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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born 4 June 1880 in Killean, Argyllshire, Scotland [28]
Daughter of blacksmith Dugald McCALLUM and Isabella MCMILLAN [28]
In 1881 she was living in Killean with her parents and elder siblings Flora, Annie, Archibald, Jane, and Mary [20]
Just after her fourth birthday in 1884 her mother passed away at the age fo 41 years [28]
In 1891 she was living with her father and siblings Flora, Archibald, Mary, and Alexander in Saddell, Argyllshire [20]
Two months before her 13th birthday in 1893 her father passed away at the age of 54 years [28]
She was working as a Domestic Dairymaid at Ardgare House in Shandon, Dunbartonshire, Scotland in 1901 [20]
Worked as a Domestic Servant in Shandon until marrying in 1907 [28]
Married Donald Macdiarmid BAIN on 1 July 1907 at Seaview House in Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, Scotland [28]
Witnesses to their marriage were J. C. LYLE Jnr and Mary McCALLUM [28]
Along with her husband and their daughter Jane departed London, England on the steamship Otranto on 30 September 1910 [203]
After a voyage of just over a month they arrived on the Otranto in Fremantle, Western Australia on 1 November 1910 [70] [203]
Her husband secured employment on the Midland Railway, which operated stations and sidings from Midland Junction to Walkaway [6] [50]
They resided in Dongara in 1914, Coorow in 1915 and 1916, and in Watheroo from 1917 to 1919 [6] [19] [50]
She and her husband were the recipients of a Farewell Social and Dance in Watheroo on Wednesday 16 April 1919 [9: 18-Apr-1919]
Resided in Gingin 1919-1921 and then at 14 Stafford Street in the Perth suburb of Midland Junction 1922 onwards [6]
Continued to live at 14 Stafford Street in the Perth suburb of Midland Junction following her husband's death in 1948 [6]
Mother of "Jean" Jane Maclolm, "Nesle" Isabel Nesle and Donald [39: 19-Aug-1953]
Died 17 August 1953; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Presbyterian, IA, 862) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Isabella McCallum / Bain' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 18 January 2025 from [reference list]

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