Born C.1873 [2]
Son of Charles CLINCH and Fanny ROSER [15] [39: 21-Dec-1951]
His father was a pioneer of Moora while his father's brothers James and Thomas were of Berkshire Valley and Greenough [39: 14-Apr-1934]
After arriving in Western Australia in 1844 his father farmed New Nile in Toodyay and then West End Farm in Moora [39: 5-Apr-1888]
His father died on 27 May 1888 at their home on West End Farm, then considered part of the Victoria Plains [39: 5-Apr-1888]
The Aboriginal name for the locality of the farm was Moira, after which the town and district of Moora was named [39: 14-Apr-1934]
Farmer of West End Farm in Moora also known "the West End" until 1903 [19] [39: 11-May-1903]
West End was regarded as the best farm in the Moora district and was located only one mile from the railway station [39: 11-May-1903]
In 1903 the property consisted of 866 acres of which 400 were freehold and the remainder under Conditional Purchase [39: 11-May-1903]
West End was put up for public auction in May 1903 and was purchased by his cousin Walter R. CLINCH [39: 11-May-1903, 14-Apr-1934]
Labourer in Moora in 1906 [50]
Farmhand, Labourer and Contractor in Carnamah 1909-1929 [6] [19] [44]
He was an early resident of the Carnamah district while his sister Mrs "Jessie" Janet M. JONES was an early settler of Coorow [19]
Fettler in Carnamah 1914-1917 [44]
Farmhand for CUMMING Bros on the Inering Estate in Carnamah in 1926 [4: 7-Sep-1929]
Donated ten shillings to the Moora District Hospital Fund through Donald MACPHERSON of Carnamah in early 1909 [9: 9-Apr-1909]
Attended the Grand Concert & Dance held at the schoolroom in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Night 17 March 1909 [9: 2-Apr-1909]
His cousin Frederick W. B. CLINCH went down with the steamship Koombana off the coast of Port Hedland in 1912 [39: 26-Mar-1912]
The Koombana operated from Fremantle up the Western Australian coast and sank leaving a stateroom door behind [39: 17-Mar-2012]
Purchased from the Midland Railway Company for £20 a block in the newly surveyed Carnamah townsite on 26 February 1914 [27]
The townsite block was the vacant 5 Yarra Street, Carnamah which was surveyed as Lot 5 of Victoria Location 1936 [27]
Performed a step dance at the "Carnamah Concert" held in the railway goods shed in Carnamah on 19 February 1915 [10: 26-Feb-1915]
Played the violin at the Welcome Home tendered to William M. NEWMAN at the schoolroom in Carnamah in July 1919 [10: 11-Jul-1919]
Played his violin at the dance held in the evening of the Peace Day Celebrations in Carnamah on Saturday 19 July 1919 [10: 25-Jul-1919]
Played the violin at the Euchre Party & Dance at Mrs Jane WOODS' home in Carnamah on Tuesday 19 August 1919 [10: 29-Aug-1919]
During the 1920s purchased 22 and 24 Boojerabba Street in the Carnamah townsite (Lots 64 and 63 of Victoria Location 1936) [3]
Appears to have probably purchased the two Boojerabba Street blocks from their original owner Campbell W. BEAN [27]
In early 1928 he spent two weeks with relatives in Gingin, a week in Perth and some time with his sister in Moora [9: 17-Feb-1928]
By 1932 he had left Carnamah and was working as a Labourer in Dandaragan [3]
On leaving Carnamah he retained ownership of his three blocks, with 24 Boojerabba Street and 5 Yarra Street containing houses [3]
In March 1932 the Carnamah District Road Board changed the name of Boojerabba Street to Robertson Street [39: 26-Mar-1932]
For a number of years his house at 24 Robertson Street in Carnamah was rented to "Ted" Edward HELLEWELL [P99]
He could be the J. T. CLINCH who had a warrant issued against Mrs Adele E. BEAUMONT of Carnamah in late 1933 [5: 8-Dec-1933]
From 1940 to 1945 the renting out of his two houses in Carnamah was overseen by the firm R. Goyne Miller & Company [3] [179]
Appears to have sold his three blocks including two houses in Carnamah to Thomas NIVEN during the second half of the 1940s [3]
First cousin once removed of Lydia CLINCH of Moora who in 1934 married Charles H. GRONOW of Waddy Forest [5: 30-Mar-1934] [15]
He was also a first cousin once removed of siblings George M., Ken M., Cecil M. and Ethel M. M. MALEY of Three Springs [15] [19]
Contractor on Mungedar Station in Dandaragan in 1936 and 1937 [50]
Manager of Dampergree Farm in Dandaragan in 1940 [61]
Resided of late in Gingin [2]
Died 20 December 1951; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Anglican, WG, 920)[2]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'James Thomas Clinch' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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