Born 16 February 1908 in Mile End, South Australia [55]
Son of William Herbert GURR and Violet Marion NEWBERY [55]
Grew up in South Australia and began his working life there as a bank employee[P145]
Later shifted to Western Australia and in 1936 was working as a Clerk in Geraldton [50]
By April 1937 he was the owner of Smarts Popular Store at 7 Macpherson Street in Carnamah [5: 23-Apr-1937, 18-Jun-1937]
Advertised "wanted immediately" a boy for shop and delivery work at his Smarts Popular Store in April 1937 [5: 30-Apr-1937]
In June 1937 was granted permission to move the petrol bowser from the side of his shop to the curb of Macpherson Street [5: 18-Jul-1937]
Married "Betty" Elizabeth Sutherland SEWELL on Monday 26 July 1937 at the Christ Church in Geraldton [5: 30-Jul-1937]
General Storekeeper and Commission Agent at 7 Macpherson Street, Carnamah from 1937 to 1944 [0: images 04581 & 04589] [11]
Seller of Groceries, Hardware, Drapery, Fruit, Vegetables, Petrol, Oils, Tyres, Tubes, Batteries and Explosives [150]
Began advertising in August 1937 that he sold "gelignite detonators and fuses" at his Smarts Popular Store [5: 27-Aug-1937]
In addition to selling general items was also in 1937 an agent for Louis Dreyfus and Co (Wheat Buyers), [11]
H. J. Wigmore & Co Ltd, National Mutual Life Insurance and Queensland Fire Insurance Company Ltd [11]
Like Andrew SMART he leased the store's premises at 7 Macpherson Street from their owner Louis P. PARKER [3]
Resided with his wife and later daughter Gillian in the back of the shop at 7 Macpherson Street from 1937 to C.1939 [P145]
Advertised his business in the Schedule for the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's 1938 show [13]
"Keep your money in the District! By Shopping locally with E. H. Gurr, General Merchant & Agent" [13]
Agencies: Louis Dreyfus & Co, H. J. Wigmore & Co Ltd, National Mutual Life Association of Australia Ltd [13]
Petrols, Oils, Batteries, Motor Tyres and Tubes, Licensced to sell Explosives [13]
P.O. Box 44 Carnamah Phone 1; Right from East to West, Gurr's Store is the BEST!" [13]
Carnamah Distributor of Texaco petrol and kerosene in 1938 and 1939 [0: images 02833 & 03003]
Was also an agent in Carnamah for Goodyear tyres and associated supplies in 1939[0: image 03843]
By 1940 had expanded his agency business and in addition to the firms he represented in 1938 and 1939 he also an agent for [13]
Dalgety & Co Ltd; International Harvester Co Ltd; and Tasma, Astor and Radiola Wireless Sets [13]
Initially resided in Carnamah with his wife in a couple of rooms situated at the back of the shop at 7 Macpherson Street [P129]
Then resided with his wife and daughters Gillian and Diana in a house in Niven Crescent, Carnamah in 1940 and 1941 [60] [P145]
During their time in Niven Crescent their home was telephone number Carnamah-2[60]
During the 1938-39 financial year Louis P. PARKER sold his store's premises to Walter R. and Florence M. YORK [3]
Following the sale he leased his store's premises at 7 Macpherson Street from their new owners until the 1940-41 financial year [3]
During the 1940-41 financial year purchased the land and shop at 7 Macpherson Street from the YORKs [3]
Resided with his wife and daughters in the stone house at 5 Macpherson Street, Carnamah 1941-1952 [P145]
Rented the stone house from Walter R. and Florence M. YORK until purchasing it from them C.1946 [3]
Went before the Carnamah Police Court on 1 May 1940 for having the weight of retail packages in his shop incorrectly stated [22]
The matter concerned packages of sugar, sago, split peas, sultanas; pleaded guilty and was fined £5 plus costs of 10/6 [22]
On the same day the Carnamah Cash Store & Agency Company was also charged with the same offence [22]
Obtained the International machinery agency which he ran from garage premises at 4 Macpherson Street in Carnamah [P7]
Agent for the Carnamah and Winchester districts for International trucks in 1941[0: image 04049]
In November 1944 sold the grocery section of his business to A. Norman MOSEDALE [0: images 04581 & 04589]
Retained ownership of the premises at 7 Macpherson Street and leased them to A. N. MOSEDALE and later to J. L. SCHIER [3]
On selling the grocery portion of his business he remained in Carnamah as a commission agent [0: image 04580]
Some of the larger items sold through his agencies were trucks, farm machinery and refrigerators [0: image 04582]
Through his agency for Dalgety's he was a supplier of Service, Stock, Wool, Merchandise & Insurance [13]
Through his Dalgety and Company Ltd. agency he acted as a rural trader selling farm requirements, [13]
insurance for plant, stock and crops and was a buyer of farmers' Wool Clips and Stud Livestock [13]
Also an agent for Caltex Ltd, International Harvester, National Mutual Life Association of Australia and the Union Assurance Soc. [13]
In 1946 purchased D. Standish O'GRADY's garage at 4 Macpherson Street in Carnamah (Lot 9 of Victoria Location 1936) [3]
Ran the garage at 4 Macpherson Street and employed mechanics to do the repairs [P145]
Also had his agencies based at the garage's premises at 4 Macpherson Street in Carnamah [P145]
Employed mechanic Arnold G. C. HIRST to run his garage and then "Darkie" B. R. M. FRANKLIN [P4]
Also in 1946 purchased D. S. O'GRADY's house at 15 Yarra Street in Carnamah (Lot 15 of Victoria Location 1936) [3]
Authorised Distributor for Caltex Petrol and Oils in 1947 [0: image 04446]; Manager of Carnamah's Caltex Fuel Depot [??]
When the Winchester and Billeroo State Schools closed he obtained the contact to run the bus into Carnamah [P7]
Used an old utility as a bus, which had two forms put on the back, with the sides and top covered with canvas [P7]
Employed Sydney C. ROWLAND to drive the bus and also to work part time in his garage [P7]
In 1951 purchased a new school bus [0: image 04626]
In 1952 was an agent for International trucks and McCormick Deering tractors[0: image 04660]
In 1952 also sold farm machinery parts at his garage premises in Carnamah at 4 Macpherson Street [0: image 04660]
Received electricity at his garage from local firm Henry Parkin & Son; in 1952 electricity for the month of July cost £1.11.1 [53]
After spending several days in Perth he returned to Carnamah on Thursday 22 April 1937 [5: 23-Apr-1937]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1937 [5: 14-May-1937]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club in 1937 [5: 4-Jun-1937]
Played Jasper in the play "Three Parts Bad" at the Club's Social Evening at the Carnamah Hall on 25 June 1937 [5: 2-Jul-1937]
Played one of the passengers in the Harold Brighthouse play "The Stoker" at the Club's Concert on 20 August 1937 [5: 27-Aug-1937]
The North Midland Times newspaper reported that he visited Geraldton during the first weekend of June 1937 [5: 11-Jun-1937]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club in 1937-38 - played for Carnamah Reds [5: 24-Dec-1937]
Committee Member in 1938 and Financial Member 1939-1948 of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society [13] [58]
Donated a trophy for the Ring Events section of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1939 [13]
Member of the Carnamah Tennis Club in 1940 and 1941 [0: images 03907 & 04039]
Member of the Carnamah Miniature Rifle Club in 1941 [0: image 03999]
The Carnamah District Road Board purchased a gate from him for the Billeroo Hall in East Winchester in 1941 [413: page 30]
Private in the local Volunteer Defence Corps during the Second World War [16]
Secretary of the Carnamah Home Guard 1942-1944 [0: images 02956 & 04579]
Member of the Carnamah Air Observation Crops in 1942 [0: image 02974]
Was hit on the head by a cricket ball during a cricket match at Billeroo and was knocked unconscious [0: image 04591]
Mrs H. E. NINEHAM who had nursing experience bandaged his head with supplies from the Billeroo State School [0: image 04591]
After a considerable time he regained consciousness and was driven home in his own car by Stan LUCAS [0: image 04591]
Served on the Carnamah District Road Board 1947-1952 [7: page 111]
Committee Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1948 [58]
Member of the Carnamah Repertory Club [P145]
Member of the Carnamah Cricket Club 1949-1951 - played for Carnamah Town [0: images 04519, 04533 & 04605]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Ronald Alfred DEWAR on 28 April 1952 at the Winchester Cemetery [4]
Resided in Carnamah until 1952 when he shifted with family to Geraldton where he was Manager of the Egg Board [P145]
Although he had left Carnamah in 1952 [P145] he was an agent in Carnamah for Dalgety & Co Ltd until at least 1953 [0: image 04706]
Pallbearer at the funeral of James Hostley ROWLAND at the Winchester Cemetery on 27 September 1958 [4]
Resided in Geraldton until 1960 when he shifted to Perth WA [P145]
Leased his shop premises at 7 Macpherson Street in Carnamah to J. Leonard SCHIER until selling them to him in 1961 [3]
Later worked for the Egg Board and resided in Nedlands WA [P8]
Resided in Nedlands WA until his death in 1971 [2]
Father of Gillian, Diana and Susan [P145]
Died 21 April 1971; ashes interred Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Lawn 2, Niche Wall, W1, 149) [2]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Eric Hubert Gurr' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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