Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Horace Edward THOMAS

Born 22 February 1904 in Subiaco, Western Australia [15] [84]
Son of John THOMAS and Lydia CAHILL [15]
Baptised by Methodist minister J. E. STONE of Dongara on 21 March 1904 [84]
Resided with his parents in Mingenew 1904-1913, where his father was Stationmaster for the Midland Railway [6] [9: 2-May-1913] [84]
Following his father's transfer they left Mingenew and shifted to the Perth suburb of Midland Junction in April 1913 [9: 2-May-1913]
Married "Neta" Uneta SAGGERS in 1927 [19]
Wheelwright in Mingenew 1926-1930 [4] [19]
     Member of the Mingenew Football Club in 1926 [4: 21-Aug-1926]
     He could be the 'H. Thomas' who had a Sunbeam motorcycle registered with the Mingenew Road Board in 1927 [86: 8-Oct-1927]
     Member of the Mingenew Rifle Club 1926-1930 - was Captain in 1926, Vice Captain in 1929 [4: 21-Aug-1926, 1-Jun-1929, 19-Jul-1930]
     He and his wife travelled from Mingenew to Perth for a short holiday by train on Friday 1 September 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
     While in Perth he competed in the National Rifle Association's Annual Prize Meeting held at the Rifle Range in Swanbourne [4]
     Member of the Loyal Mingenew Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows Friendly Society in 1929 [4: 26-Jan-1929]
     On the evening of 23 August 1929 he and his wife travelled from Mingenew to Perth for a fortnights holiday [4: 31-Aug-1929]
     While in in August 1929 Perth he competed in the Centenary Rifle Meeting held in the Perth suburb of Swanbourne [4: 31-Aug-1929]
     He was in Geraldton suffering from appendicitis during October of 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
     Attended the funeral of Mingenew pioneer Mrs Ellen OLIVER at the Mingenew Cemetery on 18 December 1929 [86: 21-Dec-1929]
     Entered into partnership with his father-in-law Norman SAGGERS' butchering business in Mingenew in February 1930 [4: 8-Feb-1930]
     In July 1930 he and his wife holidayed with his parents in Dongara, where his father was Railway Stationmaster [4: 2-Aug-1930] [6]
Butcher in Miling in 1931 [50]
Blacksmith in Three Springs 1933-1946 [6] [19]
     His business was situated on the corner of Murcott and Slaughter Streets in the Three Springs townsite [P42]
     Member of the Carnamah Rifle Club in 1934 [5: 21-Sep-1934]
     Along with his wife, children and brother Donald briefly left Three Springs and worked as an Engineer in Laverton [50]
     After spending time on the goldfields at Laverton returned to Three Springs in April 1936 [5: 24-Apr-1936]
     Member of the Three Springs Rifle Club in 1936-37, and Treasurer in 1937-38 [5: 12-Jun-1936, 12-Mar-1937, 2-Jul-1937]
     Attended and competed at the Official Opening of the Three Springs Rifle Club's rifle range on Thursday 23 July 1936 [5: 31-Jul-1936]
     He was "one of the most consistent local shooters" in the Three Springs Rifle Club [5: 20-Aug-1937]
Mechanic in Wongan Hills 1949-1954 [50]
     Member of the Wongan Hills Rifle Club in 1949 [39: 29-Nov-1949]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Rossmoyne [2]
Father of Juanita, Alma and twins John and Norman [P376]
Died 22 October 1991; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Lawn, H, 534) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Horace Edward Thomas' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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