Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Married Frances Natalie MANUEL in Perth in 1927 [66]
School Teacher of the Three Springs State School in Three Springs 1927-1936 [19] [73]
During his years in Three Springs his annual salary varied between £432 and £440, minus £39 for rent [73]
Secretary of the Three Springs District Hospital Committee in 1928 [60]
By 1928 he had the telephone connected to his residence - was telephone number Three Springs-18 [60]
Member of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1928 [124]
Conducted an Armistice Day ceremony at the Three Springs State School on Monday 11 November 1929 [4: 16-Nov-1929]
Member of the Three Springs Cricket Club in 1930-31 and 1933-34 [4: 22-Nov-1930] [5: 23-Mar-1934]
Won 2nd prize for a female Bantam in the Poultry section of the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932]
Judged the Educational section at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show at Maley Park, Coorow on 7 September 1933 [5: 15-Sep-1933]
Member of the Three Springs Tennis Club - was Captain in 1933-34 and Vice President in 1935-36 [5: 6-Oct-1933, 20-Sep-1935]
Attended and gave a speech at the farewell to Dick and Lilian HARRIS in Three Springs on Monday 12 March 1934 [5: 16-Mar-1934]
Committee Member of the Three Springs Agricultural Society 1934-1936 [5: 13-Apr-1934, 1-May-1936, 12-Jun-1926]
Judged of the Educational section at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Shows held in Coorow in 1935 and 1936 [5: 13-Sep-1935, 11-Sep-1936]
Umpire of the baseball played between the Carnamah and Three Springs state schools on Friday 27 September 1935 [5: 4-Oct-1935]
Judged the Educational section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Shows in 1935 and 1936 [5: 20-Sep-1935, 4-Sep-1936]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'George Williamson' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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