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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Elizabeth Jane FREEMAN / HEARN / SMITH

Born C.1877 [55]
Daughter of William FREEMAN [55]
Married (1) John Francis HEARN in Geraldton in 1902 [15]
Resided with her husband on Gabyon Station in the Murchison district [9: 15-Jul-1910]
Due to indifferent health her husband sold Gabyon and they embarked on a holiday to England [9]
After returning from England her husband purchased and they settled on Woopenatty Station in Arrino [9]
Her husband passed away in Perth on 12 July 1910 after an accident inside a lift at His Majesty's Hotel [9]
She was not in Perth at the time and learnt of her husband's tragic death after receiving a telegraph [9]
Following her husband's death received a letter of condolence from the local Kadathinni Farmers and Progress Association [9: 22-Jul-1910]
Farmer, Grazier and Owner of Woopenatty Station in Arrino 1910-1927 [6] [9]
Had Woopenatty Station in Arrino managed by her late husband's employee Howard Brydon SMITH [P2]
During her time "a good deal of cropping was done, partly by share farmers, though the place is... a grazing propositon" [120: 27-Dec-1928]
Donated £3/3/- to increase the funds being raised by the Three Springs branch of the Red Cross Society in 1918 [10: 21-Jun-1918]
Patron of the Saint Patrick's Day Picnic Race Meetings in Three Springs on 15 March 1923, 17 March 1924 and 17 March 1925 [124]
On 1 April 1927 sold most of her Woopenatty Station in Arrino to Frank F. WEAVER and his partner of South Australia [144]
The portion sold to WEAVER amounted to 20,000 acres [454: 30-Mar-1927]
Married (2) Howard Brydon SMITH on 7 October 1927 at the residence of the Archbishop in Adelaide, South Australia [55]
In mid 1928 they had a house built on a retained portion of Woopenatty Station in Arrino, which they named Earra Farm [144]
Their new house on Earra Farm was built by stonemason Angelo PETROBONI and carpenter Laurie TONGALI [144]
Resided with her second husband on Earra Farm in Arrino 1928-1950 [19] [144]
During the depression Frank F. WEAVER was unable to complete the purchase of Woopenatty and she regained ownership [P2]
Mother of Kathleen Monica HEARN [15]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Elizabeth Jane Freeman / Hearn / Smith' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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