Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1880 [2]
Married "Ted" Edward HUNT in Perth in 1915 [66]
Resided with her husband and children on William PADBURY's Ellisford Farm in Wannamal 1923-1925 [114]
Along with her husband and children shifted from Wannamal to Three Springs in April 1925 [114]
Resided with her husband and children on William PADBURY's Fairfield Farm in Three Springs 1925 onwards [19] [114]
Donated £3/3/- to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1925 [124]
She was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Won 2nd prize for male White Leghorn at the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
After a holiday at Dongara Beach herself and her children returned to Three Springs on Monday 4 February 1929 [4: 9-Feb-1929]
Attended the Ball after the Three Springs Races on Thursday 11 April 1929 in a dress of navy blue crepe de chine [4: 20-Apr-1929]
Donor at the Gift Evening held for the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs on Wednesday 1 May 1929 [4: 25-May-1929]
She was among those who welcomed Prime Minister of Australia, Stanley BRUCE, on his visit to Mingenew in mid 1928 [4: 14-Jul-1928]
Herself, her husband and their children were among those from Three Springs who attended the 1929 Perth Royal Show [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Attended the Three Springs Football Club's Welcome Home Social for two newly wedded couples on 1 November 1929 [4: 9-Nov-1929]
In early January 1930 herself, her husband and their children spent a holiday at Dongara Beach [4: 4-Jan-1930]
Attended the Annual Ball after the Three Springs Show in 1930 wearing brown lace in silk over lighter tones [4: 11-Oct-1930]
Donated prizes for the local Anglican Church Children's Fancy Dress Ball held in Three Springs on 28 November 1930 [4: 6 & 20-Dec-1930]
Won 1st prizes for Wholemeal Biscuits and Wholemeal Bread at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932, 7-Oct-1932]
Attended the Ball following the Three Spring Agricultural Show on 22 September 1932 in a gown black and white floral georgette [5]
Attended the Farewell Evening tendered to local pioneer Mrs Blanche M. KOCH in Three Springs on 3 December 1932 [4: 10-Dec-1932]
Attended the Euchre Party and Dance held at the Spring Hostel in Three Springs on Thursday 1 June 1933 [5: 9-Jun-1933]
Attended the Hospital Appeal Grand Ball Three Springs on 8 June 1933 in golden brown georgette inlet with godets [5: 16-Jun-1933]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Monster Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 2 September 1933 [5: 8-Sep-1933]
Attended the 21st birthday of Gladys BASTIAN at her parents' home in Three Springs on Sunday 22 October 1933 [5: 27-Oct-1933]
Winner of the bridge at the Bridge & Euchre Evening at the Anglican Church Rectory in Three Springs on 28 May 1934 [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Attended the Three Springs C.W.A. Ball at the Three Springs Hall on the evening of Thursday 22 November 1934 [5: 23-Nov-1934]
Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Wheatmeal Bread at the Three Springs Agricultural Show held on 19 September 1935 [5: 27-Sep-1935]
After attending the Royal Show in Perth herself and her husband returned to Three Springs on Sunday 13 October 1935 [5: 18-Oct-1935]
Attended the Valedictory Social for Miss Rachel M. A. WALLACE in Three Springs on Tuesday 15 December 1936 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
Supervised the supper at the Farewell Social for Matron Jean R. CLEMESHA at the Three Springs Hall on 24 March 1944 [4: 1-Apr-1944]
Member of the Women's Auxiliary of the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs - was President in 1946 [4: 7-Sep-1946]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Subiaco [2]
Died 12 October 1964; ashes interred Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Crematorium Rose Gardens, M, 104) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Emily Isabel Patterson / Hunt' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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