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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Jim" James Benedict CLUNE

Born 1907 [15]
Son of Jeremiah McMahon CLUNE and Alice Mary BRENNAN [15]
Resided with his parents on Canterbury Farm in New Norcia [201]
He was from a prominent pioneering family of New Norcia, and was educated at Saint Ildephonsus College in New Norcia [201]
Farmer of Mount Leonora Farm in Three Springs [120: 26-Dec-1929]
He and his brother leased and farmed Mount Leonora Farm from its owner Senator Patrick J. LYNCH [120]
Donated £1/1/- to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1928 [124]
Severely hurt his ankle at a football match on Sunday 22 July 1928 and was unable to "get about" the following day [4: 28-Jul-1928]
He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Member of the Three Springs Football Club 1928-1935 - was Captain in 1929 [4: 19-May-1928] [5: 19-Aug-1932, 7-Jun-1935] [120]
Married "Molly" Mary Monica LYNCH in 1929 [66]
Resided with his wife and later their elder children on his father-in-law's Mount Leonora Farm in Three Springs 1929-1933 [201]
Following their marriage he and his wife were the guests of honour at a Social in Three Springs on Friday 1 November 1929 [4]
      During the evening, which was tendered by the Three Springs Football Club, they were presented with a chime clock [4: 9-Nov-1929]
Member of the Three Springs Cricket Club in 1930-31 [4: 22-Nov-1930]
Represented the North Midlands Cricket Association in their match against the Morawa-Perenjori Association in 1930 [4: 22-Nov-1930]
Attended the Commemoration Dinner held at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs on Friday 26 August 1932 [5: images 00152-3]
     The dinner was to commemorate Three Springs having the highest average yield for wheat in the State for the 1931-32 season [5]
Attended the evening dance at the Three Springs Hall after the R.S.L. Sports Day at Arrino on 5 November 1932 [5: 18-Nov-1932]
Along with his wife and children left Three Springs in 1933 [201]
School Teacher at various locations including Miling, and in 1941 and 1942 was Headmaster of Elashgin State School [201]
In early 1943 shifted back to Three Springs and with his elder brother Jerry leased their father-in-law's Mount Leonora Farm [201]
Farmer of Mount Leonora Farm in Three Springs 1943-1964 [201]
Leased and farmed the property in partnership with his brother Jerry as "Clune Bros" in 1943, and then by himself 1944 onwards [201]
Left Three Springs in 1964 [201]
Father of Marie, Pauline, Celine, Gerald, Joan, Danny, Paul and Francis [201]

From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 26 December 1929:
Country Towns and Districts - Three Springs and Mingenew - Cereal and Pastoral Wealth - People and Properties
"Last season the premiership of the North Midlands Football Association was won by the Three Springs team, ably skippered by Mr. J. B. Clune. Educated at St. Idephonsus College, New Norcia, Mr. Clune is a member of a sporting family. In 1928 he was a member of the New Norcia team that took champion honours in Country Cricket Week, several brothers participating in the success also. When leading Three Springs on the football field, Mr. Clune plays either ruck or centre half-forward. With his brother, Mr. V. Clune, he is leasing Senator Lynch's property Mount Leonora. They hope to average 20 bushels an acre from their 400 acre crop, most of which is on fallowed country. Mount Leonora comprises 4,000 acres, 3,000 of which are heavy salmon gum country, and 1,000 sand plain. The cultivation of lupins and oats will increase the productivity of the lighter country."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'James Benedict Clune' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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