Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Ivor Blyth ROBERTS

Born 19 May 1880 in Kybunga, South Australia [55]
Son of Richard ROBERTS and Margaret SMITH [55]
Married Margaret Oliver BLAKE on 10 June 1911 in Balaklava, South Australia [55]
At an unknown date he won the rifle shooting competition known as the King's Cup shoot in Adelaide, South Australia [5: 24-Nov-1933]
Farmer of Barokee Farm in Waddy Forest, Western Australia 1932-1946 [5: 18-Oct-1935] [6] [19]
      The farm was 2,240 acres in size and was situated on the north side of the Coorow-Latham Road [3] [62]
      The property consisted of Victoria Location 880 and Lots M1287, M1288, M1474 of Victoria Location 2023 [3]
      It was eight miles east of the Coorow townsite and one mile west of the Waddy Forest Post Office [5: 19-Mar-1937]
Exhibited in the Sheep and Grain & Fodder sections of the first Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 8 September 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
     Won 1st prize for Strong Wool Merino Ewe and was awarded 2nd prize for "Oaten Hay, cured, binder tired (1931 season)" [5]
Presided over the Coorow-Waddy Forest Football Club's smoke social at the Coorow Hall on Saturday 22 October 1932 [5: 28-Oct-1932]
Attended the Valedictory Dinner tendered to Alexander B. GLOSTER at the Coorow Hotel on Monday 3 July 1933 [5: 7-Jul-1933]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society 1933-1936 [5: 23-Dec-1932, 13-Mar-1935] [4: 1-Jun-1935]
     Steward of the Horses and Horses in Action sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1937 [5: 7-May-1937]
Attended the Official Opening of the Carnamah Golf Course at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 23 July 1933 [5: 28-Jul-1933]
Exhibited in the Sheep, Poultry and Grain & Fodder sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 7 September 1933 [5]
     Won 1st prize for a Merino Ewe with Lamb and 2nd prizes for Male White Turkey and Sheaf of Wheaten Hay [5: 15-Sep-1933]
In November 1933 he and Stanley L. FOLLAND proposed a Rifle Club be formed in Coorow [5: 24-Nov-1933]
      Foundation Committee Member in 1934, and Vice Captain from 1935-36 and to 1937-38 [5: 5-Jan-1934, 1-Nov-1935, 16-Jul-1937, 30-Jul-1937]
      In 1936 won one of the Club's Spoon Shoots, which he received at the Club's Annual Ball on 28 November 1936 [5: 4-Dec-1936]
Attended the Annual Ratepayers meeting of the Carnamah District Road Board in Carnamah during February 1934 [5: 2-Mar-1934]
Along with his son Peter travelled from Waddy Forest to Perth for a short holiday on Monday 2 April 1934 [5: 6-Apr-1934]
Member of the Coorow Football Club - was Vice President in 1934 [5: 20-Apr-1934]
Member of the Coorow Waddy Forest Progress Association in 1934 [5: 8-Jun-1934]
Purchased a truck load of cattle, which arrived on his farm in Waddy Forest on Saturday 7 July 1934 [5: 13-Jul-1934]
Himself, Stanley L. FOLLAND, Baxter D. BOTHE and Charles C. BOTHE built the Coorow Rifle Range in July 1934 [5: 20-Jul-1934]
Competed in the Ring Events and exhibited Poultry and Grain & Fodder at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1934 [5]
     Came 2nd in the Coat Hat & Cigarette race (on horseback) and received 1st prizes for Wheaten Chaff and female White Turkey [5]
     Received 2nd prizes for Oaten Chaff, Cured Oaten Hay, male Bronzewing Turkey and female Bronzewing Turkey [5: 7-Sep-1934]
The next week won 2nd prize for Oaten Chaff in the Grain & Fodder section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1934 [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Committee Member and Captain of the Coorow Golf Club in 1935 and 1936 [5: 17-May-1935, 28-Jun-1935, 27-Mar-1936]
Attended the Official Opening of the Coorow Golf Club's golf course in Coorow on Sunday 23 June 1935 [5: 28-Jun-1935]
Member of the Waddy Forest Group of the Adult Education Scheme - hosted some of their meetings in 1935 [5: 14-Jun-1935]
Steward of the Horses in Action section at the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society's 1935 Annual Show [5: 28-Jun-1935]
     Exhibited in the Grain & Fodder, Poultry, Sheep and Horses in Action sections of the Show, held on 5 September [5: 13-Sep-1935]
     Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Malting Barley and Wheaten Chaff; 1st prizes for male White Turkey, female White Turkey [5]
     Dorset Horn Ram, Merino Ram over 2½ years, Merino Ewe over 2½ years, Merino Ewe under 2½ years, Three Merino Ewes; [5]
     and 2nd prizes for Green Wheat, Green Oats for Grain, female Bronzewing Turkey, 10 stone Gent's Hack, and Lady's Hack [5]
     As a result of his successes he won the President's Cup, W. H. Melvin's Cup and five tons of super from Cresco Fertilisers [5]
Exhibited in the Sheep and Grain & Fodder sections of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 12 September 1935 [5: 20-Sep-1935]
     Awarded 1st prizes for Ewe over 1½ years and Wheaten Chaff, and received 2nd prize for Wheaten Hay grown in 1934 [5]
Judged of parts of the Horse and Sheep sections at the Three Springs Agricultural Society's Annual Show on 19 September 1935 [5]
     He and John S. O'HALLORAN of Mingenew judged the Thoroughbred Horses and the British Breeds of Sheep [5: 27-Sep-1935]
     Also exhibited, winning 1st and 2nd prizes for Bag of Wheaten Chaff, 1st for Dorset Horn Ram and 2nd for Wheaten Hay [5]
Travelled from Waddy Forest to Perth bv car with Angus and Jenny MCGILP on Sunday 29 September 1935 [5: 4-Oct-1935]
F. Keith and Brian M. MORCOMBE and himself represented the Coorow Rifle Club at a shoot in Perth in October 1935 [5: 4-Oct-1935]
In 1935 imported a Dorset Horn ram from Newbold, South Australia with the intention of starting a Dorset Horn stud [5: 18-Oct-1935]
     At the sheep sales of the Royal Show in Perth in October 1935 purchased the champion and third champion Dorset Horn ewes [5]
     His prize ewes he had purchased in Perth arrived in Coorow on Saturday 12 October 1935 [5]
     The imported ram and two ewes were the foundation of his registered Barokee Dorset Horn sheep stud [5]
     The ram was "a particularly fine sheep" and won prizes at agricultural shows throughout the North Midlands [5: 25-Sep-1936]
     A reporter from The Sunday Times in 1936 made favourable comments about his "finely developed Dorset Horns" [81: 26-Jul-1936]
Represented the Coorow Rifle Club at the annual shoot for the Shearn Cup in Mingenew on Sunday 20 October 1935 [5: 25-Oct-1935]
Coorow mechanic Alan S. HEALES visited his farm on Thursday 24 October 1935 to repair his tractor [5: 1-Nov-1935]
Summarised the activities of the Coorow Rifle Club at their Grand Ball at the Coorow Hall on Saturday 26 October 1935 [5: 1-Nov-1935]
In 1935 his 200 acres of barley averaged 11 bags an acre, which after harvesting he sold directly to barley maltsters [5: 8-Nov-1935]
     The following year, in 1936, he referred to as "the leading grower of barley in the district" [81: 26-Jul-1936]
Attended the entertainment for the Commonwealth Grants Commission at the Coorow Hotel on 21 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
The North Midlands Farmers' Co-operative Company demonstrated pneumatic tyres on his farm on Thursday 12 December 1935 [5]
     He had his 18.32 Case tractor fitted with the tyres, and took off the remainder of his crop with the pneumatic tyres [5: 13-Dec-1935]
Motored from Waddy Forest to Perth with Kenneth E. JONES on Monday 20 January 1936 [5: 24-Jan-1936]
Advertised in January 1936 for a contractor to plough back 400 acres in April-May and fallow 200 acres in August [5: 31-Jan-1936]
Attended the public meeting on the question of Saturday Afternoon Closing in Carnamah on Thursday 19 March 1936 [5: 27-Mar-1936]
     The proposition was to replace the half-day holiday on Thursday afternoons with a half-day holiday on Saturday afternoons [5]
     The driving force was some of the local sporting bodies, who wished to play their organised sport on Saturday instead of Sunday [5]
     He was in favour of the proposal and suggested shops could leave orders outside in boxes for collection after sport on Saturday [5]
In the absence of the President he chaired the Annual Meeting of the Coorow Golf Club on Thursday 12 March 1936 [5: 27-Mar-1936]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's 1936 season Opening Day at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Sunday 26 April 1936 [5: 1-May-1936]
Attended the meeting in Carnamah on 6 May 1936 to discuss the formation of a Stud Breeders Association in the North Midlands [5]
     Foundation Vice President of the North Midlands Registered Stud Stockbreeders Association in 1936 [5: 8 & 22-May-1936]
     Sold sheep at the Association's First Annual Stud Sale held at Centenary Park in Carnamah on Friday 18 September 1936 [5]
     At the sale he offered 12 Dorset Horn rams, 10 Dorset Horn ewes with ewe lambs at foot, and 15 Dorset Horn ewes [5: 4-Sep-1936]
     Under the name of his wife sold one of his Dorset Horn rams and all 10 of his Dorset Horn ewes with lambs at foot [5: 2-Oct-1936]
     The one Dorset Horn ram was sold for 4 guineas to Angus A. N. MCGILP of Polaris Farm in Waddy Forest [5]
     The 10 stud Dorset Horn ewes with lambs went to William F. TETLOW of Morawa at 2¾ guineas, or a total of 27½ guineas [5]
     Vice President and Committee Member of the North Midlands Registered Stud Stockbreeders Association in 1937 [5: 28-May-1937]
Attended the Coorow Golf Club's Opening Day for the 1936 season in Coorow on Sunday 17 May 1936 [5: 22-May-1936]
He and his wife celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary with a Card Evening at their home on 11 June 1936 [5: 19-Jun-1936]
Travelled to Perth on Thursday 18 June 1936 and returned to Waddy Forest on Sunday 21 June 1936 [5: 26-Jun-1936]
     The purpose was to bid farewell to his wife who left by train on the Saturday for an extended holiday in South Australia [5]
Competed at the Official Opening of the Three Springs Rifle Club's rifle range in Three Springs on Thursday 23 July 1936 [5: 31-Jul-1936]
     Donated a trophy to the Three Springs Rifle Club for their member who was the first to obtain the possible score on their range [5]
Played in the Carnamah Masonic Lodge's Inaugural Annual Golf Meeting in Carnamah on Saturday 1 August 1936 [5: 7-Aug-1936]
Sold 32 wethers at 13/7 per head through Dalgety & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on Wednesday 26 August 1936 [5: 28-Aug-1936]
Mr and Mrs A. STEWART and their daughter Betty holidayed with himself and his family in Waddy in September 1936 [5: 4-Sep-1936]
As the Most Successful Exhibitor he won the President's Cup at the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1936 [5: 4 & 11-Sep-1936]
     Won 1st and 2nd for Wheaten Chaff, 1st and 2nd for Wheaten Hay and 2nd for Oaten Chaff in the Grain & Fodder section [5]
     Received 1st and 2nd prizes for 2-year old Gelding bred by exhibitor in the Horse section; and 2nd for Tilting at the Ring [5]
     In the Sheep section won 1st prize for Dorset Horn Ram, and in the Wool section received 2nd prize for the Best Fleece [5]
     He donated the trophy for the Horses in Action section of the show, which was one by Gordon B. RAFFAN of Winchester [5]
He "was an outstanding prize-winner" in the Grain & Fodder section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1936 [5: 11 & 18-Sep-1936]
     Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Wheaten Chaff, Oaten Chaff and Green Oats; 1st for Oaten Hay and 2nd for Wheaten Hay [5]
     Won 1st and 2nd for Dorset Horn Ram in the Sheep section - his winning ram being "an outstanding animal in every respect" [5]
     At the Show Ball he was awarded the Adams Trophy as the most successful exhibitor of the Grain & Fodder section [5]
Repeated his successes in the Sheep and Grain & Fodder sections of the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
     Won 1st for Dorset Horn ram, 1st and 2nd for Wheaten Chaff, Oaten Chaff and Green Oats for Hay, and 2nd for Wheaten Hay [5]
Found his prize-winning Dorset Horn ram dead lying on its back between two rocks towards the end of September 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
     Over preceding weeks the champion ram had won 1st prizes at the Coorow-Waddy, Carnamah and Three Springs shows [5]
     A photo of the champion ram appeared in a "Through the Victoria District" feature in The Western Mail in 1936 [120: 15-Oct-1936]
     Purchased a ram to replace the one that died from the Newbold Stud in South Australia in November 1936 [5: 20-Nov-1936]
     In November 1936 also increased his stud flock with the purchase of 18 ewes from Albany W. PADBURY of Koojan [5]
     At that time he had plans to get further consignments of stud ewes from Northam "in the near future" [5: 20-Nov-1936]
Received prize money through competing at the meeting of the National Rifle Association of WA in Swanbourne in 1936 [5: 2-Oct-1936]
He was among those from Waddy Forest who travelled to Perth for the Perth Royal Show in October 1936 [5: 16-Oct-1936]
Attended Roy M. PATTON's birthday at the dam on Longforest Farm in Waddy Forest on Sunday 8 November 1936 [5: 13-Nov-1936]
Attended the Ratepayers Meeting of the Carnamah District Road Board in Coorow on Wednesday 25 November 1936 [5: 27-Nov-1936]
Played for the Married Men who almost defeated the Single Men in a cricket match in Coorow on 6 December 1936 [5: 11-Dec-1936]
Member of the Coorow Cricket Club in 1936-37 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
After attending visiting Perth, during which he attended the Perth Cup, he returned to Waddy on Tuesday 5 January 1937 [5: 8-Jan-1937]
On switching from horses to the tractor or "power farming" held a Clearing Sale at his farm on Tuesday 23 March 1937 [5: 19-Mar-1937]
     At the sale offered 17 horses, most of which were imported Clydesdales, and consisted of eight mares, six geldings and two colts [5]
     Also 230 sheep (30 pure blood Dorset Horn ewes mated to imported ram Newbold 284, 100 mixed sex crossbred weaners, [5]
     and 100 Merino ewes mated to Dorset Horn rams) and eight head of cattle (five of mixed sorts and three good dairy cows) [5]
     Also put up for sale surplus machinery and sundries including a 35-tyne S.T. State cultivator, 35-tyne S.T. Sunshine cultivator,[5]
     17-run I.H.C. plough, 5-furrow mouldboard plough, 6-disc Sunrise plough, 8-foot Sunshine header, 10-foot hay rake, tip dray, [5]
     spring cart, 5-ton State wagon with hay frame, 16 sets of almost new harness, two wagon saddles, 20 sets of plough chains, [5]
     set of 10-horse swings, and set of 6-horse swings; in addition to produce including 100 bags of pedigreed Felix seed wheat, [5]
     60 bags of Burt's Early seed oats, 150 bags of mixed feed oats, and 80 tons of oaten and wheaten hay in any quantities [5]
     The sale, with everything at unreserved prices, was conducted jointly by Goldsbrough Mort & Co Ltd and Dalgety & Co Ltd [5]
     At the sale sold 12 horses for prices ranging from £32, 194 of the sheep, all of the produce and some of the machinery [5: 9-Apr-1937]
Played for the defeated Married Men in a cricket match against Single Men in Coorow on Sunday 11 April 1937 [5: 16-Apr-1937]
Advertised in April 1937 that he had lost a kelpie dog by the name of Kitt and was offering a reward of £2 [5: 30-Apr-1937]
Sent apologies for being unable to attend the R.S.L. Valedictory for Charles A. METTAM in Carnamah on 28 July 1937 [5: 30-Jul-1937]
Attended the Kitchen Tea for Albert E. MILES and Mary E. GREENWOOD at the Waddy Forest Hall on Saturday 31 July 1937 [5]
     During the speeches and presentations he spoke on behalf of the old residents of the district [5: 6-Aug-1937]
Exhibited in the Ring Events, Sheep and Grain & Fodder sections of the Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show in 1937 [5: 10-Sep-1937]
     In the Ring Events received 1st prizes for the Flag Race and Swerving Race and 2nd for Tilting at Ring [5]
     Won both 1st and 2nd for Dorset Horn ram, 1st and 2nd for Malting Barley and 2nd for Wheaten Hay [5]
Financial Member of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1937, 1938 and 1946 [13]
     Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Dorset Horn ram and Malting Barley at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1937 [5]
     He had bred the ram that won him the 1st prize which the judge remarked was "an excellent young sheep" [5: 17-Sep-1937]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Carnamah doctor Cecil Phillip ROSENTHAL on 8 April 1939 at the Winchester Cemetery [0]
Committee Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society in 1939 [150]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Australian Defence League in 1940 [0: image 03947]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Defence Unit in 1941 [4: 29-Mar-1941]
He was appointed to the Western Australian Advisory Committee to the Australian Barley Board in March 1941 [500: 12-Mar-1941]
Attended the funeral of Waddy Forest farmer Stanley L. FOLLAND at the Moora Cemetery on Monday 25 August 1941 [4: 30-Aug-1941]
Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest Agricultural Society and Patriotic Funds Committee in 1945 [0: image 04318]
Sold his Waddy Forest farm in early 1949 and on 1 March 1949 held a clearing sale to sell his stock, plant and livestock [4: 27-Aug-1949]
Appears to have sold his farm to G. W. and R. FALCONER [3]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of South Perth [2]
Father of Jack, Mary and Peter [P84]
Died 1 December 1960; ashes scattered to the wind at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, 2 March 1945:
Lease and Share Farming
"To lease for three years 1,000 to 2,000 acres good grazing and farming land. Tenant to share-farm 500 to 700 acres adjoining; also contract work, Quarters and out-buildings good. Purchase arranged if desired. I. B. Roberts & Sons, Waddy Forest, phone 5."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Ivor Blyth Roberts' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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