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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 1873 in Lancashire, England [20] [21]
Son of John GIBSON and Margaret FORREST [20] [21]
     His parents were both Scottish but by 1865 had shifted to Lancashire, England where his father was working as a Fish Dealer [20]
     By 1881 the family had returned to Scotland and were living at 45 Junction Street in Leith, Midlothian, Scotland [20]
     He was one of at least six children with elder siblings John, Robert, Andrew, Christina and Elizabeth [20]
     In 1891 he was living with his parents, brother Andrew and sister Elizabeth at Middlefield House in Edinburgh [20]
     He was living with his mother, brother Andrew and sister Elizabeth at 6 Hope Street in Leith, Midlothian, Scotland in 1901 [28]
     In 1901 he was a Fish Trader, as was his brother Andrew and their sister Elizabeth was a Fish Trader's Assistant [28]
Fish Trader based in Edinburgh in 1911 [20] and in 1914 was decribed as a "wealthy merchant" [34]
    Resided with his wife Agnes and daughter Margaret at Otterston on Ferry Road in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland [20] [34]
In July 1914 arranged to purchase from the Midland Railway Company a Ready-Made Farm in Carnamah, Western Australia [34]
     The farm was 847 acres and consisted of Lots M952 and M955 of Victoria Locations 1934 and 1936 [34]
     A house was erected on the farm by Mr MACKESY and a large area of virgin bush cleared by contractors LARKIN Bros [34]
Along with his wife and daughter departed London, England on the steamship Medina on 9 January 1915 [203]
     When they departed he stated his occupation as Farmer and the future intended permenant address of his family as Australia [203]
     After a voyage of exactly one month they arrived on the steamship Medina in Fremantle, Western Australia on 9 February 1915 [338]
Travelled to Carnamah to inspect his farm but found it to be entirely different to the descriptions given by the Company [34]
     He declined to proceed with the purchase of the farm on the grounds of the Midland Railway Company's misrepresentations [34]
     Also demanded that his deposit on the farm be refunded plus half of the expenses he incurred in coming to Australia [34]
He met with the Midland Railway Company's Lands Committee where he stated his grievances [34]
     He claimed the fences were broken, the roads were only tracks, that he had no outbuildings when he had been promised two, [34]
     that the land contained too many rocks, there were stumps and suckers everywhere, and that there was no stationmaster [34]
     or store where he had been told there were both and that "he could not think of taking his wife up to such a place" [34]
On 12 March 1915 the Midland Railway Company resolved to cancel his agreement and returned his deposit of £468/17/- [34]
"Mr and Mrs Henry Gibson" were among the guests staying at the Savoy Hotel in Perth in March 1915 [225: 19-Mar-1915]
In May 1916 the Midland Railway Company sold Lot M952 to John H. RANKINE and Lot M955 to Charles W. J. TURNER [27]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Henry Gibson' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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