Born 6 August 1917 in Subiaco, Western Australia [P328]
Daughter of Richard Robert John RIGOLL and Edith FLENLEY [P328]
Initially resided with her parents on farmland in Jitarning [P328]
Later resided with her parents in Mundijong, where her father was a butcher, timberyard foreman and then poultry farmer [P328]
Educated at the Mundijong State School in Mundijong 1922-1931 [P328]
Believed to have worked as a shop assistant after leaving school and then as a hotel waitress [P328]
Waitress at the Pingelly Hotel in Pingelly and later at Ye Olde Narrogin Inn in Armadale [P328]
In 1938 shifted to Coorow where she worked as a waitress at the Coorow Hotel [P328]
Married "Fred" Frederick Charles Holden CROFT on 27 September 1941 at Saint George's Cathedral in Perth [P328]
Her husband, of Coorow, was serving in the Australian Army at the time of their marriage [P328]
During the war she followed her husband to near wherever he was stationed with Army camps and worked at hotels [P328]
Following her husband's discharge they left Mundijong to make their home in Coorow on 28 February 1946 [406: 8-Mar-1946]
They used what she had saved and her husband's small Army gratuity to buy a house in Coorow [P328]
Resided with her husband and son at Lot 35 Station Street in the Coorow townsite [P328]
Ladies Committee Member of Coorow Football Club in 1946 [5: 3-May-1946]
Exhibited in the Coorow-Waddy Forest Districts Agricultural Society's Annual Show in Coorow on 5 September 1946 [5: 11-Oct-1946]
In the Needlework section won 1st for Table Centre worked in colours and in Wool Work won 1st for Baby's Three Piece Set [5]
Member of Coorow Tennis Club in 1946-47 and 1947-48 [5: 13-Dec-1946, 5-Mar-1948]
In 1948 she was the runner-up Coorow District Ladies Singles Champion [5: 9-Apr-1948]
Her parents visited and stayed with them in Coorow at the end of November 1946 and again in July 1947 [5: 1-Aug-1947] [406: 6-Dec-1946]
Again won 1sts for Table Centre worked in colours and Baby's Three Piece Set at the Coorow Agricultural Show in 1947 [5: 12-Sep-1947]
Stayed with her parents while her son Ross was in a Perth hospital during October 1947 [406: 24-Oct-1947]
After a short time in Coorow they shifted to Mundijong where they farmed poultry on a share basis with her parents [P328]
Returned to Coorow in about 1950 and from then until her death in 2003 resided at Lot 35 Station Street in the Coorow townsite [P328]
Worked in the Drapery-Newsagency section at the North Midlands Farmers' Co-operative store in Coorow 1954-1958 [P328]
Her parents, who lived in Mundaring, spent a holiday in Coorow with her, her husband and their son in September 1954 [406: 23-Sep-1954]
From leaving the Co-op in 1958 until her retirement in 1982 worked at Casey's Store in Coorow [P328]
Member of the Coorow Tennis Club from her arrival in Coorow in 1938 until about 1970 [P328]
Member of the Coorow Football Club - washed their Club's guernseys through her husband's role of Property Man [P328]
Baked a big batch of scones for the Coorow Football Club's home games and looked after the collection of afternoon tea money [P328]
Member of the Coorow Bowling Club - served as Treasurer [P328]
She was a first-class knitter and would have knitted several bales of wool into garments during her life [P328]
Always had a knitting project on the go and knitted an item of clothing for all new babies who arrived in Coorow [P328]
Mother of Ross [45]
Died 8 November 2003; cremated in Geraldton on 11 November 2003 followed later by a service in Coorow [45]
From The Western Mail newspaper, Thursday 7 March 1940:
"Mr and Mrs R. Rigoll, of Mundijong, W.A., wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Jean, to Frederick Charles Holden Craft, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Croft, Coorow, W.A."
From The South Western Advertiser newspaper, Friday 10 October 1941:
Croft – Rigoll Wedding
"On September 27, at St. George's Cathedral, Perth, the marriage was solemnised of Jean, only daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Rigoll, Mundijong, to Frederick C., eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Croft, of Coorow, the Rev. Dean Moore officiating. In the absence of her father, the bride was given away by Mr Roy Patten, and chose for the occasion an ensemble of powder blue romaine, with hat to tone, finished with white accessories. The bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Hopkinson, wore a suit of dusty pink linen with navy hat and matching accessories, Mr Lloyd Croft acted as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to Mundijong to partake of the wedding breakfast with relatives, at the home of the bride's parents. In the evening a reception was held in the Mundijong Hall where a large gathering of well-wishers were entertained by Mr and Mrs Rigoll. On behalf of local friends the couple was presented with a cabinet of cutlery by Mr D. Baldwin. Later in the evening the happy couple left on their honeymoon."
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Jean Rigoll / Croft' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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