Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Fred" Frederick Gordon MURRAY

Born 10 February 1916 in Pontefract, Yorkshire, England [16] [187]
Son of "Bert" Herbert MURRAY and "Lizzie" Elizabeth Ellen GRUNDY [P162]
Departed London, England with his mother and sister Hilda on the Orsova on 28 April 1923 [203]
They arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on the Orsova on 31 May 1923[70]
Following their arrival they joined his father and sister Edna who had already settled on the Inering Estate in Carnamah [P162]
Resided with his parents and sisters on Highfields Farm on the Inering Estate in Carnamah [P162]
His name was part of an application for a State School to be established on the Inering Estate in Carnamah in 1926 [276]
Boarding Student at Saint Ildephonsus College in New Norcia for two years beginning on 23 July 1929 [187]
Member of the East Carnamah Cricket Club in 1932 [5: 28-Oct-1932]
Paid a 10/- Vermin Bonus by the Carnamah District Road Board in September 1933 for helping to control vermin by killing a fox [300]
Attended the Carnamah Church of England's New Year Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 December 1933 [5: 5-Jan-1934]
In 1934 himself and his sister Hilda were both studying for missionary work at the Perth Bible Institute in Perth [5: 25-May-1934]
Himself and Hilda spent two weeks holiday with their mother on the Inering Estate in Carnamah during May 1934 [5: 25-May-1934]
In September 1935 himself and his sister Hilda spent another holiday in Carnamah[5: 20-Sep-1935]
Later studied theology at Saint Barnabas' Theological College in South Australia, graduating in 1938 [281]
Married Annette D. C. LLOYD in Perth in 1941 [66]
Resided in Toodyay in 1942, when he enlisted in their local Volunteer Defence Corps [16]
Resided in the Perth suburb of Subiaco prior to enlisting in the Australian Army on 6 October 1943 [16]
     Captain WX22632 in the Australian Army's 2/9 Field Regiment during the Second World War [16]
     Discharged from the Australian Army on 23 July 1946 [16]
During December 1945 his wife and son were passengers in his sister Mrs Edna SIVYER's car in Carnamah [0: image 04375]
     His son fell out of the car after leaning on the door handle while looking at birds outside, and was seriously injured [5]
     Following the accident his son was treated at the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs, and then in Perth [5]
     He was notified by cable of his son's condition, as he was at the time still serving with the Australian Army [5]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of South Perth [2]
Died 14 January 2006; ashes interred Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Crematorium Rose Gardens, 14, 271) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Frederick Gordon Murray' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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