Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 1889 in Ballarat East, Victoria, Australia [54]
Daughter of William ROBERTS and Emily Mildred MARCUSSEN [55]
In 1903 her father was a Bootmaker and they were living at 75 Lydiard Street in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia [50]
Married "Leslie" Alfred Leslie TROTTER 1911 in Perth, Western Australia [66]
Her husband served with the Australian Imperial Force's 48th Infantry Battalion 1916-1919 during the First World War [30: item 11583475]
     Following her husband's enlistment she was living at 40 Commercial Avenue in the Perth suburb of Leederville [30]
     Later resided during the First World War with her mother at 84 Salisbury Street in the Perth suburb of Subiaco [30: items 11583475, 8034330]
Her brother Alfred W. ROBERTS also enlisted in the A.I.F. and served as a Corporal in the 32nd Battalion in France [30: item 8034330]
     Her brother allotted three fifths of his military pay to the support of their widowed mother and younger brother aged under 16 [30]
     Following multiple hospitalisations for phimosis, circumcision and gastric her brother was Killed in Action on 20 July 1916 [30]
Her husband returned from the war in 1919 and in 1920 they were living in York, Western Australia [30: item 11583475] [39: 17-Aug-1920]
     She placed an In Memoriam notice in The West Australian newspaper on the fourth anniversary of her brother's death [39: 20-Jul-1920]
     "In loving memory of our dear brother Alf who fell at Fleurbaix... aged 21 years... Ever remembered and always missed" [39]
Resided with her husband and children in Moora 1921-1924 and in Carnamah 1925-1928 [4] [9] [19]
     Attended the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball on 6 August 1925 in the Carnamah Hall in a dress of apricot de chene [9: 21-Aug-1925]
     Along with her husband and children spent Christmas at Dongara Beach in 1927 [4: 7-Jan-1928]
     After her husband sold his bakery business they left Carnamah in May or June of 1928 [4: 19-May-1928]
Resided in the Perth suburb of Wembley where her husband operated as a storekeeper and baker [P340]
     During her husband's service in the Australian Army during the Second World War she ran his business in Wembley [P340]
     Resided in the Perth suburb of Wembley until her death in 1958 [2]
Mother of Ronald, Lloyd, Rona and Neville [9: 21-Oct-1927] [120: 1-Sep-1927]
Died 21 July 1958; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Anglican, GA, 316) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Florence Maud Roberts / Trotter' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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