Ran the Carnamah Private Hospital at 14 Boojerabba Street in Carnamah in 1930 [4: 4-Oct-1930]
She was the first sister to run the Carnamah Private Hospital, which was owned by resident doctor Cecil P. ROSENTHAL [4: 23-Aug-1930]
The hospital was open for Medical, Surgical and Maternity cases and was telephone number Carnamah-7 [4: 4-Oct-1930]
Dressed as an "Arab Lady" she attended the Fancy Dress Ball held in Carnamah on Thursday 28 August 1930 [4: 6-Sep-1930]
Won 1st prize for a Table Centre and 2nd for a Specimen of Underclothing at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Attended the evening Ball after the Carnamah Races on Thursday 2 October 1930 in a dress of blue figured moire [4: 18-Oct-1930]
Ran the Carnamah Private Hospital until at least November 1930 [4: 8-Nov-1930]
Left Carnamah in late 1930 after being appointed to a higher position elsewhere[4: 20-Dec-1930]
She was succeeded at the Carnamah Private Hospital by Sister K. JOSSELIN [4: 20-Dec-1930]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Sister J. C. Monteith' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from www.carnamah.com.au/bio/j-c-monteith [reference list] |
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