Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Lizzie" Elizabeth LONG / BROAD

Born 15 December 1855 in Northam, Western Australia [15] [193]
Daughter of William LONG and Sarah GREEN [15]
Resided with her parents on Coorow Station in Coorow [193]
In 1873, out of wedlock, she gave birth to a son "Ned" Edward Frank William LONG / NAIRN [15]
Her son Ned was raised by his father Frank Edward NAIRN and her sister Harriett Emma LONG, who married in 1877 [P17] [193]
Resided in Coorow until her marriage in 1879 [134: page 149]
Married Robert BROAD on 22 May 1879 at the schoolhouse in Dongara [193]
Her attendant at their wedding was her younger sister Amelia Sarah LONG [193]
Gave birth to her son Alfred Edward BROAD in Coorow in late 1879 [193]
Resided with her husband on a property by the name of Narandadgy in Upper Irwin [193]
In 1888 they moved to establish Wydgee Station, a pastoral property in the Murchison named after the Wydgee Hills [193]
She kept the books and wrote the business letters on Wydgee Station, as her husband was semi-illiterate [193]
They received bountiful rains on Wydgee Station in 1908 giving them the best wool clip they'd had up until that time [31: 25-Nov-1908]
In 1908 they received a lambing rate of 103% from 4,000 ewes, calculated after losses from dingoes and tailing [31: 25-Nov-1908]
Her husband was credited as a pioneer who had struggled hard and well deserved the position he'd worked up to in 1908 [31: 25-Nov-1908]
On selling Wydgee Station they moved to Kirkalocka, which was further north and being developed by her sons [193]
Retired with her husband to two small blocks in Greenough, and later lived on their sons' Minda Farm in Moonyoonooka [193]
Every year she travelled up to Yarrabubba Station in Nannine to visit her son "Ned" Edward Frank William NAIRN [193]
In their elderly years she and her husband were cared for by their daughter Annie [193]
Following her husband's death in 1931 she left Minda Farm in Moonyoonooka and shifted to Geraldton [193]
Resided in Geraldton with her daughter Annie until her death in 1934 [193]
Mother of Frank Edward William NAIRN [193] [P221]
Mother of Alfred Edward, Charlotte Elizabeth, Sarah Ann and Frederick Robert BROAD [193]
Died 16 September 1934; buried Utakarra Cemetery, Geraldton WA [26]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Elizabeth Long / Broad' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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