling. Those present included:- Dr. C. P. Rosenthal, Messrs. J. Bowman, H. W. Morrison, C. Chapman, A. C. Bierman, R. A. Pike, Mrs. J. K. Forrester and Mrs. H. W. Morrison."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Eileen Elizabeth Palmer / Withnell' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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