Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Kevin Ringal FENNELL

Born 7 July 1935 in Victoria Park, Western Australia [39: 11-Jul-1935]
Son of Walter George FENNELL and Alice Christina BRYANT [14] [39: 11-Jul-1935]
Resided with his parents on farmland in Marchagee [39: 11-Jul-1935]
He was baptised by North Midlands rector Rev. Alfred J. TOOMEY of Three Springs on 29 December 1935 [342]
Attended school in Three Springs prior to being enrolled at the Coorow State School in 1944 [215]
Married Jetta Margaret DOWNES in 1957 in Victoria, Australia [P391]
Farmhand in Marchagee [19]
Worked on the farms of Peter W. THOMSON and then John M. STACY in Marchagee [P327]
Continued to live in a house on John M. STACY's farm in Marchagee while he established a local contracting business [P327]
Contract Carrier and Superphosphate Spreader in and around Marchagee [P327]
During the off-season of his business he did all of the maintaining of his trucks, spreaders and equipment [P327]
Later shifted to a house in the Marchagee townsite [P327]
Member of the Coorow Golf Club [45]
During his time at Marchagee he had a beach shack at Green Head [45]
Purchased his father's original 1,400 farm from his brother W. Frank FENNELL in the 1960s or 1970s [P327]
His sons James and Bernard later took over his contracting business in Marchagee [P392]
Later resided in Geraldton [45]
Passed away at the age of 70 years at the Saint John of God Hospital in Geraldton [45]
His Funeral Mass was held at Saint Lawrence's Catholic Church in the Geraldton suburb of Bluff Point [45]
Father of Kerry, Peter, Maria, Sharyn, and twins James and Bernard [P391]
Died 12 January 2006; buried at the Utakarra Cemetery in Geraldton, Western Australia on 17 January 2006 [45]

From The West Australian newspaper, Thursday 11 July 1935:
Births. "FENNELL - On July 7, 1935, at Nurse Millen's Kitchener-avenue, Victoria Park, to Mr and Mrs W. G. Fennell, of Marchagee, a son (Kevin Ringal). Both well.

From The Geraldton Guardian and Express newspaper, Saturday 28 November 1936:
Mishap at Marchagee
"In the opinion of the doctor attending the case, the prompt action of Mr F.R. Bryant undoubtedly saved the life of his little grandson, the fifteen months old son of Mr and Mrs W. Fennell, of Marchagee. By some unknown means the little fellow obtained possession of a bottle of full strength iodine and drank portion of the contents before being noticed. Mr Bryant promptly administered a solution of permanganate of potash and immediately left by car with the child for Moora with the object of obtaining medical attention. The happy result was that the child speedily recovered from the effects of his self administered dose."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Kevin Ringal Fennell' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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