Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Ernest Edgar PAGE

Born 1880 in Violet Town, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of William PAGE and Matilda SHAW [15]
Married (1) Margaret Florence MORGAN in 1905 in Fremantle, Western Australia [15]
Labourer in Worsley, west of Colloe, in 1910 [50]
Labourer in Three Springs and Arrino 1911-1915 [9: 9-Apr-1915] [19] [50]
Married (2) Nellie Ellen FEEHAN in 1914 [66]
In early 1916 he was working as a Horse Driver in Harvey [30: item 8000487]
He successfully applied to enlist in the Australian Imperial Force in Harvey on 3 January 1916 [30: item 8000487]
     He officially enlisted and entered camp at the Blackboy Hill military camp in the Perth hills on 17 January 1916 [30]
     At his own request he was discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 8 February 1916 [30]
By mid 1916 he was working as a Miner and living at 87 Hope Street in the Fremantle suburb of White Gum Valley [30: item 8000487]
Again enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in Fremantle on Wednesday 7 June 1916 [30: item 8000487]
     Upon enlistment he was 5 feet 4½ inches tall, weighed 118 pounds and had grey eyes, fair hair and ruddy complexion [30]
     After initial training in Belmont he was appointed to the 7th Reinforcements of the 5 Pioneer Battalion on 1 November 1916 [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the HMAT A8 Argyllshire on 9 November 1916 [30]
     Disembarked in Devonport, England on 10 November 1917 and after further training proceeded to France on 23 July 1917 [30]
     Following a transfer he was Private 3144 in the Australian Imperial Force's 16th Battalion in France during the First World War [30]
     Wounded in Action on 26 September 1917 and was evacuated to England where his left leg was amputated [30]
     He was listed on the 346th Casualty List, with his home location listed as Arrino [10: 9-Nov-1917]
     Unable to serve, he was invalided back to Australia, embarking from England on the Dunluce Castle on 24 January 1918 [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 24 March 1918; received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
     He was granted a fortnightly pension of 60/- and his wife a fortnightly pension of 30/- from 25 March 1918 [30]
     His daughters Elvira Mary Matilda, Hazel Florence, Myrtle Minnie and Violet Grace also received pensions between 20/- and 10/- [30]
Farmer in Cookernup 1923-1927 [6] [50]
Labourer in Watheroo in 1926 [50]
At an auction of Crown lands in Geraldton on 10 August 1927 he purchased the six acre Lot 68 in the Coorow townsite [39: 20-Aug-1927]
Farmer via Three Springs 1927-1936 [19] [50]
     In November 1927 he successfully applied to take up the 1,500 acre Victoria Location 7565 [39: 26-Nov-1927]
     Victoria Location 7565 is west of the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes between Carnamah and Three Springs and west of Winchester [62]
     At an unknown date he also took up the 200 acre Victoria Location 9408 [86: 2-Aug-1938]
     His farm was 17 miles west of Three Springs [4: 23-Jun-1934]
In February 1928 his children Violet, Ernest and Grace were enrolled at the Dominican Convent School in Three Springs [98]
     Previously his children had attended the State School in Cookernup in the Harvey district [98]
Rate books give his address as Coorow 1932-1934 and Three Springs 1935-1937 [3]
In September 1932 he requested for the Three Springs Road Board to make a new road south from Victoria Location 4479 [4: 17-Sep-1932]
Member of the Three Springs-Arrino Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League [5: 21-May-1937]
In 1934 grew a number of giant pie melons, with the biggest weighting 125 pounds and having a girth of 5 feet 5 inches [4: 23-Jun-1934]
     His biggest melon was showcased at The Central Agency in Three Springs before being converted into jam [4: 23-Jun-1934]
He donated £3/18/2 cash to the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs in 1934 [5: 11-Jan-1935]
Resided in Dongara in 1937 [24]
Died 6 May 1937 in Three Springs; buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery in Three Springs (Anglican, Plot 31) [24]
Following his death the Three Springs Road Board observed two minutes silence at their meeting on 15 May 1937 [5: 21-May-1937]
The Conditional Purchase lease for his 1,500 acre Victoria Location 7565 was forfeited on 25 March 1938 [3]
In August 1938 his former blocks of farmland were advertised as available for selection through the Geraldton Lands Office [4: 6-Aug-1938]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 7 May 1937:
Death of Three Springs Resident
"The death occurred at the North Midlands District Hospital, Three Springs, on Thursday when Ernest Page, 63, of Three Springs, passed away. The deceased, who had resided in the Three Springs district for many years recently moved to Dongara. He returned a fortnight ago when he entered the hospital, where he remained until his demise. Deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn their sad loss."

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 8 May 1937:
Death of Mr E. E. Page
"Mr Ernest E. Page, who was well known throughout the North Midlands, passed away at the Three Springs Hospital on Thursday morning after a brief illness. The late Mr Page had been in indifferent health for some year, having lost a leg and suffered with gas injuries while on active service with the A.I.F. during the great war, but it was only recently that any serious complications set in. During the past six months he has been residing with his wife and family in the Dongara district, but was brought to Three Springs a fortnight ago fro medical attention."

From The West Australian newspaper, Friday 14 May 1937:
Country News - Three Springs
"Mr Ernest Page died in the North Midlands Hospital at Three Springs on May 7 at the age of 63 years. The late Mr Page served with the A.I.F. during the Great War and was gassed also lost a leg. He leaves a widow and four children."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Ernest Edgar Page' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 7 March 2025 from [reference list]

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