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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Ernest Eric EDWARDS

Born 20 September 1904 in Walthamstow, Essex, England [P340]
Son of carpenter George Harry EDWARDS and "Marie" Maria Caroline BIGGS [20] [21]
He was one of six children with an elder sister Marie, twin brother George and younger sisters Dorothy, Julia [20] and "Joan" Edith [P340]
In 1911 he was living with his parents and siblings in a three roomed house at 54 Stephendale Road in Fulham, London, England [20]
After his father's death he was sent to a technical school in Ashford, Middlesex as his mother couldn't cope with five children [P340]
Not long after arriving at the school a place was offered for him to go to Australia under a farm training scheme [P340]
Before leaving England spent time at the Church Army Training Farm at Hempstead Hall near Saffron Walden in Essex, England [203]
Departed from London, England on the steamship Omar bound for Fremantle, Western Australia on 26 January 1923 [203]
He travelled on the Omar with eight others of similar age, who had also come from the Church Army Training Farm [203]
Farmhand for Charlie SATTLER [P340] on Lilydale Farm in Tarwonga near Williams [50]
During his time working for SATTLER he did tasks including haymaking and resided at a camp on the farm for three months [P340]
He is also believed to have worked on a Teasdale Farm in Merredin or possibly for the TEASDALE family in Merredin [P340]
Farmhand for Horace J. CURTIS in Kulin in 1926 [50]
Farmhand and Teamster for John J. MALDEN on Sunderland Farm in Whelarra 1928-1930 [19] [50]
Farmhand in Mandurah in 1931 [50]
Farmhand in Carnamah 1931-1934 [5: 9-Mar-1934] [19]
Won "by the smallest margin" a bout at the Boxing Tournament held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 January 1932 [4: 6-Feb-1932]
He obtained his driver's license, number 38284, in 1932 and had it reissued in 1933 for a further year [P340]
In 1933, when he had his license reissued, he was working for Reginald M. DIAMOND on Wooruk Farm in Carnamah [P340]
He left Carnamah on Friday 2 March 1934, travelled down to Perth and on Monday 5 March 1934 departed for England [5: 9-Mar-1934]
When he left Carnamah he expected to return to Western Australia and possibly also Carnamah a year or so later [5: 9-Mar-1934]
Departed from Fremantle, Western Australia on the steamship Moldavia and arrived in London, England on 6 April 1934 [204]
His expected address following his arrival was 54 Stephendale Road in Fulham, London, England [204]
Married Ada Ellen PALMER [P340] in 1935 in London, England [21]
In 1939 he was working as a Printer's Labourer and living at 112 Rochester Avenue in Feltham, Middlesex, England [412]
Leading Aircraftman 1636320 in the Royal Air Force through the duration of the Second World War [P340]
He survived the war but a few years later died as the result of an industrial accident at the Chiswick depot of London Transport [P340]
Father of Eric Ernest and George Kenneth [P340]
Died July 1948 in London, England; buried at the Feltham Cemetery in Feltham, London, England [P340]
His widow regularly received food parcels from Western Australia during the period of rationing in England after the war [P340]
The parcels were sent by Mrs Mabel M. MALDEN [50] of Sutherland Farm in Whelarra, who was the wife of his former employer [P340]
In 1970 his son George, daughter-in-law and grandson immigrated from England to South Australia [P340]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Ernest Eric Edwards' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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