Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Hugh Alexander Ferguson MCNEILL

Born 1884 in Raywood, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of Charles MCNEILL and Anne DOLMAN [15]
Shifted from Raywood, Victoria, Australia to Dalwallinu, Western Australia C.1903 [5: 2-Dec-1932]
Married Barbara SHARP in Moora on Friday 2 September 1910 [9: 9-Sep-1910]
Resided in Dalwallinu until C.1926 when he shifted to Arrino, after purchasing the HACKETT family's farm [5: 9-Dec-1932] [P2]
Farmer of York Valley Farm in Arrino 1926-1932 [5: 29-Jul-1932, 2-Dec-1932]
Member of the Arrino Hall Committee in 1930 [4: 10-May-1930]
Won a cake at the Methodist Church Social held in Arrino on Wednesday 29 July 1931 [4: 1-Aug-1931]
On heading towards recovery it was hoped he would return home from the Hospital in Three Springs in July 1932 [5: 29-Jul-1932]
By August 1932 he had received 1644 points of rain of his farm - above the average of 16 inches for the whole year [5: 19-Aug-1932]
Handicapper of the R.S.L. Sports Day at the Arrino Recreation Ground on Thursday 5 November 1932 [5: 11-Nov-1932]
He had leukaemia and would attend local football matches heavily rugged up as he was always cold [P2]
Father of Annie, Ethel, Phyllis, Doris, Norman and Thomas [5: 9-Dec-1932]
Died 21 November 1932 in Three Springs; buried at Three Springs General Cemetery in Three Springs (Anglican, Plot 18) [24]
In his will, which he had written twelve years earlier on 28 July 1920, he bequeathed his entire estate to his wife Barbara [585]

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 26 November 1932:
Obituary - Mr Hughie McNeil - A Useful Life Ended  (From our Arrino correspondent)
"Quite a gloom was cast over the district on Tuesday last when it became known that Mr H. A. F. McNeil, an old and respected citizen, had passed away at a late hour on Monday night. With his wife and family, the late Mr McNeil came to the Arrino district from Dalwallinu some seven years ago, and during that time he has been engaged in farming pursuits at his well known property at "York Valley". He was born at Raywood (Victoria), but came to the Dalwallinu district when quite a young man, and taking up land there, he was one of the pioneers of the district. Although a comparatively young man, being only in his 49th  year, the lat Mr McNeil had been in a failing state of health for the past nine years and when the end came it was not entirely unexpected. He was admitted to the North Midlands District Hospital at Three Springs on Saturday night, and although everything possible was done by Dr Mayrhofer and the nursing staff, his condition steadily became worse. On Monday night it was realised that he was almost beyond all human aid and his wife and family were summoned. Soon afterwards his long, weary suffering gave place to a sweet state of unconsciousness. Just a little later, while his wife and daughter (Annie) were at his bedside as he lingered on the border of life and death, he passed peacefully away. Thus ended a life which had been full of usefulness and success, the late Mr McNeil always taking a keen interest in the district and its affairs. As a young man he was a notable athlete and footballer, a large collection of medals and trophies strongly testifying to his successes in this direction. During late years he has been one of the keenest supporters of the sport in this district. On Wednesday afternoon the Anglican Church at Three Springs was taxed to its fullest capacity when the Rev. Chard conducted a short service. Those present joined in singing the beautiful hymns "Abide With Me" and "Peace, Perfect Peace", Miss B. Fogarty presiding at the organ. After the service, about thirty cars followed the remains of a highly respected friend to the Three Springs cemetery, where they were interred in the Anglican section, the Rev. Chard officiating at the graveside. The chief mourners were: Mrs McNeil (widow), Annie, Ethel, Phyllis, and Doris (daughters), Norman and Thomas McNeil (sons), and Messrs C. & S. McNeil (Dalwallinu), brothers of the deceased, Mr C. McNeil and his son Reg made the journey from Dalwallinu to be present, but Mr J. S. McNeil was unable to be present on account of ill-health. The pall-bearers were Messrs H. G. Townsend (Arrino Race Club and North Midlands Football Association), C. Maley (Arrino P.P.A. and Hall  Committee), W. J. Turner (Three Springs Road Board and Arrino Tennis Club), J. R. Sheppard (Dudawa), John McCagh (Arrino), R. Laffan (Carnamah) and V. Ferguson. Many beautiful floral tributes were laid upon the grave, including those from the following: Mrs McNeil and family, chairman and members and secretary of the Three Springs Road Board, Mr & Mrs John Turner and Mr John McCagh, Mr and Mrs Walters and family, matron and staff of North Midlands District Hospital, Dr Mayrhofer and Miss A. Byrne, Mr & Mrs S. Stokes and family, Mr & Mrs E. Hart and family, Mr & Mrs Black and family, Mr & Mrs R. Shaw, Mrs Angle, Arrino Wheat Lumpers, Mr & Mrs C. Maley and family, Mr & Mrs A. Hunter, Mrs S. J. Howard and family, Mr & Mrs J. R. Sheppard and family, Mrs E. T. Turner and Miss Carol, Mr & Mrs E. Pearce, Mr E. Pearce jun, Mr & Mrs Tunbridge and family. All those above mentioned were present at the cemetery, and in addition the following were also at the graveside: - Mr O. S. Sowerby, Mr  R. Shaw (E. S. and A. Bank), H. Barnett (North Midlands Co-Operative Co Ltd), C. S. McDonald (National Bank), A. R. Barr ("Irwin Index"), Mr & Mrs Tunbridge, Mrs Lewis, Mr A.E. Saggers, Mr W. Howard, Mr and Mrs W. A. Rogers and Miss R. Rogers, R. Barnhart, T. Young, W. Mutter, E. K. Byrne, L. S. Lloyd, Mr A. A. Smith, Miss S. Stacey, Mr & Mrs N. E. Stokes, Mr V. Stokes, W. H. Cousins, A. H. Cousins, A Cousins Miss Eunice Cousins, R. W. Connolly, Misses Alice and Elvie Connolly, D. Ferguson, A. & W. Durack, Mrs Bowtell and family, Mrs Lewis, Rev. S. Lewis, H. J. W. Sweetman,, C. Dodd, J. Dee, H. Fawcett,, T. & R. Meldrum, Mr & Mrs C. Barrett. Members of the Three Springs Road Board present were Messrs E. Hunt (chairman), G. H. Bickford (secretary), W. J. Turner, C. F. Thomas, W. D. S. Smith and H. C. Stacey. During the afternoon many of the business houses of Arrino and three Springs closed their doors as a mark of respect to the late Mr McNeil and his family. Mr I. Wallace had charge of the funeral arrangements."

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times & Arrino Advertiser newspaper, Friday 2 December 1932:
"Death at Three Springs
"On November 28th, Mr. H. A. F. McNeill, who has been farming at York Valley in the Arrino district for the past seven years, died at the Three Springs District Hospital at the age of 49 years, after a long illness. The deceased was a pioneer of the Dalwallinu district, coming there from his birthplace (Raywood, Victoria) nearly 30 years ago."
Note: all other sources state his date of death to have been the 21st, not the 28th

From The Carnamah-Three Springs Times & Arrino Advertiser Times newspaper, Friday 9 December 1932:
The Late Mr. H. McNeil
"In our last issue we reported the death at Three Springs of Mr. H. A. F. McNeil on Monday, November 21st. With his family the late Mr. McNeil came to the Arrino district about seven years ago from Dalwallinu, and during the whole of the time was engaged in farming his property at "York Valley." Mr. McNeil was only in his 49th year at the time of his death but had not enjoyed good health for the past nine years. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. Chard, Anglican Rector of Three Springs. There was a very large attendance at the short service conducted in the Three Springs church, and at the graveside in the Three Springs cemetery. The chief mourners were Mrs McNeil (Widow), Annie, Ethel, Phyllis and Doris (Daughters), Norman and Thomas (Sons), and Messrs C. and S. McNeil of Dalwallinu (Brothers). The Pall Bearers were Messrs. H G. Townsend, C. Maley, W. J. Turner, J. R. Sheppard, J. McCagh, R. Laffan and V. Ferguson. Wreaths were sent by the following: Mrs. McNeil and family; Chairman, Members and Secretary of the Three Springs Road Board; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner; Mr. J. McCaugh; Mr. and Mrs. Walter and family, Matron and Staff of Three Springs Hospital; Dr. Mayrhoffer and Miss A. Byrne; Mr. and Mrs. S. Stokes and family; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hart and family; Mr. and Mrs. Black and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaw; Mrs. Angel; Arrino Wheat Lumpers, Mr. and Mrs. C. Maley and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter; Mrs. S. Howard and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sheppard and family; Mr. E. T. Turner and Miss Carrol; Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearce; Mr. E. Pearce, jun.; and Mr. and Mrs. Tunbridge and family. Mr. I. Wallace had charge of the funeral arrangements."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Hugh Alexander Ferguson Mcneill' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 28 March 2025 from [reference list]

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