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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


John Wentworth BOLTON

Born 13 June 1920 in Perth, Western Australia [39: 19-Jun-1920] [41] [45]
Son of Tom Harold Lewis BOLTON and Irene Marguerite Johanna HERBERT [39: 19-Jun-1920] [66]
Grew up on his parents farm at Kwelkan near Kununoppin [19] [39: 19-Jun-1920]
Resided in West Swan prior to enlisting in the Australian Army on 30 July 1940 [16]
     Private W30101 at the Australian Army's 2nd Training Depot until being discharged on 9 September 1940 [16]
     Re-enlisted in the Australian Army in the Perth suburb of Claremont on 20 December 1940 [16]
     Corporal WX10518 in the Australian Army's 8th Reinforcements of 2/48 Battalion during the Second World War [16]
     Discharged from the Australian Army on 9 June 1944 [16]
Married Lorreen Lorraine MINEAR on 6 June 1942 at Wesley Church in Perth [39: 9-Jun-1942]
Entered into service with the Western Australian Education Department in 1947 [41]
Studied at Teachers' College in 1947 and 1948 with a report of showing "fine effort and tremendous will for success" [41]
Assistant Teacher on Probation at state schools in the Perth suburbs of Rivervale and Victoria Park in 1949 [41]
Head Teacher of the Huntley State School in North Dandalup 1950-1953 [41]
Master (Teacher) of the Hilton Park, Hamilton Hill, Graylands state schools in 1954 and in Swanbourne 1955-1957 [41]
Head Teacher at state schools in Popanyinning in 1958, Onslow in 1959 and 1960 and Pickering Brook in 1961and 1962 [41]
Head Teacher at state schools in High Wycombe in 1962 and 1963 and in Jarrahdale in 1964 and 1965 [41]
Head Teacher of the Coorow State School from 1966 to 1968, with the exception of six months Long Service Leave in 1966 [41]
     During his time in Coorow he resided in the School House on Bristol Street, which was opposite the school [19] [P8]
From May 1968 he was a Temporary Lecuturer at the Teachers' College in the Perth suburb of Claremont [41]
Head Teacher at the Kapinara Primary School in the Perth suburb of City Beach in 1969 and of Kalgoorlie North 1970-1971 [41]
Head Teacher of the Glendale Primary School in the Perth suburb of Hamersley 1972-1974 [41]
Head Teacher of the Newman Primary School in 1975 and 1976 and the Karratha Primary School in 1977 [41]
Head Teacher of the Warwick Primary School in the Perth suburb of Warwick 1978-1980 [41]
Member of the Wanneroo-Joondalup sub-branch of the Returned and Services League [45]
Later resided in Perth suburb of Yanchep [2]
Father of Adrian, Chris, Rodney, Lindsay, Grant and Rochelle [45]
Died 25 March 2009; buried at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park in the Perth suburb of Padbury (Acacia Court, 2915) [2]

From The West Australian newspaper, Saturday 19 June 1920:
Births. "BOLTON. – On June 13, at Miss Harvey’s Hospital, to Mr and Mrs T.H.L. Bolton, of Kwelkan – a son. Both well."

From The West Australian newspaper, Tuesday 9 June 1942:
Marriages. "BOLTON – MINEAR. – On June 6, at Wesley Church, Perth, by the Rev. A.B. Lloyd, Cpl John Wentworth Bolton (AIF), second son of Mr and Mrs T. H. Bolton, of West Swan, to Lorraine, second daughter of Mr and Mrs H. F. Minear, of Hectorville, SA."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'John Wentworth Bolton' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 27 March 2025 from [reference list]

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