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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Leslie Frederick DEWAR

Born 1893 in Gingin, Western Australia [15]
Son of William Adams DEWAR and Harriett SAUNDERS [15]
Farmer of Palm Valley Farm in Gingin in 1925 [50]
Resided in Carnamah in 1933 and 1934 [300: pages 41, 42]
     Paid £3/10/- in Vermin Bonuses by the Carnamah District Road Board in September 1933 for killing a wild dog and three pups [300]
     Received another £1/10/- in Vermin Bonuses from the Carnamah District Road Board in June 1934 for killing six foxes [300]
Married Joan CLAIRS in Perth on 16 November 1933 [39: 4-May-1938] [66]
In 1936 he was working as a Government Trapper [39: 4-Dec-1936]
     His services were requested in November 1936 by farmers in Winchester who'd continually lost sheep over a two year period [39]
     After a fortnight in Winchester he was successful in capturing the culprit which had previously never been sighted [39]
     The culprit was a crossbred dingo-kangaroo dog estimated to have been ten years old which measured six feet from head to tail [39]
     Using a sheep as a decoy he deceived the dog into going into a trap on Kirkar Vale Farm in Winchester on 23 November 1936 [39]
     During his fortnight in the district he killed five other dogs which were children of the one that had been killing sheep [39]
Vermin Trapper in Gingin in 1937 [50]
Vermin Trapper in Carnamah in 1938 [39: 4-May-1938]
In May 1938 he petitioned for a divorce from his wife on the grounds of desertion [39: 4-May-1938]
Vermin Trapper in Gingin in 1943 [50]
Vermin Trapper in Carnamah in 1945 [585]
Died 14 January 1946 at Moora District Hospial in Moora, Western Australia [585]
In his will, which he had written on 28 May 1945, he bequeathed £1,000 to his sister Mrs Kathleen F. BOWER of Dandaragan [585]
He left the balance of his estate to his brother William G. DEWAR of Hillview Farm in Gingin [585]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Leslie Frederick Dewar' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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